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发表于 2012-8-15 13:24:23 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
" d2 U9 `2 O' [; \: G; s& p2 R' e% E# m1 r2 {3 U% w0 u
  Which one of the following is the best line of causal analysis for A to ) J; d/ O: ~( N
. X$ J. v0 T  [, _% S' m2 e1 c" p1 L4 @/ m5 S8 Z% }) j
  The author establishes his position in the passage by doing which one % s7 G+ l0 v6 o: j: F! n
of the following?
( Q3 Z7 e8 R( L) v5 v
. r1 q/ o- B" K1 k$ Y4 A6 \3 K. a: s1 w+ h  The author of the passage argues by...;The argument seeks to do which
' o2 B/ H5 P3 G: F- n% Zone of the following?
( T/ D) K' a% Y9 h8 C+ f) w) X3 a& r6 c' E
  A most seriously weakens B’s argument by doing which one of the
6 w2 Q- K7 C1 T; p: Nfollowing?Which one of the following techniques of argument does the author ! b. S& \. ?" L
use in the passage? - d1 u% }1 z* E' e6 Q3 v) A) l2 ]6 L
5 o8 S4 |5 m" J& Q  A2 w. b
  A’s statement most closely conforms to which one of the following 1 U0 S& ~  p% v* H4 q$ `
principles? + i2 G( k* m0 {+ V: S, L* R6 X! ]/ m! M
8 K5 B. v& J4 ?. y: Z* k
  The relationship if A’s response to B’s argument is that A’s   I5 J" Z. b6 a
response...A responds to B’s argument by...How is A’s response related to $ u/ X! H' u. S/ t* `
B’s argument? & A3 ~) L; c/ Y( ?# ?
" b0 w* c3 z6 e4 x0 t
) x4 d( ~) }$ I3 @5 d# v* n. m判断。
) X: a2 ~! ?5 M* O9 o2 Q
& J- p* `2 }/ a  n: ~  从以上题型可以看出,LSAT前几种题型和GMAT是完全一样的,这类题要么难度和GMAT不
1 i- k5 ]( s" p" K8 L( D% D相上下,要么在阅读难度和逻辑绕圈子上难一些,是较之GMAT更上一层楼的题。 9 v9 s9 v$ P2 j' L7 T: M. g2 o

9 o7 `+ K! k$ H2 @0 g8 d  后几种涉及到逻辑推理的具体方法,GMAT中没涉及到,但其实后几种才是LSAT的精华,
% S  @$ N+ I2 z' t才是真正提高逻辑水平的训练,才是LSAT借以CRACK GMAT的法宝,所以是不能略去不做的。
$ r6 n5 `: t0 h/ `+ G; I
  W2 M: g9 O. p  GMAT逻辑有“句子作用题”,LSAT中没涉及到,但基本上靠新东方给的方法就能搞定,
8 m8 Q9 z9 c  M2 {有阅读能力作后盾这种题更是小菜。通过练习逻辑策略方法题,做句子作用题的能力可以得 $ T7 I1 V. m6 k1 F! D) L

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