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发表于 2012-8-15 13:24:23 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
△矛盾解决题(也可归类到解释题里) 1 {! w0 Z* G, A

) h! z1 A7 U& T  Which one of the following, if true, most helps to resolve the apparent % \! F2 L( c1 P
discrepancy between the two?
: ~- `* g5 |& G; {, A; v* `: ^6 [, k1 \; S) e8 R
  Which one of the following, if true, most helps explain the difference 1 |1 a3 A& }3 F8 Z
4 B9 R' e+ u+ f! A& i  `/ m) z' S+ R2 d7 u, h
  Which one of the following, if true, most helps to reconcile the
9 b2 ~; `$ z, {: \9 h) E/ g+ p* T4 Iauthor’s decision with the goal stated in the passage?
# C+ R1 @/ h2 O' d2 O
0 c8 Q- Y: L2 D* C  △结论(归纳)题 ' V8 ?, s# D, o
; q% O; B3 u0 U! I3 e
  It can be concluded from the statements above that... 6 n; T% ~( D1 R
; H( |: N8 f# G7 m; `& i8 m+ B  H
  Which one of the following statements most accurately expresses the " H5 Q  |; z& s2 R( ^6 B! e) ^
author’s main point?
1 F: r  \9 Q6 R1 O1 }: P6 O1 l/ U5 R& o. D! h2 B$ O$ ?) \7 S
  Which one of the following statements CANNOT be true? 5 ], Y5 m4 {1 \) U* d: q  x) I! U
* ?/ x7 [- R5 c) j# `& a
  Which one of the following inferences can be most reliably drawn from
* J7 @7 a- P* t7 w3 D4 Y" nthe passage above?
% B! A! V7 q! h- o* Y6 R8 ~- v
; ~$ |( `5 R2 ~- B7 A- L  The passage as a whole is structured to lead to which one of the
9 e0 I, B- `; ?! Ifollowing conclusions? ' k: j% V  ~) B7 M# S8 v8 B
, K( [6 i" B7 J5 l# G4 |
  Which one of the following is the best statement of the primary point
9 j8 B8 P6 F3 ^8 y7 I# B& oof the passage? ; M( `) \! a" `6 |

* i; X7 q* g. j  Each of the following can be inferred from his argument EXCEPT... $ w  U4 ~! U/ t$ Y8 c

* H0 Q' Y+ _) a3 `$ V" P* c0 B  Which one of the following claims is central to the author’s argument?
7 q+ Q2 E3 [7 n2 j& k- p3 S3 F& B# ~, D) J
  If the statements above are true, then which one of the following must
) f4 D0 `5 r( v1 C4 ^4 m4 Ualso be true?
" E4 ^7 L' ~$ f6 @5 X2 U- |, @2 Z
" ]2 R. b- Z. C( X5 T1 n/ K  △句子完成(划线填空)题 ; f6 Z: N$ g- C

+ \* q: m  h1 k8 z  Which one of the following is the best completion of the argument above? / X; {9 ?# O# V
7 J% v* }5 ~  z+ u/ F, `" j/ [/ L
  Based on the passage above, which phrase does NOT provide a logical
6 \  g6 p7 D& X  H- Wcompletion to the following sentence?
' F. ?8 S! ?6 f& \9 a1 H0 i: Z0 s! L% O) J5 F0 C
. a, u8 }9 v7 |) b7 |. u/ w& u" k- L, b4 m/ D
  Which one of the following is most strongly supported by the
7 m2 |* [# v" G( Q# X' C6 B6 C/ r5 Binformation above?
) g1 V" s* L2 \4 C7 r
5 T) e  C! |# |" R4 \2 W2 z  The statement above, if true, most strongly support which one of the
6 l4 Z. e! K9 N( Jfollowing claim?

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