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[GRE词汇] GRE阅读辅导:新东方GRE阅读词汇笔记(13)

发表于 2012-8-15 13:13:43 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
3 I! g4 O* x9 v6 g+ g5 Ugeneral agreement; opinion reached by a group8 m; `1 Q" j  d8 k' L/ [& a
  |* ]. w7 e3 C5 r  z: Xself-important; significant; consequent; following as a result; Ex. consequential air; CF. subsequent2 I( n& C; X, s7 k; B4 n) d: b; K# s& h
, K9 J$ K/ z9 ~school of the fine arts (especially music or drama); glass-enclosed area; CF. conservancy
/ P0 D" w" Y" e4 @3 W" Kconsign % s. ~# O; |* j$ l2 T
send to a person or place for sale; deliver officially; entrust; put into the care of another; set apart (for a special purpose); N. consignment; CF. consignor, consignee
: g7 N2 ?& T) D2 jconsistency
' S5 I! T7 C  `/ ^' W9 Pabsence of contradictions; uniformity; degree of thickness or firmness; Ex. consistency of thick cream; CF. viscous' w0 D! ?* [9 _0 W6 c! s. S
& H, x$ ~9 }* ^+ s  h  o- ^# c$ }/ klessen sadness or disappointment; give comfort; allay the sorrow of; N. consolation5 N' K* P2 }( ~( r: z  P
0 i. I+ V5 a/ R1 u( q( t+ Cunification; process of becoming firmer or stronger; V. consolidate: merge; strengthen
; x1 r3 @1 Q! h: m8 E( Uconsonance ; r! l  k! H) B' M
harmony; agreement! _' A! g& l* f* v" @
9 M4 C  S& B; l7 }4 Oharmonious; in agreement; N.
/ ?: L: g* a( u% X3 ]* L. dconsort 7 F; o/ I& B8 m. u
associate with; keep company; N: husband or wife (or a ruler)
0 r- N9 C+ e2 I7 t; O3 j, ?% b6 Pconspiracy
3 p& x: S' d2 Z" J% I4 streacherous plot; secret plan against the law (by two or more people)
' V9 y. u7 U0 l: i- f6 s; M5 Cconspire
0 B5 Q& ^9 b( Vtake part in a conspiracy; (of events) work together; combine; Ex. Events conspired to produce great difficulties.. |/ v: e0 E9 }' l+ p
consternation * S; M$ Z- A) G  `* W
great shock; dismay
/ f( x% \5 z, c: w% Rconstituency
9 W6 E  U+ F6 D2 ^4 ~voters represented by an elected official; district so represented; group of supporters (or constituents)
' b- J+ Q9 L; L3 Hconstituent ' z  P8 |+ S' B6 U. f" @
supporter; voter; member of a constituency; component
6 a, f- A1 @  Lconstitution . q6 D; Z. v! F
constituting; system of laws; composition of something; physical makeup or structure of a person; Ex. men with strong constitutions
. d4 Y1 \4 o4 f0 ^! N. R. wconstraint
7 j" [6 i- c' v% }0 m/ s& N, brestraint; compulsion; repression of feelings; reticence; V. constrain: hold back; restrain; compel; oblige; confine forcibly; imprison$ `/ y/ @* W, m0 s$ _
! X& P. V. l0 q( D0 U! M4 f6 c' f: Bexplain; interpret; Ex. construe her silence as meaning that she agreed; CF. misconstrue
- a9 O! b% c, p& l4 jconsummate " w6 Z" C9 R' J* P. J1 B- G7 j
complete; V.
& s' T/ w$ u" F( e( v0 A2 Tcontagion
6 w2 \" W9 H. k) P) C5 [3 X% Ainfection (by contact); ADJ. contagious; CF. infectious: that can be passed by infection in the air
4 ^! P" F* R7 R/ V& Hcontaminate
: \* n. L- y% i2 Rpollute3 J6 A3 ~. D( G3 u- d/ S
5 U, e. u7 d  H2 s" h% y5 lscorn; disdain; ADJ. contemptuous; CF. contemptible1 {$ o5 O2 Y, e" r) S) T9 c
6 [+ J/ h* E) }2 J9 h0 Y8 ?struggle; compete; assert earnestly; state strongly+ f% Q( s- Z/ L
7 V4 _! L4 [: i1 t0 D1 xassertion; claim; thesis; struggling; competition
; Q  b" r6 c% ?4 @' y8 t! rcontentious
) w5 `6 |- [( {$ nquarrelsome; controversial; likely to cause arguments
& t% H6 Q; ^  }" p% Gcontest . T; A, [/ k) I* [  ?; ?
