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发表于 2012-8-15 13:24:23 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
Q:大家帮我判断一下准备LSAT 需要多久啊
! u. ?  R6 V) U( X3 x" @: Q4 _英文基础比较扎实,GMAT分数还过得去,对LSAT现在还没有什么概念 ' ^$ S: t- H0 T& @* {& C* G( N
现在在一家consulting firm, 全职,所以准备考试初步考虑是每天早上起来1-2h和晚上8-9下班坚持3-4h,一天中间最多还能抽出1h的零碎时 间,周末不加班的话看一整天。
5 R& D" k, R) a, X7 T8 u想请大家帮我判断一下,现在开始这样复习的话05年内能搞定LSAT,并考个像样子的分数吗? 7 m1 ^( c: V5 s$ {+ P" k
因为我的时 间不太充裕,所以想知道这样是否现实 1 M$ {  l1 r1 X
请大家出出主意帮我规划一下时 间~ ) [; T' c7 ~5 k  M3 ]$ q2 E
A: 这个问题并非由我来回答,但很显然,要制定一个计划,你可以backward planning或者forward planning。由于申请截止日 期已定,必需用backward planning。首先,决定考试日程,再做一些有关习题了解题型,并根据你的英语水平,加上你的目标分数,评估你攻克每个section需要的精力和需要的做的习题(包括书、培训等,但不包括真题)。再根据自己的学校学习安排,决定你需要模拟真题需要的量和时 间。最后根据两个时 间加上你希望完成的日 期,比如考前两星期完成复习,来制定你的启动日 期。当然,没有把握的话,最好考虑一些多余的时 间以对付意外情况。
3 N& U7 N* W1 {3 ?A: 试试就知道啦,不过可行性还是可以的。因人而异,LSAT越往高分,英语基础越重要,所以关键看你的英语基础有多扎实。
* k9 G2 j( T- dA: It well depends on what you mean by "英文基础比较扎实" and "像样子的分数". . / N% [9 w# P( K4 m
Do a diagnostic test within its time limit first. see how far the score is away from the median score of schools you want to apply to.
6 V, n% P+ x# }% e  r5 O+ t( \And then you may evaluate how much room for improvement in 6 months (since i think you will probably take the test in this coming June). Logic reasoning and games usually see faster improvement in a few months. but reading comprehension is very much to your current English level & d9 ]- j2 C9 t0 b' b& K  Z% P
Your schedule is indeed pretty tight0 y% C7 k9 p! k* }3 m( {
Q: 一直想问的问题,中国名校毕业对申请美国JD有帮助吗?
' U0 L; M5 S7 @. uA: 好像外国教授最重LSAT, 名校不好量化... * Q3 R) ?& F' D& J4 `7 q
我记得一本书上访谈Stanford招生主任,其中说. "students should pay special attention to PS. However, if you have a high LSAT score, you do not have to worry about it..."之类的话。   \$ q9 s  s& u( L4 t. @
A: American admission committees generally know little about Chinese schools. % C, U/ S- S1 o( h# H
I heard that it does help a lot if you let them know, in some way, like through your PS, reference letter, what it means to you to be able to get to the school you attended. they appreciate if you let them know as much as possible about your school. 3 \0 U) z4 O  q/ D7 W
2 k' i% G3 B: N$ S7 o  S4 p
Q: 2005-2007考试具体安排
& ~; _3 h, o# NA: 大陆现在只有两次考试:六月和十二月。其他的要去香港。 , Q7 h2 ?! X1 c2 H+ ]
$ Y% u$ j& }0 z5 d- N国内考点:北大
6 B7 v6 p( W! x6 c2005-2006 LSAT Dates (IMPORTANT: Registration for these dates will not begin until March 2005.) ( V( g( h7 n2 b: ?3 b/ H7 e
Monday, June 6, 2005
/ s7 F1 j: J- c3 ?Saturday, October 1, 2005 : j* d6 u2 E- m, w3 \/ h  ^9 B
Saturday, December 3, 2005 + n) M" ~* ]$ |
Saturday, February 4, 2006
. A8 b5 G; E! `7 Y2006-2007 LSAT Dates (IMPORTANT: Registration for these dates will not begin until March 2006.) 4 d! W8 d/ d7 G
Monday, June 12, 2006
4 Q2 z' H' \6 d: ^7 QSaturday, September 30, 2006 % [: L, H7 \- \# d5 f$ Q: m
Saturday, December 2, 2006 ' P, q7 S4 h- b  O8 G: E
Saturday, February 10, 2007 ; w( E+ Z6 Z. c
$ L: f+ R% i. Q9 qQ: LSAT写作将有变化 $ c: x+ {7 ]4 s  U/ B
A: Beginning with the June 2005 test, the time allotted for the unscored LSAT writing sample will increase from 30 to 35 minutes, the writing space will increase from one to two pages, the directions have been revised, and each test taker will be randomly assigned one of two different kinds of writing prompt. One kind is new to the LSAT. The other is very similar to the kind of writing prompt that has previously been administered with the LSAT and that has appeared in official LSAT preparation materials produced prior to June 2005. The writing sample will remain unscored.
; `& @: g2 w0 p& lhttp://www.lsac.org/LSAC.asp?url=/lsac/changing-news.asp#Writing_Sample

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