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[GRE词汇] GRE阅读辅导:新东方GRE阅读词汇笔记(11)

发表于 2012-8-15 13:13:43 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
( `% r9 T; }5 D, Fsecret
. f6 M: P' @+ E6 `- a5 _. Zclangor
6 X( Q) f6 o  G0 F3 f2 e5 ?loud resounding noise; sound of repeated clanging1 U- x4 N, G/ g2 u; [0 P% `$ r
clap 5 ?& G. h2 E0 N' I
strike the palms of the hands together with a sudden explosive sound; come together suddenly with a sharp sound; put or send promptly; Ex. clap the thief in jail; N: clapping; loud or explosive sound; CF. applause. a# e1 R8 P1 [( {" p$ f# b4 S8 P# f
clapper / u6 L0 c! a- R( o
striker (tongue) of a bell- P) i) M+ s' x) m+ z
; U/ o% S, h5 L- k# H& G3 yshrill, trumpetlike sound; kind of trumpet used in former times+ k  \# r- Z. ?7 \: ]
4 R. v8 F# N) ]0 xhold firmly within arms7 K& O; C9 d3 o2 w; \
claustrophobia $ R4 x, v3 M8 j# E- j
fear of being locked in
3 E( k& k2 ?* \8 s3 _* }  Oclavicle
) ]; y4 r/ V3 F# O& o' Ycollarbone
! Y) i# s+ A' h- d6 Xcleave 9 R' I4 n5 }5 F% ^
split or sever; cling to; remain faithful to; N. cleavage; ADJ. cloven7 P+ r5 ~! z6 d' R
) B' Q0 s- _# Z1 j4 L3 Q: LN: split
/ V6 I; k  M5 Y$ ^) c4 E& pclemency
( E* a1 c7 V% v) m. fdisposition to be lenient in deciding punishments; mildness as of the weather; ADJ. clement
9 V! \1 V% o8 u* Q9 l2 Zclich\'e 8 {' o6 T" ^, u' D, k" @* L3 D1 y
phrase dulled in meaning by repetition; platitude; ADJ. clich\'ed6 \; q- a6 R: }
clientele 0 I) g8 r9 d7 w* Q- i7 e) |/ p
body of customers
# m+ O6 W" c! p3 [3 c( l$ J& |climactic $ Q+ e& h, Y' D1 F7 ]2 f+ J
relating to the highest point; N. climax; CF. climatic
: B$ ?; l% o8 T9 P/ j; I3 ?4 ^# gclime
$ n" q( P6 f" p% W" }$ U5 @" Bclimate
" }. j6 Z! g1 g2 P: oclip " m' ^" g: d# h: {% r
cut off with shears; fasten; N: something clipped off (as a short extract from film); clasp or fastener9 h! [7 e2 g) G' _  J& i9 D
% `8 Y+ \! Q% A  M! \sailing vessel built for great speed
) n+ Y7 N* h# O: M" qclique
! J# Y) _* q, b6 {2 B) R" r6 Usmall exclusive group of people* O9 E' V6 g: j/ e
7 @8 }6 ^7 j# X% l& X5 T& R/ A% _monastery or convent! {: h- S) M" c4 @  w1 f
clot ; B1 n! q0 `. I1 o& G' h, R
half-solid lump formed from a liquid (or blood); V.
9 F( z, Q. |* q1 _: R; rclout
$ V: Q1 t* V  s5 Agreat influence (especially political or social); hard blow with fist
" E6 T7 G% X* F* H% ~( G3 c9 Aclown
* M1 x1 z7 u7 j! f* Zact stupidly; play the fool; N.
