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发表于 2012-8-15 13:24:23 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
△推理缺陷题 4 H& }. g. r+ ~, {- \" i

, S: o7 j! x! r/ V, [  What is the flaw in the reasoning above? 7 K& h6 j. ?0 e" Y7 ]
3 z. o- [" E8 q* j8 V( g' _
  The author’s argument is logically flawed in that it... 5 y6 o$ G! \6 ?0 U- v# X
7 ^2 Y# Z  h# N/ w6 Z% M# C2 D( f- B
  The source of the man’s erroneous reasoning is his...
' R4 c6 L' C' r- ~0 p1 E9 }/ ?2 z0 K* [* c/ L
  The reasoning in the argument is most vulnerable to the criticism that
' h+ |* V/ b1 pit...
; R6 D! ^; B/ H4 S0 G- G4 B
9 u" F& e/ n/ k, g9 F  △逻辑相似性题
9 X0 v- h, Q/ v# H. u- ]& y/ I& n5 B/ f) Y# z, E6 E
  Which one of the following is most similar in logic to the argument , S( [) D$ i9 Y; E
above? 0 H" E( C9 M, H* A+ T' }4 {
4 r! O; t( ~$ l+ E3 C( J* R
  Which one of the following exhibits the same logical flaw as that . c( R3 z4 {8 U6 j. Q
exhibited above?
; d4 r7 [5 c2 H4 {. \. H
7 c3 V. x6 g; X0 C6 R% E  Which one of the following could be best supported by the same type of
8 d  I) s3 T3 i+ _reasoning as that exhibited in the passage?
0 y6 K4 B$ R. v; Z
% {- o% n4 `9 ^  Which one of the following contains the error of reasoning described by
0 z& s: l" P$ g5 @/ rthe author in the passage?
  `' s# W/ F, W3 q' s  m; l# A) T. }4 B
  Which one of the following most closely parallels the flawed pattern of 1 W* L8 g3 [6 Q! ^# r0 f5 X
reasoning in the author’s reply?
3 E. @# }8 b  ?4 U' U) d8 \" r; o- _0 w/ b
! v! d9 c% Q3 ?0 ^2 Q# t5 G* V8 Q- D1 Z0 V, K
  In which one of the following situations is the principle expressed 4 U4 Q9 O. N+ R% g) p2 P- R
most clearly violated?
0 J# C; z8 ~) w2 E& \7 N/ m, i6 G0 J8 A7 r7 X3 H& r
; N6 m, D' D2 I2 _+ w$ [2 H! I
! O2 F4 V& z5 \- V4 B2 x$ G- y  The source of A & B’s dispute is their lack of agreement on which one ( a5 e! [, f+ N. o6 k; K9 x
of the following terms? Which one of the following is the point at issue
. u* e7 H* [$ y! R1 [between A & B?

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