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发表于 2012-8-15 13:24:23 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
92-2-Sec2-T8: 对原文中的profit应该敏感
& i; H" N& G! `" \, X9 q2 _93-4-Sec1-T1: 非用户数量和管理员,即比较非用户造成的损失和雇佣管理员的费用。
  T' h; a1 w% Z6 `& s2 V10.事物与外界之间的联系与流动   j2 ~" Y7 l6 S1 s4 P/ Q' q
范围内与范围外的比较和相互影响 ! p' t7 o9 e% ]+ ]9 E
No.7-3-Sec2-T6: 牛将吃的omeng-3转化
$ k9 b6 R3 k3 n1 h$ |+ |0 d93-4-Sec1-T10: 塑料饭盒从外地流入本地 & p. v* q  ]7 `" o/ d- W
92-2-Sec5-T9: 垃圾倒在深海会影响浅海的生态环境 ; M  C! o* n- \: @5 e# c
92-2-Sec5-T23: 请柬的制作,全是本地所需的。所以本地的聚会是很多的。
1 Y& a$ b! i1 v0 f( o; O94-2-Sec3-T13: 农药在不同的田地间流动了,影响的就不仅仅是原先施农药的地方 # c- Q$ R: \7 l
, Z9 ~: I5 t! r此处的范围差异指以偏开概全,或用特殊人物事情推导一般情况。最常见的典型题型是调查、问卷数据题。 $ t; I  p! c+ G: L0 N  g) ^! A
No.4-1-Sec1-T9: 丹尼司老太太根据自己学生完成作业的情况断言现在学生的概况。
$ r4 w9 ?. G& W' F* ZNo.4-1-Sec2-T7: 吸烟与肥胖病人的治疗。 / I3 t% b' x/ z. @$ E& g
No.4-3-Sec2-T8: 以某个特殊事例断言灵媒是不正确的。
0 |+ C* J- ^# {' ?3 i& INo.5-2-Sec2-T8: 读者是否代表当代人的兴趣。 ; X, [* j, ~5 d/ X+ f" O2 q1 z
No.6-3-Sec1-T6: 老师对计算机的兴趣。
# \) n) G% m2 j2 U/ }No.8-1-Sec1-T8: 年轻人不喜欢60tt。 $ Q! f* F2 U% z0 m# S- b  y* G
No.9-5-Sec7-T25: 私企比国企好。P401 * m0 |+ z* @. c+ t
91-4-Sec3-T25: 国旗的生产。
& f& A! c; k. R  M: [: [92-4-Sec2-T8: 从兽医院得结论说无污染。 ( Z1 W1 `- z+ u/ B( O# B
12.对起点和终点的认识不同所造成的差异 + Y1 i) \# T8 ]. d1 d2 \2 N- H- k
92-10-Sec3-T9: The Business Permit Office in Plains County claims that it has reduced 9 H, H6 @, c' ]- g6 X
processing time by one week by replacing the old application FORMs, which
) u: s. j8 p6 P4 X# [applicants filled out on the day of their interview, with mail-in, computer- " O* \5 K  f0 V, {0 Y5 i
readable FORMs and by letting the computer schedule the interviews. * T8 ?" ?' b. t/ |
Businesspeople counter that getting a permit now averages a week longer.
, V2 h' o1 b/ p& t2 c% Y- N: z 
" o2 s6 W' B; @* A4 @$ }Which of the following, if true, most helps to resolve the apparent discrepancy described
4 F. W/ r0 |0 ]) }' Cabove?
' t; d: `: `* ]- m( J( |County businesses can operate only with a permit, and during each day of
" {6 ?- R' g2 ~1 ` processing they lose any income they might have generated.
0 Y' [: j& v0 p5 E% \" A' tThe permit office considers that processing begins after the interview, whereas
( V2 j' e/ M/ T: a the applicants consider that processing begins when they have submitted $ v2 m5 \5 @) Z. f) q9 A- K* [
 an application.
2 Q4 {$ K; f, |+ r0 ?There are fewer applicants for permits in the county since the permit office
! I8 x6 c  F5 \ instituted the changes.
# ]% U0 q% A, `+ {8 PComputer-readable FORMs have reduced the time necessary for the permit office to ! l5 I2 }5 p& G  I7 \; a0 F& F
 verify the statements made on applications and have thus reduced the amount of ! u0 C6 z3 G# i0 S0 Z7 U+ }' }
 time an interview takes. 7 Y# Z8 M7 Y7 X2 u. Y$ x
The FORMat of the application has not changed since the permit office began
# S+ P  f+ ~( N7 |: l# j  h  r- l recording applications on the computer

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