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发表于 2012-8-15 13:24:23 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
22. The reasoning in the manager s argument is flawed because the argument2 g7 m' d! i! q; z# A- G5 Z

* q" l6 M3 A5 c) }% x(A) fails to acknowledge that the power industry might now believe nuclear   power plants to be unsafe even though this plant was not closed for safety   reasons
- D* F, s8 f% V(B) overlooks the possibility that the soruces from which cheap power is   available might themselves be subject to safety concerns. Q9 p- ]) n9 ?) B9 ^6 V
(C) mistakes the issue of what the closure of the plant represents to the publie   for the issue of what the managers reason for the closure were
) Q9 l6 F, D& d* b4 |(D) takes as one of its premises a view about the power industry s attitude   toward nuclear safety that contradicts the activist s view# i5 |' I$ g# P/ z. e4 c; @  }
(E) counts as purely economic considerations some expenses that arise as a   result of the need to take safety precautions
% L* ~0 b# v5 p7 Q& Y8 F6 G/ P0 h' w: Q' f' A  a, P: g
23. Which one of the following if true, most strongly supports the activist s claim of victory?( d8 M$ h' q" A* I

. x  {% W5 U' p# p+ \" v(A) The plant had reached the age at which its operating license expired./ U3 O3 ~/ t6 T6 E
(B) The mandate for inspections and repairs mentioned by the manager was   recently enacted as a result of pressure from antinuclear groups.0 K. u4 N7 P2 {$ o
(C) The plant would not have closed if cheap power from nonnuclear sources   had not been available.
8 o& ^! D$ W# k4 e' B(D) Per unit of electricity produced the plant had the highest operating costs of   any nuclear power plant.+ t0 F, \# V/ r; x" {; M
(E) The plant that closed had been able to provide backup power to an electrical   network when parts of the network became overloaded.  M9 M2 \0 @9 f

7 Q8 w6 n" n, ]" B& m9 h, {Questions 24-25
  E* E+ s) l/ _0 o$ y
* N4 x2 ]: m$ u$ C  Statistician Changes in the Sun s luminosity correlate exceedingly well with average land temperatures on Earth. Clerly—and contrary to accepted opinion among meteorologists—the Sun s lumionsity essentially controls land temperatures on Earth.1 t& ]) }" f/ T9 t  R

3 H7 `6 c# [$ I& Q# {& _  Meteorologist: I disagree Any professional meteorologist will tell you that in a system as complicated as that giving rise to the climate, no significant aspect can be controlled by a single variable
7 s; X2 d# N3 L% ^4 w& V
. N+ {$ |/ L0 H24. The rejection by the meteorologist of the statistician s conclusion employs which one of the following techniques of argumentation?1 D- p1 h" q/ j$ W

# d! L# T4 p0 a  E(A) supporting a conclusion about a specific case by invoking a relevant   generalization
: d& C# k2 y, g) S& J(B) producint a single counterexample that establishes that a generalization is   false as state
* E" S1 ~" W9 p4 A3 s(C) reanalyzing a correlation as reflecting the multiple effects of a single cause" U# K6 V. t, p1 e3 I6 w+ Z
(D) rejecting a conclusion because it is a proposition that cannot be   experimentally tested# q- T9 a( w4 M( V
(E) pointing out that potentially unfavorable evident has been systematically   neglected/ D  l. W. F; p8 I# q2 D
5 \$ o) t/ A# P; ?  M1 w
25. The reasoning in the meteorologist s counterargument questionable because that argument& g% Q; x  M& @) I! ?" X* ?
( O9 k* D: a1 ?5 t: N$ n. H, b/ S
(A) rejects a partial explanation, not because it is incorrect but only because it   is not complete9 X- n2 H1 o' _
(B) fails to distinguish phenomena that exist independently of a particular   system from phenomena that exist only as part of the system.
( v$ n; A. W2 G+ i0 h2 f9 w$ P(C) calls into question the existence of a correlation when the only real issue is   that of how to interpret the correlation
2 k3 f0 W8 Y/ h4 w(D) dismisses a hypothesis on the grounds that is fail to deal with anymatters   of scientific significant/ u. C) i; x3 _6 a8 |# Q
(E) appeals to the authoritativeness of an opinion without evaluating the merit of   a putative counterexample

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