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发表于 2012-8-15 13:24:23 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
9 Y& K2 s( d, v; d; @
8 [0 O* U& e: V5 M' [# e# k写作部分时间为 30 分种,其内容是,就给定的题目中的两种观点选择一个,并加以阐述。
2 v% P9 e* R0 _3 p  g! l9 o4 y" ?! J$ ~- F9 h7 T, r$ i
; Z6 S9 E. ^7 t3 U! T* v$ F6 R( H' c$ E! o( y/ L' }0 f
(]) 选择一种观点。在两种观点中选定一种,围绕这种观点展开论述。 . y1 p- P  e& m; L+ a
(2) 阐述观点时,既要陈述支持所选择观点的理由,也要陈述反对另一种观点的理由。在两方 4 \$ R0 W% B/ |8 M2 e) _7 N
- q% I! E& R  b1 }(3) 文章应包括五个段落。第一段说明两者之中选择其一,中间三段阐述选择的理由,最后一 7 w1 X/ ]0 ^, w0 A
# {# V# L2 Y2 z& h' D(4) 写作应自然流畅,观点要明确,不要使用简写或缩写词。"
( ~; [; W2 G1 P$ C7 f4 a, w  ?4 w5 s8 F1 |8 n. r7 R) |% D# ]
二、写作练习 3 l/ G; C# q) {- y
; E; o+ A% U  N$ e' v$ I3 O
1. Read the following descriptions of Midtown High School and John Jay High
+ l& K- x9 L+ F# oschool; two schools in which Olivia, who moved during the summer and is
  F( m1 J$ ~' ?. I. f4 S) Nentering her junior year, is consid-ering enrolling. Then, in the space 1 E  ^9 p( l* L1 S: b; n9 D- a
provided, write an argument for the choice you think Olivia should make. The
. {1 h0 W. q3 Lfollowing considerations should guide your thinking; 4 D6 f8 U6 o% q  J6 m; z5 l6 X- c
(1) Olivia wants a curriculum that will prepare her for college.
* E4 l/ P8 z' ~(2) Olivia wants to participate in extracurricular activity, particularly
+ C* V) h& G3 s3 P! agymnastics.
, s0 M* \5 G5 e+ t(3) Olivia is worried that she will not make friends quickly. / l8 ~5 P9 J/ \+ R
Midtown High School has a student body of 10,000, and average class size is
0 J% A8 c; G( H35 to 37. Be- cause it is a large school, Midtown offers a wide variety of
3 x6 O, S) A% C8 \- X: Ecourses, including vocational training and advanced courses in chemistry,
( y0 g' e4 `- ]* n: aphysics and math. Each year students from Midtown capture several of the
( c+ }/ p# P# [+ |8 N! I8 Nstate’s top academic awards. Midtown offers a wide range of extracurricular
( X, c- V. z5 ?3 i- ractivi- ties, and its gymnastics team placed third in state competition last # W+ Z- x! S" Q& F' b( o

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