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[GRE词汇] GRE阅读辅导:新东方GRE阅读词汇笔记(15)

发表于 2012-8-15 13:13:43 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
Barron GRE word list - D
( c- f) d+ X! Q0 Odabble
+ ?. ]# r8 t4 ~) c4 H8 y$ S; cwork at in a nonserious fashion; splash around; move noisily in a liquid
) E6 a& K* K" f8 I- z/ vdainty
0 a' l& e& G/ O  v4 [delicate; delicately beautiful; fastidious; not easy to please; Ex. dainty movement/dress
  A2 j8 F1 X5 p4 Z8 M8 F! Pdais , q' k% `0 G4 |. P0 y9 s
raised platform for speakers or other important people
) ]) I; Q# o9 R5 l/ O# I+ ]dally
* B& ]8 e6 Y+ E) }8 Q0 O% |trifle with; toy with; treat without the necessary seriousness; procrastinate; waste time
8 `! ]0 e9 \0 C4 b/ ^damn
, @1 J9 v' q5 e3 d  Zcondemn; criticize severely; condemn to everlasting punishment; doom; bring to ruin; N. damnation7 h: m% ?: t/ ~& r! e
dank / Z' ?! h7 G" F1 v
damp; unpleasantly wet
; k- t' L7 |4 ^$ M- m- ~. ^' Q, Gdapper   q5 b2 I4 k8 O: p2 ]% @
neat and trim (in appearance); (of small men) neat in appearance and quick in movements; neat; spry
: f- i) m3 B" e% Udappled
( @7 C1 S: B  R- @$ o8 bspotted
1 W# d6 W; [& Q) A4 C/ h; Kdart
$ H3 U, o: i/ E# o3 umove or throw suddenly and quickly' X0 I$ p7 }. n* _
; l& X, X( f9 S+ _, q- ]1 vsmear (as with paint); cover with something sticky; Ex. daub one's clothes with mud/paint; N: small bit of sticky substance; Ex. a daub of paint
, V  Q/ q; p/ Q6 s7 [# m6 E" R0 Wdaunt 8 y6 ~& ?+ k1 W- o; P
intimidate; frighten; discourage; dishearten
7 Q5 G0 _6 I5 r+ \" Pdauntless 5 D3 f$ S& v6 p* i; Z2 w
bold; fearless  O' w0 \* N! U, n$ U
dawdle 2 O  F5 I$ P' w2 y+ U) g  H
loiter; hang around; waste time doing nothing
0 i1 G' y9 b! G7 E0 Kdaze 3 N1 c/ K; m1 r* k: U
stun as with a blow or shock; bemuse; benumb; N.
4 j+ h2 q2 B, @& Xdazzle + n: P% j0 B) B+ Q' r2 S
make blind with a sudden intense light; amaze; fill with wonder
  d2 f5 y& q6 a* A, ^: P( Pdeadlock . @, j/ V3 G' |- q' {
standstill resulting from the opposition of two unrelenting forces; stalemate& {' j/ a7 C8 Q( U/ L. T
* y3 {7 q$ ?, K% {: T% _9 j( Dwooden; impassive; with no show of feeling; with an expressionless face
+ m0 d9 P) W$ Z4 B$ `0 j2 fdearth   d. E: V! A2 ]: }* x
scarcity4 t9 T- o9 D* T
debacle 3 c# |2 K' b- G) b" m: q/ i; m& g9 E
sudden disastrous downfall or defeat; complete disaster: T0 w; T6 h" p. N2 |8 [8 [
( g! s( @0 z$ u' t- w2 x, mbar; forbid; exclude; Ex. debarred from jury services
5 n& i4 }" r% x9 l: U0 A. `' Z8 ?debase
; S3 m+ K8 s: Z* b1 D& V8 Tdegrade; reduce in quality or value; degenerate; lower in esteem; disgrace; N. debasement
+ O5 i- E5 I, B; u: W* ?3 cdebauch
/ t& w8 J' d  @8 u! acorrupt morally; seduce from virtue; N. debauchery: wild behavior (with sex and alcohol)
+ h4 n' e, w. b4 q( Odebilitate 9 Q( Q, a$ M3 k$ p% ]3 n- @
weaken (esp. through heat, hunger, illness); enfeeble0 ~* S2 f( [& d$ d
