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[GRE词汇] GRE阅读辅导:新东方GRE阅读词汇笔记(17)

发表于 2012-8-15 13:13:43 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
diligence 8 [; c; ]8 P* H
steadiness of effort; persistent hard work
9 M+ B' s1 K; _; l; y* w* ~8 a8 Gdilute / R/ r* d& W- ]5 h; V
make (a liquid) less concentrated; reduce in strength; Ex. dilute the influence of the president3 E' l/ n. h% R/ Z& E0 S# E5 D
diminution : V1 |' F% z, y
lessening; reduction in size; V. diminish" P% g( f# d2 R+ M* u5 N. U. w
din 9 c1 A7 o* n, O: K( b* C8 ~% f
continued loud noise; V: make a din; instill by wearying repetition
* Z7 M, E% r8 d6 g( u1 Wdinghy
1 Y3 ?# l: e  J2 h! esmall boat (often ship's boat)- |: \0 H0 K$ r3 B3 c6 V, x& t8 I2 V+ y
! U* A8 y: L, ^! L(of things and place) dirty and dull; Ex. dingy street/curtain; v/ ~4 c1 Q3 u# u. `2 p. \
% C( D9 k% [0 _4 [means; effort; Ex. by dint of hard work
" e& L  P9 }0 W( l3 t6 j! l3 h  J0 ^diorama $ f! I" @8 h$ c1 M% l
life-size, three-dimensional scene from nature or history; three-dimensional scene with modeled figures against a painted background
' F- `8 _; F8 }3 j; Hdire 4 D& A+ k' p6 B! u* u
warning of disaster; disastrous; (of needs and dangers) very great; urgent; Ex. dire prediction/need of food
# h4 I& @0 t; Adirge 4 R/ m2 }+ u& z' W: u+ M6 n
funeral song; slow mournful piece of music (sung over a dead person)+ s, ]0 e: e* J/ X8 J2 Z! J
' u4 g4 ?* m: D& ]correct a false impression; undeceive; free from a wrong belief
% s1 v2 f. g4 }2 `" p. odisaffected 9 k: ^- g% A, l
disloyal; lacking loyality; V. disaffect: cause to lose affection or loyalty6 P5 p, @0 d$ m+ U' c0 N. k, b
disapprobation : B2 P1 \; D; F; i2 u( n* g# F& [
disapproval; condemnation3 L" g3 G) R; O# Y* m1 y+ t: z; r& ~/ G
" s# J8 ~+ j( Pstate of disorder; a disorderly or untidy state; Ex. with her clothes in disarray5 }! N- C  j- O- t
7 Q3 ~# E" S7 a0 {2 \denial; disclaiming; repudiating; disowning; V. disavow; CF. disclaim
# B9 r: G% ?7 G9 m- Y/ i( ]' i' |disband
& }) d/ G' D9 c- F! i& ?dissolve; disperse; (of a group) break up and separate; Ex. The club has disbanded.% }/ d" X1 H* b: p" E
5 p1 Z+ q" W3 V( b9 `1 Q/ ^8 Emake (a lawyer) leave the bar or the legal profession
) Y, o6 w8 ~9 J5 P9 `% N1 O; Rdisburse
+ X$ m. W( e: ?* K+ }2 \) ipay out (as from a fund); N. disbursement; CF. purse
0 l; F, j4 x6 T# ?3 C4 \) i( Qdiscernible
! S. ]& n, }( t# q+ _; t; bdistinguishable; perceivable; Ex. discernible improvement
# J9 r! A  n: O5 T5 E0 ?$ X  hdiscerning
: r8 J4 T. t% g7 hmentally quick and observant; having insight; perceptive; able to make good judgments; V. discern: perceive
# L. {. G4 f7 e- G# Udisclaim 1 I4 w3 ^: C9 }
disown; renounce claim to; deny; CF. disclaimer
6 ^; U. O6 ~3 M" C; L: kdisclose
3 p! j/ c: A6 e3 Creveal; N. disclosure
% G/ h, Y2 v) C- L( F! t4 mdiscombobulated
  k( P+ ^, o! u/ C1 h; c/ ddiscomposed; confused
  V' C. J" R* a, {- tdiscomfit
# x! \- o3 n  r; afrustrate; put to rout; defeat; disconcert; embarrass; perturb
8 l) m0 Y0 o2 q- H7 odiscompose
( _+ v4 T; ]$ w/ Y8 s& i: X/ B5 wdisturb the composure of; confuse
7 \/ u0 ]$ {" ydisconcert / C" T" F" [+ c; g* W
confuse; upset; embarrass; perturb
# u$ x. `: a% M) M" \& y- P) Hdisconsolate
4 s; z5 _1 }$ p! Fhopelessly sad (at the loss of something)- Q) U: v1 G$ D8 I" h$ \
  P( ]; [1 a/ t( H+ vconflict; lack of harmony; dissonance (when musical notes are played)) @, H  k# Y% |4 Y9 y3 o
discordant 3 B/ {$ E% Q7 J- y6 T0 z5 {  z
not harmonious; conflicting
" g( ~9 H& S: Y, p2 p; @3 ]  J# W2 l" udiscount ' y% W( H+ p1 N/ s. ^( r
disregard; regard (a story or news) as unimportant; deduct from a cost
5 ~* w6 e, M5 P# u  Rdiscourse
+ l/ Z# \) l8 ^0 v7 P0 U  I6 rserious speech, writing, or conversation; formal discussion (either written or spoken); conversation; V.
