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发表于 2012-8-15 13:24:23 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
* \3 s0 |+ m: r; r1 `& }9 j9 G3 T. P' W3 K
  △加强题 8 K$ \' B8 F$ i3 D& {
# t) `$ w: u7 g& g$ f( F" o9 f
  Which one of the following statements, if added as a premise to the
3 d" g+ n) D6 p$ Jargument, would make the conclusion valid / strengthen the argument?
& B9 Q# T) ~+ J+ @/ h- c3 M& Z) j1 F3 }
  Which one of the following, if true, would make the conclusion in the 2 Q8 a& F9 H- }; A4 q! |, S9 R1 e
passage a logical conclusion? % h) x/ W0 V5 f5 r* Q# I+ k9 O% Y

8 H! ?+ h% Z4 Q! W5 X  Which one of the following is an additional piece of information that
& X' [# \8 [) }. I; E- b# @would support the conclusion?
/ _5 G' x3 L5 s( ]9 f9 u) V  t, }4 [6 a
  △削弱题 * H0 G- a0 H. c1 l+ q3 O$ k4 ^

3 D3 T, x0 x+ Z" h* W  Which one of the following statements, if true, most clearly
/ {$ n( e9 h  {8 _. X8 Bundermines / seriously weaken the conclusion / argument? ; i! u( r  r2 n8 i
/ D7 I* i( z0 q1 _4 f
  Which one of the following assertions, if true, provides the most ! f" _8 O8 P9 m8 @0 t6 i
effective challenge to the author’s conclusion?   U' ?: @6 w# k0 Y
" F8 \2 d+ O/ x) |6 n/ Y- V
  △假设题 ( Z$ @5 ^/ m# V

% N7 M) j  G& M$ U: [+ d/ Z' ]  Which one of the following is an assumption on which the author’s 6 }# d1 x0 |, B% m4 s- _8 o& |
argument relies?
! h5 ^- ^+ e; I% N( Z9 P0 Y: m6 w2 n: e" d
  Which one of the following most accurately states a hidden assumption . y; r1 ]* h: l( e8 C
that the author must make insgroupsto advance the argument above?
% v+ u: T+ ^5 \3 s' S
, `2 \2 N7 E6 K" c. D  Which one of the following is a presupposition essential to the
5 J- d( @% m4 kreasoning in the passage above?   e; g; V4 H" ]2 G5 k. n

  z8 M2 M9 W# C6 |2 ?  △评价题
" H& T2 S4 u* g, I" i  u0 t5 T. _5 Z  y
  Which one of the following is the most accurate evaluation of the 8 Z( x, v/ y( p/ I4 A
author’s reply?
/ Y# W0 C2 L5 a7 o9 H9 i5 P; l. J0 K* F
  Which one of the following principles, if valid, justifies the author’ 8 E  U8 n. ?8 W5 J1 Y. Y6 f
s argument?
2 E7 \; T- S+ L! M# c0 M8 ]  [6 f6 {" ~
  Which one of the following would it be most helpful to know insgroupsto
2 v: X- j3 e3 a0 oevaluate the argument? 3 n" D2 y6 X; Y( ]8 Y6 b1 q

+ G+ G" i- V* P4 K  △解释题 ; |# l9 E, l$ P( N9 o

1 \/ t0 J( H8 f/ Z8 c1 P2 \- w  The author concludes that ... partly because... ' }" u$ m8 S) Y$ m8 u. Z
0 D% o. [( {1 y! J" D
  Which one of the following, if true, argues most strongly against the
4 H, \$ E9 T4 {3 aexplanation reported in the passage? 3 e- d* @4 M' F+ N

2 b$ `" v6 }9 R. |! e  Which one of the following, if true, most helps to explain why ...?
- Y' g& Q0 I( G$ y) G
, w3 K' Z3 P! ]1 H  Which one of the following principles, if established, would justify
" y2 V- p: ~0 a, O6 Tthe judgments about A’s & B’s actions?)

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