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发表于 2012-8-15 13:24:23 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
Q: 请问所谓的Kaplan内部教材好吗?不知道好不好,特别是logical reasoning.
9 V5 O- i- z( `另外请问logical reasoning 系统的看国外逻辑推理大学教材有用吗?XDF的老师说logical reasoning是凭感觉做题的,是天生的。大家意见如何?好像美国大学有专门给非逻辑专业开的Critical Thinking 的课程。。。 + N  x: a: `4 P; z  e6 S$ w( {5 s/ x
A: I never use the Kaplan myself. There are both positive and negative comments on it.
- f( z0 {% }! `* S- b( m; sAs to the logical reasoning, the best so far should be the Logical Reasoning Bible by Powerscore. I remember there was a post saying that it is available in China. ; w4 d2 G0 E4 \# q' j9 c! z
A: I dont think LSAT logical reasoning is as complex as requiring formal theoretic knowledge of logic. . ~1 x3 {, F3 ^! W6 P
XDF的老师说logical Reasoning是凭感觉做题的,是天生的"--------genetic? hum, that is hilarious. I would say it is simply a matter of practice with a little bit common-sense and reasonable reading skill.
" e/ ~+ C4 _2 C# B( T% F5 R* m3 a' nHope people who used Kaplan offer some suggestions***** 3 ?+ B7 x" l: w6 e
A: the Powerscore LSAT Logical Reasoning Bible: % O" i/ C0 W7 x) g& O( ^$ G
Logical reasoning questions are explained in 7 or 8 categories. With each type of question, the book offers a "stimulus peculiarities", i.e. explaining the characteristics of this type;
  C; P) R& m. a8 b- _then there is detailed analysis on the stem/question, helping you to identify the question type. ! t$ P' m' I+ o0 t, m5 f
Then there is a detail on the approach to the question by giving you a few specific examples (all examples are real LSAT questions). A review follows. , Q1 [8 U& B* [/ z1 i, V4 p3 z& x1 V
Finally, there are real questions for your practice.
: E( q2 i5 S1 L4 _9 s2 W9 gThe Powerscore LSAT Logic Game Bible is in similar format.
! ?' @# z2 r- @A: I think logical reasoning abilities are partly dependent on instinct. ;-) We can learn all the rules, 5 L: r2 G5 d% G  L7 V- V5 C
but when it comes down to 25 questions in 35 minutes, your "gut reaction" is what really counts! 1 e1 h2 o! p/ P. Q  S

  E: G( p) V; m5 m' S. R  F# ]8 P+ N
. Z# k3 I/ b# |2 P5 [5 i
# F8 m. t" q2 NQ: 小弟明年打算考LSAT, 现在想报个辅导班,不知新东方、Camford那个好,请大虾指点一。

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