debonair ' R# G7 b! e' j& j3 s; D7 M  m
(of men) friendly, charming, and fashionably dressed; aiming to please; CF. of good disposition
8 I6 x8 |1 @" t/ P/ e$ I2 Idebris
6 h% Y) i8 ~, Z( c- p- drubble; wreckage; scattered remains of something broken or destroyed
& r4 _& n; ?* O; e# adebunk $ |2 i: h' W/ G$ t  ~
expose as false, exaggerated, worthless, etc.; ridicule
- E0 _" ]+ P) B0 B, Xdebut
% t0 Q8 v2 R8 T1 p8 ^3 {5 y5 od\'ebut; first public appearance; formal presentation of a young woman to society" P3 D: x7 ~3 c5 n
: h3 \: d2 `, g4 Y  r: Z8 zyoung woman making formal entrance into society3 a, X: t% z4 c9 r) P  T5 {
decadence # E& O2 f# `+ l: {8 z  l
decay; fall to a lower level (of morality, civilization, or art); ADJ. decadent+ J) S* y6 l  e2 h# H$ V; W+ u& \
+ A1 H6 t& T# b( u( H# `$ Bpour off gently (wine or liquid)2 G2 T( d1 [( Z" ~" g' M( D& n
: j, u; p& z# `behead
( F; A( m% ^$ f: b& udecelerate . u2 @0 \" d  |
slow down
. O1 t, E9 `3 M3 Vdeciduous 2 m2 ?7 u/ @( b7 M% t
falling off at a specific season or stage of growth as of leaves; Ex. deciduous tree/teeth
  w# V# a; b2 R, ^8 i3 o* Pdecimate ; f, E& _+ w1 x5 ~$ V7 ~) q; i
kill (usually one out of ten or every tenth man); destroy or kill a large part of
, t5 g8 w* m) s- p/ ndecipher
, }2 V3 t2 b  `decode; CF. indecipherable
6 t+ l% r8 q* v# t1 s1 E6 Cdeclivity 2 x' S' b2 _; y1 d7 x
downward slope
4 w$ T$ a, V" b5 X+ E: _decollete # s1 z; a8 Y1 y
(of a dress) having a low-cut neckline; CF. d\'ecolletage: low neckline (on a dress)
1 x9 y) ]  e* f0 S9 Y! Y* h$ idecomposition
; A7 a. X4 m0 \, K( D$ g' |& u0 ddecay; V. decompose: decay; break and separate into simple parts
0 W3 M2 c2 ~. I# Qdecorous ; Z8 a: _2 O# E8 r
proper (in behavior, conduct, or appearance)3 [  ]' f4 h3 O0 P' a% r0 P
decorum ; G/ w% ?5 V. ?& i$ b
propriety; orderliness and good taste in manners; appropriateness of behavior or conduct- q! \3 g# I  f+ P7 U2 O: f
5 g; i/ Z3 q; Tlure or bait; V.1 R, x, X# D$ |- l# b5 B
5 z  z2 b) Z8 b$ H& v( w- G& |; oauthoritative order; edict; judgment of a court of law; V: order or judge by decree  Q+ Z- J  q' S. {/ G
# Y; X" |# G0 a% p, D4 e& uweak and in bad condition from old age or hard use; Ex. decrepit old chair/man
/ Q) E( D9 _, l5 T6 ?8 mdecrepitude , k# _* g' Y/ u! @( F
state of collapse or weakness caused by illness or old age0 ]+ v8 h$ J* h
8 G) o9 J5 H+ _8 Texpress strong disapproval of; condemn openly (something dangerous to the public); disparage; Ex. decry the violence of modern films
6 E) f* r  O. U" Ideducible
0 D% {/ P6 t" X1 l; m* \; w6 mderived by reasoning; V. deduce: infer; derive by reasoning
0 A/ L4 f4 A! u9 r1 G1 R! b6 }. Ldeface
6 f8 n1 R8 K2 R. Q. _mar; disfigure
. |, P/ A/ ^2 n; f# ndefalcate
( m- T5 C& v4 K% M. cembezzle6 C+ q7 y2 a$ D/ @& y" g2 X; |
defame 6 \8 T% Q& n* n; E* O
harm someone's reputation; malign; speak evil of; slander; N. defamation; ADJ. defamatory& \% w. m3 ~1 P. Q9 [9 P5 m