" U0 {3 `% @$ }) Ydiscredit
; |" \& C5 k# L4 D4 z( j* K2 Odefame; disgrace; destroy confidence in; disbelieve; N. CF. discreditable: causing discredit; shameful. ~3 e5 }/ e" k! j# E- k
discrepancy $ @2 n( \8 X) L. F% M' K5 A
lack of consistency or agreement as between facts; difference; Ex. discrepancy between two descriptions
( F: k9 p' Q* S1 H1 e/ \8 hdiscrete 9 t8 f; G9 c" @, p8 i
separate; unconnected
& A$ R" t& k* g$ D) ydiscretion 2 t0 q. @8 x+ I9 z# }6 A* E
prudence; ability to adjust actions to circumstances; freedom of action or judgment; ADJ. discreet; CF. discretionary
6 ~9 Q* _" Z$ ?7 X$ Kdiscriminate
7 d8 t: p9 W, P# Z+ udistinguish; make distinctions on the basis of preference
9 \& y2 m& o) e2 P1 [" idiscriminating   Q0 a- x; M$ }7 |" o) U# ^
able to see differences; discerning; prejudiced; N. discrimination2 t+ ^- O6 @7 R3 c5 J) v. O, e
discursive . u9 ^6 `0 P( U0 s9 c. s
(of a person or writing) digressing; rambling (without any clear plan)
& s( P( n$ c% L5 g7 p. \5 Fdisdain
* x+ c  e% B8 x8 ^5 \treat with scorn or contempt3 R4 H3 K7 X* ^: n1 ^! V" H  Y
disembark $ _8 [4 ]# w- W5 l# {
debark; go ashore (from a ship); unload cargo from a ship; CF. embark* e% B; v8 r5 u$ E) v# h7 `2 p( ~
% U2 h% p) j( Q8 L% s9 Jdisfranchise; deprive of a civil right; OP. enfranchise
! I0 @, D8 Q) L; X; |+ l+ w. sdisengage   G9 X' B5 Z2 m7 W
uncouple; separate; disconnect; stop fighting; OP. engage
# `3 o7 w: p! @4 ?disfigure 0 W- \. b) z  X/ g
mar the appearance of; spoil4 \5 C: H$ y+ j& q( ^
disgorge ; [2 q0 k  L2 L0 s$ b' f0 F1 d
surrender something (stolen); eject; vomit; OP. gorge4 c4 ^1 [* l  N3 Z8 C3 S% R
disgruntle ) O) r, J' [5 n7 U, W
make discontented7 z( k% I! d# `
  f* l) g/ }+ O/ c% Adiscourage
9 E% l0 C& v+ i3 R6 L7 _disheveled
" ]4 _* r4 D1 v5 a" M6 ]* zuntidy (of hair or clothing); V. dishevel* w0 H  t& M# x' f: U
* D* d' q7 Z4 E+ qdisgrace; N. ADJ. dishonorable
) o( q9 i! ]7 [9 f& xdisinclination 1 G, }) f( F$ g6 a
unwillingness$ |5 V/ u- m) ?" K* D2 O) v/ @
  c' ^( M$ a) p, l: @3 z6 |not naive; not candid; sophisticated; worldly wise; OP. ingenuous
1 l$ [8 |# ~, j9 _" Gdisinter ) Y! _8 D+ J4 C1 ~) q; `; c& U
dig up; unearth; OP. inter1 X9 u6 Q/ R' t
/ R" F& B- m7 l+ ?unprejudiced; free from bias and self-interest; objective
6 a/ P- U' q5 cdisjointed
9 ?& R4 V8 Q7 U# x. ^disconnected; lacking coherence; V. disjoint: disconnect; disjoin: H7 |) v7 E/ W) H9 d, n
disjunction / P$ V' L/ Z. j$ v# B
act or state of separation; disunity; CF. disjunctive: expressing a choice between two ideas; CF. conjunction; CF. conjunctive' S! V% H: R( W$ t3 \3 t
& z/ g7 u; l8 |. aremove (forcibly); force out of a position; Ex. dislodge the food caught in his throat; CF. lodge
; D& d3 i7 ~2 M! H5 J: ?' R" |dismantle * y% @* S- s/ Z9 z& F# v8 E2 x9 W/ ~
take apart; disassemble: k# Y3 t9 v2 N& S
3 z) n! H) I3 y5 Y# [cut into small parts; cut (a body) apart limb from limb
2 L  {3 R- x0 ?dismiss
/ {( R- `$ t* l# A. ~6 h& ~4 \eliminate from consideration; no longer consider; put out of court without further hearing; reject; discharge from employment; direct to leave; ADJ. dismissive; N. dismissal- O6 W1 B7 k% u- Z
5 S! g! E$ [. T; j7 fbelittle
$ j( k7 x' T1 S0 _+ rdisparate
. O. u. n) u9 G" n. O, P0 G/ sbasically different; impossible to compare; unrelated
" l# Q6 _& e: t% n4 {disparity ( J2 [7 j; i% c: e
difference; condition of inequality; OP. parity9 W5 e+ i3 t+ k+ ^, [; v
