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发表于 2012-8-15 13:24:23 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
/ v' @  @! C; C6 Y7 @+ D- h% C  4篇文章共有28个问题。从事题类型上来看,一般来讲,阅读理解问题的类型有以下几种:
* n: u, J# E7 t; L- F  1。有关中心思想的问题。这类问题主要涉及贯穿全文的主旨。通常采取以下方式提问 ! O: O- m' m4 }  }6 R0 U( [! H& m
  the main idea of the passage is ... 0 W& X  W" g; ?) x( W% @
  the author’s primary purpose in this passage is to ...
. A, q, N1 c7 M  which of the following is the main point of the passage?
) H# R8 ^9 r9 ~6 z  the author is primarily concerned with...
" z$ F- z- S8 R( X8 {  2。有关作者态度的问题。这类问题主要涉及作者在文中的态度。通常采用下列方式提问: # U1 \0 k+ J) N' y0 B# g
  the tong of the passage can best be described as... 8 l6 O, Y+ T( |- I! i
  the author views his subject with ...
, E2 J& g5 b/ R5 n  which of the following best describes the author’s attitude toward... + j+ q  ^# W' L! |% W  o5 s/ w8 L9 ]3 |5 |
" b, S7 O3 U) A! _% ?  the passage implies that... , N1 {! e: ]6 M+ u( s
  the author uses the phrase to mean ...
5 {3 H& d: c0 ~; m( `. j6 _, u, k  the passage suggests that ... 1 N; t0 O. B0 R# Y. j" l
  which of the following can be inferred from the passage?
. y: O. X2 M' [$ @$ H  4。有关逻辑结构的问题。这类问题主要涉及整个文章的组织结构。通常采取下列方式提问
; g2 S: H6 ~4 E5 C  the author develops his argument in which of the following ways?   I: B& m- d+ K/ \* x: O" s" |
  the author proceeds primarily by ... $ E3 w+ C0 P. y3 d  Z% P
8 Z& t- C( f* b  the author mentions which of the following ? % Q- I$ F, z; ~
  according to the author . m" _4 C0 q( V& b- Z* b
% L/ m' i" m: g- X  with which of the following statements would the author most likely agree? $ i' @$ z4 a+ ^# _' J, d1 ?
  the author would probably consider which of the following a good example of her theory
  A1 o! h3 D  |$ O) Q6 Z- g   ! l( b2 B- q  K' o" Y7 o
  解题技巧 - n# J: Y2 C0 z, t% f1 a
  考试开始后,先用1-2分钟的时 间阅读每篇文章的第一句话,根据其难易进行排列 # {; {* R: f6 Y  ^; ]9 K: A
  (1)内容比较熟悉的文章先做。 . E6 M) y& e; R
' O1 u; x  j. b( |8 S  (3)如果看不动文章的前几句话,先放弃这篇文章。
3 [9 y" C9 d4 ^1 m  (4)问题多的文章可以先做。
+ G4 Y2 k4 ]) h! W) K& Z. t  (5)文章长短并不表明其难易
$ t% l5 g- N# _8 D8 r  (6)每篇文章有5-6个段落,每一个段落又一个中心思想,一般是第一句或最后一句
! K* g1 d! K( B$ m+ k4 \  (7)一般来讲,有maybe, could possibly, might等的答案可能正确。带有never,always,must,exactly,impossible的答案是错误的。

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