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[GRE词汇] GRE阅读辅导:新东方GRE阅读词汇笔记(19)

发表于 2012-8-15 13:13:43 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
Barron GRE word list - E
& ]( Q9 P. Z  l& ]% ?  Z, hearmark
. X8 Q& ?1 c" B8 i2 ]. C! dset aside (money or time) for a particular purpose
% ~4 f! G7 M( p. t% oearn
2 H  H' ^. Y- T5 k5 L3 tgain for the performance of service or labor; gain (something that one deserves); deserve- x! i0 @: q- A- ]! x
earthly / s0 G. {' c# `) E' c5 p
of this earth; terrestrial; worldly; not divine; possible; Ex. no earthly reason' C) M5 o% p3 t7 Q6 D$ O  s
earthy # b' U( ~; @2 g( A2 A/ p4 Q
unrefined; coarse; of earth; Ex. earthy remarks; OP. ethereal
. n: o: c% v: `6 qebb
( v4 ?6 S9 p& z# i. u( H(of the tide) recede; lessen; diminish; N. OP. flow: rise of tide
6 L, N, I: o- m4 Uebullient 3 k2 x0 M4 s. ?" G/ y6 B" X2 w
showing excitement; overflowing with enthusiasm; boiling; N. ebullience; N. ebullition: state of boiling, ]' K: g# S5 [: |
eccentric 2 ^0 |7 e$ v  x* y6 |8 j4 N
irregular; odd; unconventional; whimsical; bizarre; not concentric5 S$ m  L6 p  ?2 Z; ]# Q1 r
eccentricity 3 ^; y5 H' ]- w. s  X; L
oddity; idiosyncrasy- j$ B) a2 H$ Q; j
ecclesiastic 0 @2 c. C' G1 G! G
ecclesiastical; pertaining to the church; N: minister; priest; cleric; clergyman( |( N5 S0 d* H6 B; [! }- T% ~+ a
eclectic ' o1 O+ b6 @# P& N! z9 G/ z! _7 R& q
selective; composed of elements drawn from disparate sources; selecting individual elements from a variety of sources; N. eclecticism- Y  G# W2 t0 C( g- v
eclipse 7 @/ L0 H6 y1 c7 _2 g" B; Q& m/ s. z' w$ O
darken; extinguish; outshine; surpass; cause an eclipse
5 D' \6 {0 P3 S- k  b5 t9 ]2 vecliptic
5 D4 @& M  x* Ypath of the sun and the planets  ~: V. x/ T8 Y6 L: ?2 ~' v
" `' T/ Z) c0 t6 ]1 [person concerned with the interrelationship between living organisms and their environment; person concerned with the detrimental effects of human civilization on the environment; CF. ecology/ a1 G2 o. M& h6 H( G" i4 t
1 @/ _, f! u* ]& g; ?) Kefficiency or conciseness in using something; thrifty management of resources) x% M  `+ e5 H( A: m  n
ecosystem / e5 e, T" j. ^8 A  O4 V
ecological community together with its environment
2 v- F0 b- J$ a0 G; v6 }ecstasy
$ l" Q# D" ?5 q) x# k  Crapture; very strong feeling of joy and happiness; any overpowering emotion; ADJ. ecstatic: causing or experiencing ecstasy8 r. a0 ^  ]8 J: `! k4 y6 @
8 j8 I  Y9 G4 A5 K/ W' |swirling current of water, air, etc.; V.! w0 t7 R, o: \
$ C; n4 J$ g' [$ f+ z1 b; R; Udecree (especially one issued by a sovereign); official command9 X' e+ X0 S& A, b) R! t( x
( n+ v( B, F3 Pbuilding (of imposing size)8 c6 D: J( n, z. }
1 g. t! e! w0 |instruct; correct morally) k4 B9 P6 ?% A8 {/ I* q  u6 X
* S! I, M$ v+ Xweird; causing fear because strange
5 E  @) @0 D  k; L  Z: l6 L6 H4 ]efface
* {+ j' Q. s0 G0 h  Urub out; remove the surface of
) J. F: S6 Z  q$ E" U. {$ yeffective
* E6 m% v5 _* Ieffectual; producing a strong response; striking; in operation; in effect; Ex. effective speech/photograph! i) E/ C, ^, k4 e
effectual 6 T0 a7 [; D6 u& l
able to produce a desired effect; valid% ^) E  @- Y5 Q! P- |5 D+ |' i9 u2 ]
effectuate " T7 Q4 z# W  z1 T: o3 Y
effect; produce; achieve; Ex. effectuate a reconciliation
* J' v$ T( e* U0 O  \6 w5 Weffeminate
( I6 _, {5 x0 P, D; z9 Nhaving womanly traits
0 _; S4 E8 n" {. k( g/ H' reffervescence 9 ]* L% A% r4 r5 F
inner excitement or exuberance; showing high spirits; emitting bubbles forming inside; bubbling from fermentation or carbonation; ADJ. effervescent; V. effervesce
7 D  u1 q! E' g$ ^9 O/ v. Geffete * k' U9 r6 P/ e& F4 F% Z/ `5 Z3 U
having lost one's original power; barren; worn out; exhausted
0 y* M) S$ S1 defficacy . g6 U: @( R1 C0 Y' I