dispassionate # L% k7 T  _) F
calm; impartial; not influenced by personal feelings! A) s  G) }0 Z1 E' w
dispatch   ~- k% k  D2 S6 g0 z3 x; a  y
speediness; prompt execution; message sent with all due speed; V: send to a specified destination; finish promptly; kill
1 f: t/ H, a6 }% b- q  @& Ndispel
$ i7 _, a! v9 A5 R$ Zscatter; drive away; cause to vanish
' {4 H3 T. I0 d0 B+ k/ q1 edispense : ]. w' ^, {1 M& @
distribute; prepare and give out (medicines); N. dispensation: dispensing; religious system; official exemption from an obligation or a rule5 `; c$ y3 m) u6 G& s  H- ]9 n6 ~3 s
0 G. C% h3 }2 s/ h0 k+ nscatter; Ex. disperse the cloud/crowd* Z  E' J# l5 O- k* [
dispirited   r0 T' a8 G0 [
lacking in spirit$ ?* Q6 N) D, G% b! i* Z3 v9 P9 K9 C5 D& v
disport - L; ?: ^0 F  d' a( y
amuse; Ex. disport oneself; CF. divert
5 C: \7 W# w0 Ddisproportion 0 o6 l: u: u9 L2 t& U+ @$ t. S* W
lack of proportion (between the parts); ADJ. disproportionate- v% i$ F; F3 x. l
" z) `9 L; p: Z  R, |  vargumentative; fond of argument
: n4 ~! l) H- ]1 e1 c3 @disquietude 5 `" ]$ z% H, k4 F- H
uneasiness; anxiety; V. disquiet: make anxious, c3 [7 f: v& i
# d, w2 X8 n0 W" B0 f% b. T7 Sformal systematic inquiry; explanation of the results of a formal inquiry; long formal speech or written report
3 G3 O( \/ F0 r8 ~8 m& y- N% Q1 r% F6 Ydissection , J/ B3 ^8 p. w& q, g% R
analysis; cutting apart in order to examine, K/ {, _" f: ^) ?, T: n6 V
dissemble 7 k. c% @2 p- I
disguise; hide the real nature of; pretend8 ~" ~+ y) V1 V3 J. k
) y' U4 u0 B+ v+ O0 @- k. Gdistribute; spread; scatter (like seeds)9 t+ e! q, J4 r; C. B
dissension - n5 `' ]* K7 b1 N
disagreement of opinions causing strife within a group$ e9 I+ X/ ^4 ~* M" a
dissent - }/ ^. o! G# |2 A6 d
1 J9 {1 [, r" ^dissertation
. G8 L& E: O$ yformal essay; treatise
* t- b) N# `5 F( o7 i1 C1 o2 cdissident
) R3 Y' h  n; C" Zdissenting (with an opinion, a group, or a government); rebellious; N.( n8 _, h- F- \; R: ~* u
dissimulate 7 j$ d. Z% a, c9 S; H
pretend; conceal by feigning; dissemble& D* n! ^4 v; i  i7 O8 _
3 @: s/ d( l2 H1 Jsquander; waste foolishly; scatter9 B" b0 I) q# X5 r' S4 t
* B4 J* p  h, ]  `. a9 A! ?disintegration; reduction to a liquid form; looseness in morals; sensual indulgence; debauchery; ADJ. dissolute: lacking in moral restraint; leading an immoral life) \( d- s& Z& V
8 s1 s& f5 f4 q% A' S+ P7 Pdiscord4 \6 ^9 z3 g5 U' Q) t) x% F) y
dissuade $ U# [4 l% C# Z6 T
persuade not to do; discourage; N. dissuasion
* @# {  L/ }% ]3 G6 b4 Tdistant 5 B% U1 P' D8 d# s4 z0 @: b  J
reserved or aloof; cold in manner; Ex. distant greeting; ADV. distantly$ o5 x, {( w1 L6 o* a5 [
distend ( ]7 n! m7 h2 t1 m) S
expand; swell out
; R) Q# ]3 e1 [+ b: i  Adistill % c. x$ M9 d. c5 ]" [) r( K. q9 ^$ O' w
refine (a liquid by evaporating and subsequent condensation); concentrate; separate the most important parts from; Ex. distill fresh water from sea water; CF. brew
: v$ A8 E" Z2 v7 ~: o" |- Pdistinct : X8 ?9 k8 ~# v0 P9 q$ a
clearly different; clearly noticed" Q  \( w- B, R
distinction 9 K5 |, L5 M0 J8 q3 b! c' U" {7 _
honor; excellence; difference; contrast; discrimination; Ex. graduated with distinction; Ex. a writer of real distinction
$ |# _+ \6 G  V4 o  [; g7 Odistinctive 6 P" S9 g# L. [) D! C
clearly different from others of the same kind

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