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[GRE词汇] GRE阅读辅导:新东方GRE阅读词汇笔记(14)

发表于 2012-8-15 13:13:43 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
; a( ~) q9 k) Qmessenger
0 i: v( Z) R! |& i: z# fcourt
0 \$ d% Y: A# g0 `& z; f2 N# uattempt to gain; seek; woo; risk; behave so as to invite; attempt to gain the favor of by attention; Ex. court disaster
+ k# P. _7 w5 e9 z, X: A: qcovenant
+ @2 Z* W" z+ v+ `" fbinding agreement between two groups or people; compact; V: enter into a covenant; promise+ o9 Q* P+ P5 I# j. W$ d' M
- l7 J* h1 c, B: _; R6 Y" Z+ Y; ~secret; hidden; implied; OP. overt
2 J" Y- x/ K3 ?% _0 v+ R3 pcovetous
# ?; u% ~! v5 s$ e% t. g7 ravaricious; desirous of (someone else's possessions); V. covet: desire eagerly (someone else's possessions)
" G; W& a4 o) g/ K* d, @; J6 dcow ; ]1 o1 a, }( g% E4 {- B& I/ ~0 W
terrorize; intimidate0 N# V' Q0 H; O8 Q; k) p6 z% N
cower 6 @( O0 U* G! i5 r; ~  y% q$ x: X
shrink quivering as from fear; cringe7 q( h! X* C, d4 ^
/ C/ ~, Y( T# m, O4 [6 Vshy (flirtatiously); showing a (pretended) lack of self-confidence; modest; coquettish; CF. job offer
7 m( v1 q9 D* C6 E: gcozen ! b) Q6 B/ |; C: k
cheat; hoodwink; swindle" O$ U! M# ?* O" B
0 I( V( V! _% Y, S# Z. ?0 D' Rsour; bad-tempered; peevish; difficult to read as handwriting* j" n) W( V$ R7 W) a" k
/ U9 X- m0 T. u' Y4 O. iskill (esp. with one's hands); skill in deceiving people; guile; ADJ. crafty: cleverly deceitful; cunning( ~' T4 I9 x5 L- ~
crass / R# h( U$ ^9 R+ u- W
very unrefined; grossly insensible; crude and undiscriminating; Ex. crass behavior
1 C" L0 J  U5 x6 k$ {  Icrave
1 G0 }; Y  o. _* r# b( qdesire; want intensely
: \* n  R) N9 u$ ]craven
6 k9 }1 A8 |4 ~" r, `& Qcowardly
1 n" o$ t# O2 Ucredence
. \7 O. v0 G5 m! B7 }. H4 B4 l4 z/ u6 Ubelief. n% Q: `8 |8 w* o1 U' c
" g2 ~3 E6 W# o7 r/ h) eevidence concerning one's authority; written proof of a person's position; Ex. The new ambassador presented his credentials to the court.
, j( c$ u: A, B4 ?3 w" {credo 9 O% U; l: k/ H5 j1 L
creed9 a; O/ W& i' d/ l) O0 q
+ N; ]0 g3 }% `belief on slight evidence; gullibility; naivet\'e; ADJ. credulous8 u3 Y. U4 g, u6 \4 J+ O' L" p
3 u' ^. g' U& E" zsystem of religious or ethical belief. f' D1 N" U8 u2 q" V
7 |; X+ H0 Q$ t6 v1 V; E0 _# ^move with body close to the ground; move stealthily or slowly; N.  O, F  `* l' S, b( ]6 e
' C1 Q( v3 _+ r8 Wincinerate (a corpse); N. crematory, crematorium
8 Z3 c, @0 g+ \crescendo 7 w/ T. C, m, l7 a4 Y
increase in the volume or intensity as in a musical passage; climax; CF. crescent0 V' D$ _/ G! M# C: _8 J1 o
( s8 t, f+ K( e) T; }top (as of a hill or wave); showy feathers on the head of a bird5 t8 v  f4 I) O
; h) v; A- a0 F- gdejected; dispirited
2 X+ m: W7 B% H/ d8 ?- [crevice # G! z/ D% S5 ?* y- @
crack; fissure( v1 F$ e9 A1 g1 x. V
cringe 1 a  A) L7 u9 M- p' Y
shrink back as if in fear; cower: b' q' A6 ^* K3 v
crinkle : q! W$ _+ X- v; X1 L
wrinkle# T6 W! ?% g( B" }+ ~( [( V# t
4 K' S& q4 q& pstandards used in judging; CF. criterion
8 d9 U3 D0 W" v, O; dcrochet $ a% Q5 U  e9 @# m
make (a piece of needlework) by looping thread with a hooked needle; N. CF. crotchet  }( x7 ~4 u* I+ q% ]2 q
$ \7 Q% |) w2 m5 chag; ugly old woman5 \6 ?- a* c2 c! A/ k: p
cross ! F/ z) p1 K% g9 Z- n' N: x, o
bad-tempered; showing ill-humor; angry
8 x, V9 [+ h  V$ x: k6 F4 D1 Mcrossbreed
4 k; {/ \0 p5 e( Z7 P' U: K+ w4 qhybridize; N: hybrid; CF. interbreed; CF. inbreed