, h: N0 r4 _. l4 ocloying
) Y  @0 I! ^) S7 P6 Ydistasteful (because excessive); excessively sweet or sentimental; V. cloy: become unpleasant through too much sweetness or excess& G" s( o! T" W
1 V0 C2 y6 Q+ `( f* kcongeal; thicken; clot; N. coagulant0 _% j2 H- I. ^* k% z* o, X
( V" @1 G; {# U% u$ [combine; fuse; N. coalescence, G! S& n! K1 P  }8 M3 u
coalition ) }, s1 g+ X: O! {7 _5 N, O4 v$ g
partnership; league; union of separate political parties: ]6 p# v5 i+ ^2 d9 g
coax . A  U" d# o+ f4 Y. Z
persuade by flattery5 Z' r' f8 F; `' T% ]$ o
1 W5 B9 g3 {* l' r) Dconcluding section of a musical or literary composition4 K) a$ Q: }$ G, n0 t2 m
; a3 O, b. k, ktreat gently; indulge excessively; pamper; mollycoddle; baby; cook in water just below boiling point; Ex. coddled eggs
! D7 @2 U9 I$ i; N- R( Y  m$ pcodicil
0 c( J7 [7 ]; x, Z1 vsupplement to the body of a will; later addition to a will. u7 H' L! m3 Y3 L+ `- ]
codify 2 a7 G* |0 @# u* ]  I+ r
arrange (laws or rules) as a code; classify; N. code: system of words used instead of ordinary writing; collection of laws, rules, established social customs2 h3 Q6 @" g( G- h* j9 o* q: P
( ~& q! z- j! F7 q. t  r6 n% p9 Xuse of force to get someone to object; compelling; V. coerce
1 s4 p$ E$ Q" I* u8 Vcoeval
5 M5 L) {. ~2 r! hliving at the same time as; existing during the same period of time; contemporary; of the same age
3 r4 v& H  w/ J7 u6 _& p* ]4 {7 m3 kcog
! O8 P& f: A% @9 L" itooth projecting from a wheel1 n% ~7 k; y9 Z
cogent ' Z2 E7 p3 g- _+ w
& d& U' }# S: e; M, ]# f4 Wcogitate
1 h5 N( t1 p  wthink over; ponder$ Z+ ]8 D6 _1 Z- n2 V- i: S. x! U
cognate 5 n8 r; D5 v3 O: U8 M
having a common origin; related linguistically; allied by blood; similar or akin in nature; Ex. cognate languages; N.8 y; k1 |0 v3 X
cognitive $ g. C+ Y8 m, u; e  P6 t
having to do with knowing or perceiving related to the mental processes; N. cognition: the mental process of knowing
8 u9 U& [& q. T  Vcognizance 0 T0 Z( H/ \% C% X% Q% I( S
knowledge; ADJ. cognizant; having knowledge; aware: E# _0 D0 |/ [- p2 T6 w
- T% l& a1 P* n: ?live together
3 y; P* n6 X1 P  c( O2 H, U% f6 |cohere " w) o3 N% m9 ?* Z! ~' U( j
stick together
0 p# A# U- E3 D0 d2 ocohesion
# }/ g/ A, c. ~% P- o5 Mtendency to keep together
7 \/ Y( K1 r% Z, \3 T3 P% d4 K: K% Acohorts
- l8 N/ P( }6 I" ~6 I( _1 cgroup of people who share some common quality; armed band; a group of between 300 and 600 soldiers under one commander (in the ancient Rome)4 M& e3 S" a3 c! z% }
5 [. b5 e6 Q7 H! i* S$ R* Phairstyle4 I' F& d, E& M
coin ! B; h5 Z/ o1 l
make coins; invent or fabricate (a word or phrase); N. coinage: word or phrase recently invented
+ ?$ M" _" w1 F* t4 v  Q4 [6 ^coincidence
9 W1 Z2 L7 }' S0 S9 _4 ethe chance occurrence, at the same time, of two or more seemingly connected events; V. coincide: happen at the same time; be in agreement; CF. coincident; CF. coincidental
9 w/ {6 g; q5 \8 {/ acolander
, X% B9 P- U1 G; N& H8 g- dutensil with perforated bottom used for straining
  o. a8 Z8 e7 @+ Q5 W  p3 Wcollaborate ! X5 R2 s9 o1 H$ G- p! V6 K! U
work together; cooperate treasonably with the enemy
  D! e* [7 f: lcollage * Q6 D+ C1 L( V& e
work of art put together from fragments1 ]3 |* Z. u: f
1 J; ]  Q" V) A  H, p7 m3 Gexamine and compare in order to verify authenticity; arrange in order (the sheets of a book before they are bound)
, v4 l! _' a  Z* H! Lcollateral
+ V6 V  C( _2 c8 K) Asecurity given for loan; ADJ: secondary; descended from the same person but through different sons or daughters
4 c& h+ E( p) s; v  fcollation 8 _: a& v; B# p1 J
a light meal; collating7 L  q& O% q2 v0 I4 a
collected 8 H5 N8 S$ h9 g
composed; calm; self-possessed& H$ V* Z' B, E
colloquial ' q# p6 g9 f+ C4 a& A
pertaining to conversational or common speech; informal; N. colloquialism: colloquial expression5 c5 K9 D+ u& }8 d& V- g4 I* k
colloquy - \8 [8 v6 ^" G, @9 \- c7 ^1 z9 D
informal discussion; conversation! x9 y$ Z- }* k$ n5 E3 b
collusion 4 o. U) e  {2 v4 I$ L
conspiring in a fraudulent scheme to cheat or deceive others; V. collude0 a) I. W* l. b
colossal + G6 Z9 v# D- T2 q* \
! _- c9 V4 |" }  Xcolossus . z* R* i5 n- j
gigantic statue; person or thing of great size or importance
7 Z: y/ A0 B% T2 R$ @coma : a. \9 f  c" y
deep prolonged unconsciousness caused by disease, poison, or a severe blow! F/ e6 G6 e% t3 o; T: i" I4 |  l
& D2 m; N/ c2 Q& B( yin a coma; extremely sleepy0 L) m( a: U  ~8 F
7 q6 j  o! d) F7 M. q6 Neasily burned; N. CF. combustion, l3 q9 s! d4 ]' ^6 k" f- f
! n& W/ y% u4 G3 U- r; xretort; quick clever reply; return to former status5 J  Z2 I3 L5 n8 b/ x
comely 9 X# l( h) {: C9 o' e
attractive; agreeable; having a pleasing appearance% Q7 R! w8 }' f) @5 o, Q
/ Y0 D" Q, ~" L% hsomething fit to be eaten
- C8 p- l1 ^6 M( [3 f5 `comeuppance
$ P+ y6 Y/ r, l0 V* bdeserts; well-deserved punishment or misfortune; rebuke1 `# I  y9 I9 w- Y
comity 4 X0 y0 B! [7 k0 X3 R% m- Z8 a
courtesy; civility; Ex. comity of nations6 t8 g2 B) U# p9 t/ d2 x( r
commandeer ( b5 M! D: M. A6 ?