dispute; argue about the rightness of; compete for; try to win; Ex. contest the election results; Ex. contest a seat in Parliament; N.& N1 j4 k1 v1 ?7 u% m
: Y3 t4 u0 a2 E5 q8 ?( J' Zwritings preceding and following the passage quoted; circumstance in which an event occurs$ ?: A3 U+ F4 z, k( g( K) g2 J
contiguous + n1 D6 {& H! v3 }# a3 _
adjacent to; touching upon
5 l! g4 q" k- `) Q! a# f% zcontinence & U& ?2 v  t( y* f
self-restraint; sexual chastity; sexual abstinence; voluntary control over bladder and bowel functions; ADJ. continent
* ]# t- h0 Z( U/ B, V) gcontingent
5 L3 l5 O6 N) F; W! Y, }0 Jdependent on something uncertain or in the future; conditional; happening by chance; accidental; N: a group of soldiers, ships to a larger force; CF. contingency: future event that may or may not occur; possibility; Ex. prepare for every contingency
7 _; A7 s& A% m! O7 Xcontortions / D- n, j' s4 ~5 U, Z# U8 w
twistings; distortions; V. contort: twist violently out of shape; CF. contortionist
  k  l# W1 ~: @2 T# a8 e" ?' pcontraband
: _5 t0 ]/ F; F; Cillegal trade; smuggling; smuggled goods; ADJ.) Z7 Z+ A3 {3 u6 \& L3 a
1 C- O- Q% ^2 W& o( N8 Acontradict; oppose; violate (a rule, law, or custom); N. contravention
! d) H- \( E) l0 K( F! B; L  K! Ncontrite
/ ]( O: Y  M( A0 i6 N* _penitent; repentant; N. contrition$ z7 f. E% u9 l) r+ j# v3 i
contrivance 7 C0 e2 y5 p' h' P; h
something contrived; machine or apparatus; clever deceitful plan; scheme
3 M! k/ Y# Y0 h" E; Pcontrive / y! N0 `$ T1 T5 S  @* K
invent or fabricate in a clever way (by improvisation); manage; Ex. contrive to attract his attention+ O0 T' y) ~2 `7 w& |; }& B- y& C, W
' h9 w3 t) X% a. v7 V5 b3 s1 _unnatural and forced; artificial; not spontaneous; Ex. The ending was rather contrived.
8 }- n0 ~! p9 Q, Jcontrovert % B2 M2 \% N# i6 [, ~
oppose with arguments; attempt to refute; contradict; ADJ. controversial; N. controversy
, u8 I8 c! Z! ]' zcontumacious 5 N+ [  d% x$ M1 j5 ~4 F
stubborn and disobedient; resisting authority (esp. disobedient to an order made by a court)- q7 Y" j' L3 Z7 i: U' s( w+ j
! j8 h) O0 k. w  N# @: o8 Tbruise6 `# [8 J. `: j+ w& Q
conundrum 5 v* H6 |* I5 q* a7 x
riddle; difficult problem
+ ?, Q# R8 Q: D( I$ S0 D! S. {convene 8 g% o4 s8 \  |0 o" P9 O
come together; assemble; call to meet; Ex. convene the council$ ?" O4 g) f* n# p, a2 d  w+ B7 A
convention 8 m1 S% f0 e+ o
social or moral custom; established practice; formal meeting; international agreement$ g+ j# T% t& E
conventional ! Y0 Q9 c5 V! H0 u$ [& U+ K
ordinary; typical; not nuclear; Ex. conventional weapons, V4 l$ Q1 T% _8 t; ]# d, H- h) h
8 f6 G1 e+ h, h$ `. A0 eapproach; tend to meet; come together
4 x4 P$ _  L+ L' Y. L2 r/ F$ i! Yconversant
3 e3 k# z* ], E: ^+ nfamiliar with; having knowledge of
% _' t9 \5 T9 [: x; y& W. yconverse ( h) \/ t1 l# V/ d- k; \  u/ F
opposite; ADJ.( Y; }; ]8 `' t: ^& f' K
1 @+ K) }6 M  N, B7 C. }1 aone who has adopted a different religion or opinion; V: change into another form; (persuade to) adopt a particular religion or belief
5 c6 j2 w+ C% ~: h: oconvex
  B4 [+ U3 _* w# G& Zcurving outward6 ~8 X9 p4 a- c* g& s% G
conveyance - ]3 q6 E8 m! @1 |  M. q9 h
vehicle; transfer; act of conveying; Ex. public conveyance1 l- a, g$ l, T
conviction 0 K( F1 v2 u! P3 ^7 _7 S
judgment that someone is guilty of a crime; strongly held belief
/ |0 m4 w! X1 v- y8 X4 V7 G( Oconvivial 4 A) I$ k! G9 F8 r4 X& B
pleasantly merry; festive; joyous; gay; characterized by joviality; jovial- c  g- F$ b( O8 k8 B! n
convoke 6 h$ F- u( q6 d! p
call together; Ex. convoke Parliament; N. convocation
/ G" a- {& b0 @( ?- a* Hconvoluted $ X  Y8 \6 {" s, T8 V) [
coiled around; twisted; involved; complicated; intricate; complex; N. convolution: twist; one of the convex folds of the surface of the brain
3 u* k, `5 R  _convulsion $ Z3 i- r. h' i. `, F9 Q* [9 z3 G
violent uncontrollable shaking movement (caused by illness); V. convulse; ADJ. convulsive
& k4 R' N4 W  N" Zcopious * b" i6 {2 s6 \4 M2 J* w8 I
0 Y# h, C' z. m' ^( I$ k' |coquette ! r% b% }) Z! E& n9 Z0 J8 i; L
flirt; flirtatious woman; woman who tries to attract the admiration of men without sincere feelings; V.# z, K7 O) c* A& n$ q6 u
3 B& {- D! c( @1 S! z' Swarmly friendly; gracious; heartfelt; Ex. cordial welcome2 A  J, f; B' Q, E, H! k% \6 ]
" Z: ^9 h8 g+ O! J$ `/ S0 ?3 oextended line of men or fortifications to prevent access or egress; V.
