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发表于 2012-8-15 13:24:23 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
逻辑推理试题共有两个部分,每部分有 24~ 26道试题。一般每道题都有一篇小的短文或对话,然后针对此短文或对话提出 问题。 短文或对话涉及的范围很广,包括哲学、文学、政治、科技、艺术、历史、体育等等。 逻辑推理试题主要测试考生的以下能力:  
! y- f) H7 T! g- G  ●确定中心思想  
) x- n6 I) m$ L# l7 k' Z* b# M0 p  ●找出推理中的假设  
( G6 Q' h+ F; V4 `. \# D& D: F  k+ _  ●从已知事实或前提得出合理结论  
" \0 e6 u1 i8 N% L% H3 `  ●确定推理的准则并将之应用于新的论证  + `8 ~, z% y3 y8 u
/ Q6 i* S) G: k/ e5 ~! L  ●找出推理的错误及误解  
7 j/ ?3 y; s) |: y' j" t6 Y+ r  ●确定新的事实或论证对现有论证或结论的加强或削弱  
- A1 i5 k) x+ S. y  ●对论证进行分析  + p/ P& L) @! ]& Q) q2 s, W- f
  一、试题类型  ( E( T2 p/ H+ ^9 E
. O6 O6 v& i$ r( S% y1 D! Q6 z/ b  1. 有关结论的问题:  
0 I: M- o9 u" q5 o9 r5 ?  The term "pit bull" does not designate a breed of dog, as do the terms "German shepherd"  
. a2 _! d9 s  A* ~8 T  and "poodle. " It is like the terms "Seeing-Eye dog" and "police dog," which designate dogs ac-  
- l3 n% u0 l% y& K% i) ~  cording to what they do. If you take two German shepherds and place them side by side, you  
( H0 f' h5 k0 t7 r7 G4 e  cannot tell by appearance alone which is the police dog and which is the Seeing-Eye dog.  " R8 G% Y1 R$ h4 ]" ^" ~1 W3 M
  Which one of the following is the main point of the passage?  - G' u) ^  v! C+ n/ }0 D  e2 M8 G& f
  (A) German shepherds can be pit bulls.  : d: l$ V; X2 @
  (B) Pit bulls can be distinguished from other kinds of dogs.  * Z: l6 X3 O1 ]+ ?2 ^6 l9 ^
  (C) A dog is pit bull because of what it does, not because of its breed.    G& Z( D# g* X* ~
  (D) German shepherds can function both as police dogs and as Seeing-Eye dogs.  : U6 ?5 `) t, ~# R2 H7 k0 U
  (E) Some breeds of dogs cannot be distinguished from other breeds of dogs by appearance  5 ^  d, ]% N  {2 s
5 r  [5 U1 c$ X& F8 I3 v  答案(C)  , Q' r" ]6 S( v  l9 `8 l% F
  2. :有关推论的问题  
/ i9 O! |: v: o4 \+ {  Below is an excerpt from a letter that a medical school sent to an applicant:  0 d1 a4 b5 h! k
  We regret that we will not be offering you a position at our school. The committee has been  
9 U. p$ S- o8 b7 W0 E  forced to reject many highly qualified applicants because we must restrict our class size to fewer  / k6 h( s, N7 j1 ~) \( {
  than 200 students.  * H. d. s7 h; N8 _6 m: f7 j# Y
  Which one of the following can be logically inferred from the information in the letter above?  
5 N- I( i* \3 L& i: U, a  ’(A) Only highly qualified applicants were accepted by the medical school.  
; S9 b0 H3 [% b: ?  (B) The applicant was considered to be highly qualified.  
* \5 @! N1 N, d1 E6 }2 S  (C) The school had already taken its maximum number of students.  4 X/ h+ h' S* b8 K: T! ~: |; X+ H
  (D) Most of the applicants were highly qualified.  
+ B5 N/ m1 M. Q6 u7 l; w4 i  (E) The qualifications of applicants were not the only factor affecting admissions.  . d* Z$ U7 W2 C6 r
  答案(E)  # J. g. x+ G% J" Z
  3. 有关架设的问题  # R6 E  \5 a. P5 C1 P
  Schools that train students in technical skills for a specific field of work are more successful,  1 B. b  H/ o4 J1 d( i5 u7 r
  as measured by the percentage of students that gain employment in full-time jobs in the six- / ~) I, _% i8 ?/ a+ Y

8 ?# W/ o/ R2 I4 b/ I7 ^. l! N7 u$ a4 Q& U& j
  month period following graduation, than are institutions that teach a liberal arts curriculum.  0 N! l% D0 i$ e8 h* i1 K
  Technical schools have a student employment rate of approximately 65 percent, whereas liberal  0 B4 a# ]* R" a0 I6 X2 ^! R$ v
  arts schools have a rate of only 56 percent. This difference reveals that technical schools are more  & x! G8 K+ F% D
  effectively meeting the challenge of providing education than are liberal arts schools.  
" a, s" ~0 `$ T( O  Which one of the following is an assumption on which the above argument rests?  ( U3 Q- g' z. R; L
  (A) Schools will not accurately report information if they believe that information will re-  ; }: i4 s9 R: C; z# \8 H
  flect poorly on them.  5 ]3 a# m) Y5 z2 b
  (B) The curriculum of a school can be evaluated by examining the number and types of job  
$ R* e- H' o" q  placements achieved by its students.  
: q( x+ i. X. O  (C) The percentage of students that gain employment following graduation is a measure-  3 z# K* z4 @: d" e% d
  ment of that school’s ability to provide education.  
- Y8 ?+ K/ _( ]* x0 n  (D) The sole function of education is to help students gain employment.  
8 R$ E+ X7 e& [; t( x5 D  (E) Technical schools and liberal arts schools serve different educational purposes! R# p( j4 ~8 ^; v' p
4.有关加强(Strengthen)论证的问题。  ; x- d% F  ^3 `6 I0 N
  Journalistic criticism of literature is falling victim to its own efforts to justify its existence.  . A( S! B% x! F" l) _( r  u/ F
  Critics believe that garner respect from their readers by ignoring objective description in favor of  
8 o; y3 n/ Y) A6 a7 v; \3 J7 o  apinionated commentary. Any new work is given the briefest of summaries, and then mercilessly  3 g2 V6 _. V+ M1 r/ `  I2 v
  :arved up in an effort to divine its deeper meaning. But the best journalist simply presents facts  ' a; u* K# m% q; a- b
  and allows his audience to decide their meanings independently. Critics should convey the truest  
5 \' G! T/ `% m2 n  possible form of the works in question; let the art, and not the art critic, speak to us.  : @5 N% W3 _4 P  t; J( f
  Which one of the following statements best lends support to the argument presented above?  
* n' b" x. _/ n/ W2 C7 P: {9 M  (A) Liberals make all new work available to the interested public without regard to critical  
* ~& T, M  B! a! w- [; @/ L) E! ~7 |  opinions.  
6 z  ^' M: w6 l: h1 ]: _; ]8 E' _  (B) Because space is limited, it is not practical to reproduce completely every work that is  " v# I3 t0 ?. N
  criticized in print.  ) G! T  Q+ q6 X
  (C) Writers would likely alter their style if they knew that their works would simply be read

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