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发表于 2012-8-15 13:24:23 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
3 ^# B8 f- S- J9 R* m% m7 O6 p  写作部分时 间为 30 分种,其内容是 ,就给定的题目 中的两种观点选择一个,并加以 阐述。 $ I( I8 b/ t/ z# C* X
  写作部分不计人总分, 只作为参考。 写作时应注意以下问题:
2 G$ H4 o, u$ b  b) d2 b% r  (]) 选择一种观点 。 在两种观点 中选定一种, 围绕这种观点展开论述。 ) z9 R8 S4 z3 o. Q0 p
  (2) 阐述观点时,既要陈述支持所选择观点的理由 ,也要陈述反对另一种观点的理由 。 在两方面的对比申说明该选择的观点正确。
6 M) N* Q$ e2 x1 U4 ?0 J2 s  (3) 文章应包括五个段落。第一段说明两者之中选择其一, 中间三段阐述选择的理由 ,最后一段作出结论。
- G2 f$ B6 ?; D7 z. x  (4) 写作应 自 然流畅 ,观点要明确 ,不要使用简写或缩写词。 & N: C$ s2 P3 k: Z7 c& n
% b; _: n- B$ _9 J& ?* ^" [8 s; F  1. Read the following descriptions of Midtown High School and John Jay High school; two
, R/ `* G9 h# z  schools in which Olivia, who moved during the summer and is entering her junior year, is consid-
/ D% z- N1 {% L; c7 h  ering enrolling. Then, in the space provided, write an argument for the choice you think Olivia 2 l' v8 d+ E5 o8 V7 @6 u/ R
  should make. The following considerations should guide your thinking;
- P4 |9 h& i2 m  (1) Olivia wants a curriculum that will prepare her for college.
' v# g% `* _2 Q& j0 v5 v  (2) Olivia wants to participate in extracurricular activity, particularly gymnastics. ) J7 E- ^, ]& C& L' g0 C4 X
  (3) Olivia is worried that she will not make friends quickly. . t+ C  h  Z& ]- l
  Midtown High School has a student body of 10,000, and average class size is 35 to 37. Be- $ U. s$ x- r( y
  cause it is a large school, Midtown offers a wide variety of courses, including vocational training
. N7 A& L7 ^1 s  and advanced courses in chemistry, physics and math. Each year students from Midtown capture
. [8 ]' L8 r- f1 Y6 r2 g3 G  several of the state’s top academic awards. Midtown offers a wide range of extracurricular activi-
3 t7 V/ d0 t, ]! `' Q5 w  ties, and its gymnastics team placed third in state competition last year. 1 s/ f! [3 z; c* _
  John Jay High School has a student body of 2,000, and average class size is 15 to 17. The
: ]- k% D9 Q9 ]$ H* i# \4 Z$ E& X  school was established to offer academically challenging courses for talented students. In the se- " i# H% p, A' a" n& l5 r8 U% y$ E
  nior year, a student is allowed to register for courses at the community coliege across the street
3 E7 t$ A  ?/ R6 e$ A3 o; w  from John Jay. Because the primary focus of the school is on academics, its few clubs are orient- " g) F4 N' u% }( w
  ed toward areas of academic interest; for example, the school has a Science Club, a Math Club,
4 T8 g! L& X$ I+ i  and a Latin Club. Last year, one of the teachers, a former college gymnast, started a gymnasticolivia should enroll ai jonn jay nigii c)Liiuui iui niicc i>..cio@iio: J.@@@, J@..., @@@ @--@.@
* @6 D. q+ z8 }) b( f3 ~! B& D3 mriculum that will prepare her for college; second, at John Jay, Olivia will make friends e 8 V9 }/ j+ j3 b# Y- Y/ q9 D
  and third, she will have the opportunity to participate in gymnastics.
5 e5 f* U# k- j6 v) G  John Jay will prepare Olivia for the challenges of college in two respects. The coui " v. J7 I4 ]$ p7 p+ V
  John Jay are designed for talented students, so they must be difficult. Additionally, in her & l" j+ @' B( F& N2 G% \, p( L
  year, Olivia can learn firsthand what college is like. $ ]0 v3 s) X  {. X
  Olivia will have the opportunity to make friends at John Jay because the size of the s’ * l4 j$ _- b! x& H
  body is not overwhelmingly large. Moreover, the fact that the average class size is only fift
6 Y2 W/ h: Q8 d& v$ f* q! W  seventeen students suggests that classes will not be very formal. 4 X8 p8 e! s- S7 Z" I+ C" O" C. ~
  Finally, John Jay has a relatively new gymnastics team, so Olivia should be able to f
. H0 I' G+ d4 C; x  pate in many events. Further, she will be able to learn by watching college gymnasts pra(
2 ?2 G: E4 @( Q$ o% _' {" @+ o7 f  Although Midt’own does offer some advantages, Olivia would be better able to achie
. W2 J8 ^4 X, `- l) ], t  goals at John Jay.
1 j- j. [/ R  E6 o  2. Read the following proposals of Johnson and Edwards, two members of the vill ) L/ p- G2 A+ [
  Coventry Town Council, who have to decide how to spend the $ 100, 000 that Mrs. Wh
2 A: a1 n1 [* u% m, b  left the village in her will. Then in the space provided, write an argument in favor of the pi ' o+ F+ [0 ]& H# @) T. o# s1 O. l
  you think the Town Council should choose. The following considerations must be taken ii
- }: S' g5 Z& X# O! G0 B  n  count:
- n4 I; O4 L$ `' m  ( I ) The will stipulates that the money must be used for the benefit of the children of l ! R& B. B2 i+ o2 T2 x8 C4 Y
  try. 6 E3 a" j6 O, m) X( n5 }. J
  (2) The Town Council wants to spend the money on a project that will benefit busi * c( P. C, B' r
7 z4 K2 Z8 u5 Z# X5 ^; E  JOHNSON has proposed that the money be used for a park. Part of the park will b<
! _( P6 }3 {9 s. q  side as a play area for children and their parents. At present, there is a schoolyard in the ' y# U# L4 x, Y
  and an athletic field but not any playground. The park also include picnic shelters that ci 0 b" T# g3 P4 y: j) h# [  i
  used by families. The land for the park is now owned by a large real estate firm located   @# Y3 o' V6 m
  state capital and would be purchased at a cost of $ 38,000. The playground equipment
3 c4 X1 {4 f+ o5 G4 k* ]: Q( A2 O8 z) P

  _" A) y$ m! o. u- g+ a: ~. ?0 `6 h) b) e
  have to be purchased from a playground equipment supply company in another state at a & F1 C7 A, {6 D# N  z: @3 Y) C
  $ 12,000. The grading and other site preparation could be done by a construction firm 1:
  m; u- E2 {% I" [) {  Coventry at a cost of $23,000. The remain money would be used to hire local carpel
7 N; D: G9 _, N1 A  build the picnic shelters and to hire a local nursery to plant flower sand shrubs in the par ! j" H1 D* }7 a2 E# i) N, H
  Edwards has proposed that the money be used to build a special children’s wing on th
7 Z7 r0 f$ S: m* G( ~  library. At present, there is a children’s room in the library, but it is small. The nui
: ^' J; i* `8 O! D$ @( g" D, |  books that can be housed in the room is limited, and the room is suitable for special readi
2 x& _  ?* x5 g; w' d) Z7 N  grams

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