9 ^  E" \  }% d  i9 }; q& {# rcrotchety 3 Y& `( j/ [: e  ~
(of someone old) eccentric; odd; whimsical; bad-tempered; N. crotchet: odd or whimsical notion6 V/ L( x+ b1 P  A' |
crust , B0 m4 q* p0 \$ G/ D/ p
hard outer covering (as of earth or snow)' r  _$ ]6 S0 N7 I% T
crux + E3 B% ^0 F0 z& g- [( P3 W5 H- ?9 G
essential or main point; Ex. the crux of the problem; ADJ. crucial: of deciding importance
4 }1 o; H6 V, i! u# U' ~  S. ^  rcrypt
5 v3 W- i+ L9 y  i! K* N1 s  }, hsecret recess or vault usually used for burial; underground room (under a church): r; D2 f; Z/ B! W7 B. z! P
" B  Z: k7 N! E9 e) _mysterious; hidden; secret! R1 w. j, j9 i4 }$ }
cubicle $ m5 n! W0 a- O- M4 V! Y# s) z. q
small chamber used for sleeping or work
$ i, r- z; K8 S) X) u9 Y, @cue ( p- ~2 I9 @  M1 X0 \
word or signal (as in a play to prompt another actor's speech or entrance); reminder or hint; V: give a cue to
6 P0 I5 Z# c' C% t# ~# t9 jcuisine * w* ?& Y! U* D* C  G* s9 }- S
style of cooking; Ex. French cuisine9 z$ }; F8 Z& f' P7 u+ H; x( Z
. G' h( T$ B* B; Orelating to cooking or kitchen
+ O( J2 c* i: j- a# i2 S! dcull * r$ {! `" N8 z6 g. h1 [7 u
pick out from others (to kill the weakest members); reject; select; collect (information); N.% O% l' |2 h% z5 N* Y
culmination * D; A7 f# H3 c$ w. ^, I
highest point; climax; V. culminate in: reach the highest point in; end in; Ex. a series of minor clashes culminating in war
9 g+ n- y  v1 ~& u7 y4 X/ Rculpable
1 E5 p( w$ R) p9 rdeserving blame; blameworthy
1 v. v% j/ e" E( ~2 I' U! ~/ qculprit
6 R0 t! A- p. }  ~, z- [8 p) c, ~, Qone guilty of a crime
2 j. C9 y: q" Zculvert ; b; G& k/ j/ S- |3 k: N$ S! o
artificial channel for water; drain crossing under a road
# O; r2 J+ U9 B6 N& X; x) Z& Ecumbersome
/ W0 f. p- k# \% F' H6 W7 Bheavy and awkward to carry or wear; burdensome; Ex. cumbersome parcel/uniform9 a1 x" g9 e& v' q8 h& O4 X
cumulative : ^6 h& {% N5 \7 e/ z3 b( ~3 x
growing by addition; accumulative
) @) F  m+ `0 P) |! ucunning - @3 \7 s  x3 Z" \1 p
clever in deceiving; sly; N: cleverness in deceiving; deceit: u7 W& |- N/ {' N
cupidity % W% ^! q: C" r1 @6 D1 c
greed (for wealth); CF. cupid; CF. Cupid
4 d; {7 `; F# u. Kcurator " {0 ]9 `6 d" n5 e. a
superintendent; manager (in charge of a museum or a library)
* L3 t) v6 Q7 p$ bcurb
( P) [* p- E5 q# {chain or strap used with a bit to restrain a horse; something that checks; V: check; restrain
- U7 j/ v  I! f' a5 a8 j: h6 l& Fcurfew
) H3 q) L/ [# O  ~5 k8 H/ Dregulation requiring all people to leave the streets at stated times; signal (as a bell) announcing the hour of a curfew
8 G$ t) q6 Z; v" L+ M# S0 [curmudgeon / \8 k; p/ p" Q! z. s
churlish, miserly individual; bad-tempered old person: n; M% k% H. g$ r' \) o
- U& m, f  u: P(of writing) flowing; running; having the successive letters joined
* x- h) ~4 |: f6 C7 @; M, t% h8 W( zcursory
9 y3 n8 i1 i8 B. P4 Wcasual; hastily done with little attention to detail
+ E# y! ]4 v7 h- c: Wcurtail 3 {4 T, L9 A0 e: r
shorten; reduce/ ~2 z4 j# Z( R; L: S- w
cynical 1 q5 m" L* S  [8 T. L
skeptical or distrustful of human motives; N. cynicism; CF. cynic: person who believes all people are motivated by selfishness5 M& B% B, V0 U- C: N
cynosure 6 W6 ]; o0 |# s8 A1 e
object of general attention; person or thing that is a center of attention; CF. Ursa Minor

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