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发表于 2012-8-15 13:24:23 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
SECTION 1 : t. ~. Z) Y# b) l

% C6 G. ]( g2 L9 Y) LTime-35 minutes # z8 \9 [0 l  U, Z
$ j8 g$ I6 O( p! V  |
24 Questions   h  t3 A2 G' q2 _

, e# q2 Y2 s1 Y: V8 p- m! b- f# I5 k6 O0 ?  o4 k$ ^
Directions: Each group of questions in this section is based on a set of conditions. In answering some of the questions, it may be useful to araw a rough diagram. Choose the resoonse that most accurately and completely answers each question and blacken the corresponding space on your answer sheet.
0 Y8 E$ Y0 y! h  k9 T+ N
) Q: j, |& x$ JQuestions 1-6 2 _( y9 N3 c$ T+ O1 q
6 y2 b) u2 d  e" G/ E& ?
  Seven students-fourth-year students Kim and Lee; third-year students Pat and Robin: and second-year students Sandy, Tety and Val-and only those seven, are being assigned a rooms of equal size in a dormitory. Each room assigned must have either one or two or three students assigned to it and will accordingly be called either a single or a double or a triple. The seven students are assigned to moms in accordence with the following conditions: / y2 X$ |4 X* c% ^0 N3 c

+ Y+ _- e# c, P( Q; r' Y* ]- h  Lio fourth-year student can be assigned to a triple. 0 b0 N" u& O# d# \0 w) ?, P6 z. h

& `# T; d# `' j/ i& f- p/ z$ W; q  No second-year student can be assigned to a single.
5 w/ j+ M# j) a+ B. h7 @' W; p2 \4 J6 j' e. x8 O" m
  Lee and Pobin must not share the same room
! X) s: [  z' o- N: U
( F7 M! f- _+ k7 h1 m  Kim and Pat must share the same room. 0 E7 g) E, l: h- _0 p1 M
  A: d- }- g0 ^% T$ s1. Which one of the following is a combination of rooms to which the seven students could be assigned?
9 P2 n5 d6 [  s' U- }# `) r
, w1 M; M, R0 M! h1 T (A) two triples and one single
- F2 Q# I1 q1 O' y+ H1 d (B) one triple and four singles # V! j  U' N% _2 R7 \7 Z8 [0 [
 (C) three doubles and a stngle 8 A& U0 o3 x1 h: H+ Q$ W, C( w
 (D) two doubles and three singles ) g! C3 @# L) X
 (E) one double and five singles # t# B; w  \0 w- Q% e

/ z" _# |  |8 p! v% q1 Y2. It the room assigned to Robin is a single, which one of the following could be true?
! F4 f$ V  d& j' z* R9 Z. U/ l* D8 Q" q3 m$ n
 (A) There is exactly one double that has a second-year student assigned to it.
/ x  i  z, |; \% s* J+ A (B) Lee is assigned to a stngle.
& d& h8 f8 V" |9 Z% V' X (C) Sandy Fat and one other student are zseigned to a triple together.
8 k8 c- D/ p+ `2 ~0 q (D) Lixactly three of the rooms assigned to the students are singles
* R  X2 b0 [/ i1 x5 H. U# } (E) Exactly two of the rooms assigned to the students are doubles. 1 B0 C4 Z4 j3 m# h$ H' u

% Z  H! F5 m9 h3. Which one of the following must be true? 7 B1 |& E. q7 U$ m, T: N' ~" v3 b7 s
  G! c  E- y( [' X: i  E (A) Lee is assigned to a single 5 x5 \& z' Y- ]# I* a" r
 (B) Pat sharts a double with another student
8 y4 c; n1 a3 V4 ?- A (C) Robin shares a double with another student & r* j3 l6 d* N0 b, ^9 t
 (D) Two of the second-year students share a double with each other ; S, ^+ r) F5 [
 (E) Neither of the third-year students is assigned to a single
) g: L' g1 j& o* y: M4 ?; B+ M9 r4 }+ K
4. If Robin is assigred to a triple, which one of the following must be true? ( \7 l2 m: q/ F0 r% z5 b
  # I2 Q, n% j0 o0 ], M
 (A) Lee is assigned to a single
' M6 a. Q4 T1 F! B1 Q& S (B) Two second-year students share a double with each other ! a5 g0 R# F; K6 L  y  f
 (C) None of the rooms assigned to the students is a single 8 `  i; _2 g; R. h8 K
 (D) Two of the rooms assigned to the students are singles.
! E" l: {- ~: Q" Y! K (E) Three of the rooms assigned to the students are singles 6 b# \4 A0 @+ A% ~! o4 \

+ G+ [' M3 e" {5. If Terry and Val assigned to different doubles from each other, other, then it must be true of the students rooms that exactly 1 |) _4 H  _% c
% z3 i/ S) o& X- n
 (A) one is a single # b) g' x4 J$ b! V2 t1 }
 (B) two are singles
/ v! ]. u& R% o2 C  ~; M (C) two are doubles
; j- k/ D  p5 f+ k9 ~  d2 B5 |3 Q (D) one is a triple " O" V) h4 r+ V, f5 }% p
 (E) two are triples   A& E* B! h; f" [: m: k! c! I5 g

& \& [$ z% `. l1 G# d8 G2 t, v6. Which one of the following could be true?
6 p8 m/ t5 c$ n3 Q) O 
( y! g/ _$ I& [  v, L. [ (A) The two fourth-year students are assigned to singles. 3 M! _( y0 d! M  o0 d# s/ F
 (B) The two fourth-year students share a double with cach other.
, b" z/ m0 W- S, V( e1 p (C) Lee shares a room with a second-year student 1 G' f$ Y; L3 @. \5 O+ }
 (D) Lee shares a room with a third-year student
, [4 O4 y) W9 t9 m# [# N/ r (E) Pat shares a triple with two other students

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