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发表于 2012-8-15 13:24:23 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
Questions 12-17
, f! U" N8 o3 F  A# J8 N# p5 B# H
9 ]0 b7 M4 Q0 F& z$ o% s* v: J' e  An attorney is scheduling interviews with witnesses for a given week. Monday through Saturday. Two full consecutive days of the week must be reserved for interviewing hostile withesses. In addition, nonhostile witnesses Q, R, U, X, Y, and Z will each be interviewed exactly once for a full morning or afternoon. The only witnesses who will be interviewed simultaneously with each other are Q and R. The following conditions apply. % B$ Y" `; \" z1 H

, M- ^7 ?+ z6 {4 g0 z8 A5 @" s; Z" `  X must be interviewed on Thursday morning
$ o; {7 N: v0 E2 g6 p6 S  j* f. E9 `
   Q must be interviewed at some time before X.
) c/ w+ _5 [/ s" {: F+ x* D0 y. b, F: e' Q3 t! w
   U must be interviewed at some time before R % g' [& j* U' m1 H, p
' I% \: K$ e# x, p
   Z must be interviewed at some time after X and at some time after Y. - B; V+ N0 ^& H7 s# W3 s0 N1 c- |: U

9 S3 t! \$ L- B) r" P- D12. Which one of the following is a sequence, from first to last, in which the nonhostile witnesses could be interviewed?
1 _2 z6 H. u% x% ?" _# s! A% ^. l( e
  (A) Q with R, U, X, Y, Z
) w3 k% X5 F* |" _% K3 W  (B) Q, U, R, X, with Y, Z * U7 k+ L6 `: d
  (C) U, X, Q, with R, Y, Z ) e0 t6 d$ H& O& k/ u: S
  (D) U, Y, Q, with R, X, Z ! K. I7 o) W  |
  (E) X, Q, with U, Z, R, Y
7 f- Q- K8 a( _5 G; u1 b5 c1 P5 c
13, Which one of the following is acceptable as a complete schedule of witnesses for Tuesday morning. Tuesday afternoon, and Wednesday morning,respectively?
( A! ~. _" y7 v4 U1 i% m- S
+ O6 L, b1 d$ P. `- o- I! O  (A) Q, R, none ( g3 e, c' B: P& ]  {
  (B) R, none, Y 9 }8 e8 g" a: L. y. {$ n% B  i( _5 \
  (C) U, Y, none . r7 n7 D: p! y
  (D) U, Y, none
. q2 v5 u8 p- I$ L' O  (E) Y, Z, none ( I$ f# x: [$ Y# h. {% M
7 A. N' \* m  M! R' s$ L7 w) U* u
14.If Y is interviewed at some time after X, which one of the following must be a day reserved for interviewing hostile witnesses?
7 i, N& K. d8 Y% d' W9 @) m9 @5 G7 S9 i* r- X8 c7 o* l; M$ i+ @! `* f
  (A) Monday   l: B" Q8 }3 I# ~$ e5 a
  (B) Tuesday 
6 |% E  y& l5 i' h( z0 a! [) S/ I1 A  (C) Wednesday 5 s4 E9 A  G' e) Z7 _- d
  (D) Friday 8 Q/ x# w5 n4 Y1 T  m/ b
  (E) Saturday - l4 b. M% I+ B. d
8 m3 O5 e/ c% a) G9 q
15. If R is interviewed at some time after Y which one of the following must be a day reserved for interviewing hostile witnesses?
7 }4 C! Y' @+ n1 o1 t; d
. Q. M( {4 N3 L, Z  (A) Monday ' Z: x+ u+ R6 P. B- I/ p! |$ E. p
  (B) Tuesday 2 V6 @" ^/ m' d0 a/ ~
  (C) Wednesday 3 }4 S) W. ~/ n! `; r3 U  k) J/ b
  (D) Thursday
  F) T0 m9 W$ d0 C; B0 [  m  (E) Friday 6 o% {7 x5 c+ _7 r! b/ N6 M
# ?4 T/ T: U$ A  A4 s
16. If on Wednesday afternoon and on Monday the attomey conducts no interviews, which one of the following be true? ! h; a+ K9 H. S" v0 {
& D  Y! v4 ^% c7 R# O6 t& F
  (A) Q is interviewed on the same day as U 2 f! A5 H, l) e7 M: h
  (B) R is interviewed on the same day as Y 6 r5 }7 j( x! E. }0 ^/ g5 \
  (C) Y is interviewed on the same day as U
3 }6 y( k6 ?* b! g5 f# M" L  (D) Y is interviewed on the same day as Wednesday
: y* h7 @" u2 r2 B! J8 {: V  (E) Z is interviewed on the same day as Friday
& \9 f, z; l0 c. t( i  W' r8 O+ l) `3 f  `' \2 n8 W
17. If Z is interviewed on Saturday morning which one of the following can be true?
3 A; i7 G5 y8 N' C8 B1 @! W/ D8 D# g
  (A) Wednesday is a day reserved for interiewing hostile witnesses. ; Q3 U$ P$ Q. }* A- O
  (B) Friday is a day reserved for interviewing hostile witnesses.
$ ]( t5 h9 {" i2 h- G6 n0 E  (C) R is interviewed on Thursday
- V, y) A# ?! ^# \  (D) U is interviewed on Tuesday
( }. {" p9 s7 y& k& d; |! X, }  (E) Y is interviewed at some time before Thursday

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