6 Y7 h( b) I0 n$ t7 c# M' T4 rfailure to act; failure to perform a task or be present; V.
, n1 }- K# i7 ~) S+ [defeatist - G9 P9 S# K6 u3 e$ W
resigned to defeat or failure; accepting defeat or failure as a natural outcome; N. CF. defeatism
; H1 _! x: p0 ydefect 7 L* v2 C) F5 f- r; t
shortcoming; V: desert (in order to join the opposite one)
- y; w1 L' H: o0 @% P8 I+ kdefection / ]9 @/ C! i9 J# Q
desertion& w7 E  {- m# w
defer 5 s$ U; Z% y- L1 o& Z+ n
give in respectfully; submit; delay till later; exempt temporarily; N. deferment; CF. show respect, comply with, courteous, R% s8 c' l9 `) Y$ |  V
deference 7 \: c3 Q( [4 S% S2 s1 d
courteous regard for another's wish; courteous yielding to another's wish or opinion (showing respect); ADJ. deferential; OP. effrontery
" `. W$ k4 S, O3 F4 h. Z) t; E( pdefiance
; W  K) A6 w3 a; }refusal to yield; resistance; V. defy; ADJ. defiant
% B/ G. N' u, Z% i6 v8 o% L. Idefile
3 T) f& {1 m, S# p; q" Gpollute; make filthy or dirty; corrupt morally; profane; desecrate; N: narrow passage or gorge through mountains
" C, B& A2 m3 E( X5 ^- U: bdefinitive ! T, H  G" `9 \0 T7 k
most reliable; authorative and complete; that cannot be improved; conclusive; decisive; definite; Ex. definitive decision by the supreme court
1 {3 [4 n- N% t6 x5 `# }deflect
( p% D3 T4 A  h3 t" O0 Cturn aside; turn away from a straight course+ p+ g6 a6 s; Y5 d
defoliate ) Z  x+ X% v" \/ Y9 A) b" ]
destroy leaves; deprive of leaves (by the use of chemicals); N. defoliant- i/ w, j: ~7 @* M6 G6 e
0 o" i+ Q* P, v6 ^  |1 Aprovide for the payment of; undertake the payment of; pay9 f# g& m) V9 u, C) k% R1 D
; f* Q! W3 L  y% c& A' _9 Astrip a priest or minister of church authority; unfrock* \6 u  [9 _; X
' }7 w1 l9 b; `& t! \* R* P& yneat; skillful9 k$ a# f6 V* i, t4 n% i2 r. _/ s! s
: W' i6 D& L. Z( ?+ m1 r/ ^& tdead; no longer in use or existence9 E' {9 p, ~3 O& U4 g) |4 T7 B% w  z
degenerate + y$ X* \" W" z: I- H9 p; M. S# |
become worse in quality; deteriorate; ADJ: having become worse; Ex. a degenerate species; N: depraved or corrupt person) p3 j% U' X2 X0 n' }. t- z8 t4 T
degradation ) I" ~+ u( u* ^+ z1 t# @
humiliation; debasement; degeneration; V. degrade: debase; disgrace; degenerate; reduce (something) in worth; demote (someone); reduce in rank4 T- E! X! }! w4 f& o
4 G: a- u7 ^/ P, a4 L: `remove water from; dry out4 [7 n. B2 n* e/ C2 V
deify " E: u9 c+ b6 r
turn into a god; make a god of; idolize; Ex. Kings were deified; CF. deity
1 C+ M( p* S8 K% S( L3 gdeign
6 j' l- \: @5 N( Q5 C2 B( _condescend; stoop
2 f. N  y3 A; w9 P8 Bdelete * C( k% w% ?( n, n& E; R
erase; strike out/ a7 g0 Y7 M, r
8 V% f3 e- R0 s+ pharmful
  c: V9 v2 i9 D5 Pdeliberate 3 m( S, h/ x5 y: i) ~5 Z
consider; ponder; ADJ: done on purpose; slow
6 T" D) ]! J' [7 Z3 o5 r  Edelineate
8 m5 u7 k  c& ~% e; nportray; depict; sketch; describe; N. delineation
/ m9 B5 C9 B, ?; G/ Odelirium
: q. n8 y3 P  A8 Z5 Wmental disorder marked by confusion; uncontrolled excitement; ADJ. delirious  i( h" f0 d7 c$ j! I0 d
, r7 l1 Y- f' r" [1 g6 ?# Jflat plain of mud or sand between branches of a river
  p! c3 t7 ~: b- @, m. Gdelude
0 A3 E0 T' S0 E# P9 q1 sdeceive
4 Z! a5 j5 L0 J% N  ldeluge
. M& i; m3 L9 ^flood; rush; V.: v! C- L6 Z& Y8 Y
9 V+ w, T7 L. d# `2 U5 Zfalse belief; hallucination; deluding; Ex. delusions of grandeur; Ex. under the delusion that
! p! h! U0 h& D, sdelusive
, X- o* F8 l" I  ^deceptive; likely to delude; misleading; raising vain hopes; Ex. delusive promises
# h( `+ m3 x, K2 }4 p9 D6 Mdelve
$ i; G& `* s/ v" [4 bdig; search deeply; investigate
; v. D* [- g+ m" Rdemagogue
5 d6 Z& J$ N! d4 ?: ~. d: f! r# fperson who appeals to people's prejudice; false leader of people; CF. demagoguery
: W) R8 n4 {. ~" ]demean   C' I  H7 z0 `" d
disgrace; humiliate; debase in dignity; behave

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