# ^# q" \. Z9 }/ U; Vcornice 7 F/ O5 M# X. f) b
projecting molding on building (usually above columns or pillars);# o) Y1 q+ \( q) p: E
& W. o+ Q, b* Z3 D2 k/ Ghorn (or horn-shaped container) overflowing with fruit and grain; symbol of abundance; horn of plenty1 H; T& v% T) w% T2 w
corollary 8 ^8 R* z. W7 M# @
natural consequence (which naturally follows from something else)
; M+ x0 h/ L  Q; |: j4 Zcoroner
2 z$ x3 E. U" H# `! Spublic official who investigates any death thought to be of other than natural causes$ X9 J2 J' C8 C: z% d6 E
corporeal   L& ?) r9 i; w& [2 i* S. v
bodily (rather than spiritual); of a bodily form; material; tangible5 f1 H9 i4 Z% r4 w
corpulent ' a8 f4 i8 h4 H4 A/ `
very fat; N. corpulence) ?, {3 {6 S+ u- `: [
  |* l: D$ u0 G; J# M6 ~/ S2 Ucollection (of writings or information); Ex. the corpus of Shakespear's works; Cf. corpse
( P8 ~0 r8 |/ ^) U0 G2 [/ h# t8 scorpuscle 1 x7 J6 e! {" r: q( L/ ^. d* l
red or white cell in the blood
; X9 J# T3 h& ^) |0 i3 ?+ Q: a: z* ycorrelate
+ ]& M( d& x2 n# w2 i6 u: Neither of the correlated things; V.
# j( F1 `& G7 R- c5 W( Wcorrelation
" q  {4 d% q7 M& ?; N$ o; B9 Kmutual relationship3 y9 J+ T2 U3 B7 s
5 b3 ~% m% C* C  Iconfirm; support; strengthen5 a- H; ^7 v: c5 J: P& g
, H- K% g' d' w  A/ b( rdestroy or wear away gradually by chemical action (over a long period). h9 N, t0 }- J
corrosive * T* s% B. ~6 k% h. O( r6 q0 m
eating away by chemicals or disease; (of language) fierce6 {/ K* F4 k, }2 X! N& Y
corrugated ' r, t( p2 a- k$ `" F7 U5 j
wrinkled; ridged  J$ K% k) W6 C: L' e
cosmic ' @2 n- V' B! E& Q
pertaining to the universe; vast5 u3 N8 I- E+ C/ C
coterie ( d1 B. u4 U5 J6 N1 C" [( C# h
group that meets socially; select circle; close group of people with shared interests
5 X- F! _' w4 [7 T. Xcountenance # ~- D% {& C3 J% C( x: o
approve; support; tolerate; Ex. countenance his rude behavior; N: face; appearance
7 i" u" |" ?0 P4 Y- N9 I7 Z0 w0 Gcountermand 3 y8 q, _5 G# ]
cancel; revoke (an order)+ Q* C( `+ g  i) j! b8 s
counterpart + x, N- @: P6 [  R; |% p' Y
thing that completes another; things very much alike; thing that has the same purpose in a different system7 s0 ^% h. m5 L. s
7 L4 G% D, a/ R7 R+ yhighly successful action or sudden attack; coup(s) d'\'etat; CF. coup de gr\^ace: deathblow or shot which kills: V% ~5 L7 }; @- d: k6 n
5 q/ d/ e: x- T7 }4 Ojoin; unite; OP. uncouple, U8 Q1 a5 V0 j; C& ?9 w
courier 4 L( A4 J1 G" }9 |& }

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