power to produce desired effect; ADJ. efficacious: effectual8 U2 _$ v9 A8 M- F+ G% {8 F
4 O( C4 O0 ^0 \dummy; likeness of a person made of wood, paper, or stone; Ex. burn an effigy of the President9 L7 ~/ O# j$ k
effluvium 5 _3 ?8 G6 h3 Z0 w0 @. O
noxious(harmful) smell
; F% {- K3 D! K. }3 I6 p( {  r+ Peffrontery
; n  I  n2 t1 j1 C" v! N6 `1 o1 rrudeness without any sense of shame; shameless boldness; presumptousness; nerve; cheek% _" o- `# Q, r* J5 m' H' M
3 w; m3 j, {( F( g. ^: {2 A+ Gshining brightly; brilliant
, e" {% H4 K, Feffusion 2 H# T$ X# J7 X8 y% y
pouring forth; unrestrained outpouring of feeling; V. effuse: pour out; ADJ. effusive: pouring forth; gushing- Q+ @3 O9 a; q- j6 f) G# [
* |% @0 V7 Q' aone's opinion of oneself; self-esteem
0 v5 ^' h: C8 o; Legoism
$ `& c4 u' m' e+ |& r9 v# g% Qexcessive interest in one's self; belief that one should be interested in one's self rather than in others; selfishness; ADJ. egoistic, egoistical
3 d& {( ?4 w9 \: e7 o2 h; kegotism
, ^$ X9 Q0 @+ j' }1 q1 ntendency to speak or write of oneself excessively; conceit; self-importance
" ]) L4 u9 ?. _/ x# w7 [egotistical 8 z6 i3 f6 W: v* k5 B! G
egotistic; excessively self-centered(egocentric); self-important; conceited
0 h( ^' c. N6 z0 u/ w. [egregious : @7 ]& Z, n0 Y& t6 e
notorious; conspicuously bad or shocking
- |* L# O/ t" V# wegress 1 J7 F) w/ H# q# s8 ]
exit; opening for going out; act of going out; OP. ingress/ ]  S4 k* l- x
ejaculation : j, I: M: U) P) u) S; K
exclamation; abrupt ejection (to discharge sperm); V. ejaculate
* u) H6 F' ^; Z+ C( }4 |& telaborate ' f! a# a+ F1 x
work out carefully; add more detail or information; ADJ.- J8 B: G8 }. F' {0 ?( ?2 V
6 k5 v7 S/ R8 W) h0 J4 ~* Naddition of details; intricacy$ k' x! I7 m: I  z. [
& x  ^5 _( u8 [& z( k% u0 a3 f. O. P+ qable to spring back into shape; quick to recover (as from disappointment); able to adapt to change; Ex. elastic plans; N: elastic material/ F% e  z# L6 V' Q# x, X# f* j+ w
elated ' q( |6 V5 Y0 \# i: s8 k4 ]
filled with excited joy and pride; overjoyed; in high spirits; joyful and proud; Ex. elated crowd; V. elate; N. elation- e1 j& {6 T2 L8 Q1 D- z
, X: Q  W; \% K* jpoem or song expressing lamentation (for the dead); ADJ. elegiacal, elegiac2 f7 o! ~! _6 q; Y
: |: q6 Z) m9 f/ Zelevated position; altitude; height; flat upright side of a building; angle made by pointing a gun; Ex. The elevation of her style is much admired; Ex. front elevation of the house
4 J8 k& h+ U1 E, O3 O$ _5 Jelicit & P8 J& F  _6 g
draw out fact or information (by discussion or from someone)! k6 a* _$ y( M& j' K0 N# n* A
elixir 0 o$ ]. W7 l: a8 b; Y* J$ d. R
cure-all; panacea; something invigorating+ T' C4 M" F* ?) `& E
ellipsis . z: Q  o0 x) o4 w1 b6 I  `/ [
omission of words from a text; mark used to indicate an omission (when the meaning can be understood without them); PL. ellipses
2 A, E$ F% F$ y& [5 V* y2 xelliptical
7 W2 @1 k1 M6 G) c% j; N! melliptic; oval; of an ellipse; containing an ellipsis; ambiguous either purposely or because key words have been left out
" [# o* I7 r- P. r) Welope
1 O& e( y) ?6 m3 {# Crun away secretly with the intention of getting married* F9 z; {$ D2 d6 e2 _' L
/ I) x  [: J7 ~0 g) lexpressiveness; persuasive speech; ADJ. eloquent: movingly expressive; expressing ideas well so that the hearers can be influeneced
' D* g$ Z: P* helucidate
7 ]$ E7 y5 W& Q1 L6 rexplain; make clear; clarify; enlighten; CF. lucid
4 L% D# t5 T" K# t; Nelusive & I5 c. y1 z5 A. W0 N
evasive; not frank; baffling; hard to grasp, catch, or understand; V. elude: escape from; escape the understanding or grasp of; Ex. elude the hunter; Ex. His name eludes me.

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