take (private property) for military use without needing permission or giving payment; draft for military purposes
7 M1 [0 Q& _* z! ~commemorate - E  x4 s$ n8 j1 n
honor the memory of; serve as a memorial to; Ex. commemorate the 100th anniversary/those who died in the war
0 S- N& \  O$ Ncommemorative
+ u3 i5 K9 }6 o5 Q8 O5 B- @remembering; honoring the memory of; Ex. commemorative stamp
. V# D) ^  J' d) `% j0 ncommensurate
( w$ r5 q2 E$ ^. Lequal in extent; of the same size7 x9 x) a; E# |6 H" s5 p
( J; P8 K5 _: U) ^7 T" _# @feel or express pity or sympathy for
  o9 Y5 E" r: a1 _8 t3 z8 qcommodious 9 {2 k5 G5 ^; ]; m6 O
spacious and comfortable4 e2 n( |# J: q' X
5 g$ Y" z: H- \5 I# Eordinary; N: something ordinary or common; trite remark) }+ @7 [) g& _9 J3 E( s& g
commonwealth & i6 O; k1 k' e* J! @' A9 I
nation governed by the people; republic; people of a nation2 m) G" k/ W. }" o4 n
communal + d* c/ e7 T& K! Y' J
held in common; public; of a group of people; of a commune
3 Q8 o; H3 M) o. kcommune + M. s- d$ Q" I, R
small (often rural) community whose members share work and income; V: exchange thoughts or feelings; Ex. commune with nature
( B5 u+ Q8 _6 t% s$ T+ |6 Hcompact
/ k8 b2 z% i, C# H. @agreement; contract; ADJ: tightly packed; firm; brief; concise; Ex. compact statement) `2 v6 m4 ]1 D3 E1 h# d4 ?* W
compartment 4 e- T& R8 {+ `, O( i, M4 b
one of the parts into which an enclosed space is divided
7 h" \# ?2 x7 k1 fcompassion
5 Q5 J) \# A( o! Dsympathy for the suffering of others; ADJ. compassionate
% k& W  Z+ R% R  S2 s5 J; v, wcompatible
7 V; y- m8 t0 d/ x) M6 \harmonious; in harmony with; able to exist together
5 D2 B3 B' m4 [6 u- i8 S+ }$ ~compelling 6 E7 q" V3 ~; f% m" H4 Y
overpowering; irresistible in effect; holding one's attention; that compels one to do something; Ex. a compelling adventure story; V. compel
5 J( H0 T7 ^& ~9 @  W6 L3 icompendium % _, H4 d" M: T# T
brief, comprehensive summary; ADJ. compendious
9 t) D& a0 v' m) r( Q9 D8 `0 ^; I- ycompensatory   ]8 I0 V5 t( ?, z, d, v
making up for; repaying
# g9 i* [1 s4 s  r* _compilation + E4 H& c( z. G$ c
listing of information in tabular or book form; compiling
3 R8 k  D7 o4 B. zcompile
5 Q% T4 T, r- @" }) }( uassemble; gather; accumulate; make (a report or a book) from facts and information found in various places; Ex. compile a dictionary/ w) `3 j8 A8 ~8 }& m8 p
5 z- r( D, R  E0 o& Tself-satisfaction; smugness; ADJ. complacent
1 h5 L9 A) n9 E% L7 z3 Y4 Y% Qcomplaisant
+ [0 }7 @. t5 P, p0 d4 g. C6 Rtrying to please; obliging; willing to please others

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