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发表于 2012-8-15 13:24:23 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
14. Which one of the following best expresses the main idea of the passage?& s! X7 K& V$ {0 W
, n/ q/ p2 Q! Z3 w. t( g* V
(A) The analysis of a limited number of atypical discrimination suits of little   value to potential plaintiffs
+ f! r' {; u* i6 H(B) When the number of factors analyzed in a sex discrimination suit is   increased the validity of the conclusions drawn becomes suspect" z, ]+ ]5 u+ {$ @
(C) Scholars who are critical of traditional legal research frequently offer   alternative approaches that are also seriously flawed6 Y2 d1 q- E0 Z! R
(D) Outcomes analysis has less predictive value in sex discrimination cases   than do certain other social science techniques
- R* Z9 a6 e4 S& e1 ^: s7 i. b(E) Given adequate information, it is possible to predict with considerable   certainty whether a plaintiff will be successful in a discrimination suit
2 l7 U) d+ P2 @
$ u- H) [3 K# D& I  a15. It can be inferred from the author s disccussion of traditional legal research that the author is5 D: B6 d6 n4 H( y2 b" x5 w

$ N& j3 L( @* M; v9 m(A) frustrated because traditional legal research has not achieved its full   potential
, ]0 s6 W0 B  s& b# _, T(B) critical because traditional legal research has little relevance to those   actually involved in cases
3 N. [; H% L$ y% o$ p% {( i. C(C) appreciative of the role traditional legal research played in developing later   more efficient approaches
/ j# [: H! J$ c7 ~9 G(D) derisive because traditional legal research has outlasted its previously   significant role5 @. B' b  v$ L3 ]1 ^3 Z
(E) grateful for the ability of traditional legal ressearch to develop unique types   of evidence
% g- q  t& \4 W! h# \1 u% K$ b# f; p0 S0 q; x! I- G) j
16. Which one of the following statements about Zirkel and Schoenfeld can be inferred from the passage?
, t  }* m8 s* B) a0 t5 d
* O0 g9 Y2 K4 l+ |5 p! j5 e( m(A) They were the first scholars to use social science tools in amlyzing legal   cases7 U5 O2 t0 x; o  k% B4 |
(B) They confined their studies to the outcomes analysis technique.0 N9 K: m% z6 L: v  m" m) Z" N
(C) They saw no value in the analysis provided by traditional legal research.' q* P5 y) i8 M' F. q2 D$ G, t
(D) They rejected policy capturing as being too limited in scope
. B; l% e- ~3 B: H(E) They believed that the information generated by outcomes analysis would   be relevant for plaintiffs.6 t) h6 G( S, O8 x. N
1 [* c. |8 i* y* R3 K
17. The author s characterization of traditional legal research in the first paragraph is intended to
' Q2 D1 x  ^' j0 x  X# l/ l
9 s5 L% A2 D8 j4 R; E  z(A) provide background information for the subsequent discussion+ t1 V* @6 w2 J: T0 K% g* S7 ]
(B) summarize an opponent s position  i) P3 f" d6 U( g; c( K
(C) argue against the use of social science tools in the analysis of sex   discrimination cases
8 y) R6 y* R0 i+ g0 B  g(D) emphasize the fact that legal researchers act to the detriment of potential   plaintiffs
( q( E1 E2 @( C! A3 m9 x(E) reconcile traditional legal researchers to the use of social science tools.; _7 Z( \9 S3 ?2 M

- z& j+ h( G$ O4 m2 `+ f: h3 \18. The information in the passage suggests that plaintiffs who pursue sex discrimination cases despite the statisties provided by outcomes analysis can best be likened to
2 D, \9 F  S0 z/ p1 J' ~, z  d  U# E$ Z' l# z6 u. L
(A) athletes who continue to employ training techniques despite their   knowledge of statistical evidence indicating that these techniques are   ulikely to be effective
+ y% K/ M7 L' y(B) lawyers who handle lawsuits for a large number of clients in the hope that   some percentage will be successful: X* Z2 _0 N$ u7 q$ n3 M
(C) candidates for public office who are more interested in making a political   statement than in winning an election
4 X0 R* v4 M+ H/ o* e8 [; N3 B& C(D) supporters of a cause who recruit individuals sympathetic to it in the belief   that large numbers of supporters will lend the cause legitimacy
! M& e# L, b* j(E) purchasers of a charity s raffle tickets who consider the purchase a   contribution because the likelihood of winning is temote
- `* ]- H0 A& D# L& P  u  v% ^: [: @$ ^+ t& X4 _0 ?) \5 u
19. The policy-capturing approach differs from the approach described in lines 48-59 in that the latter approach
& H9 q9 |: ~$ r. S" F, Z5 D. O
$ O$ i5 a$ X) P/ a5 g3 l(A) makes use of detailed information on a greater number of cases
3 f! s7 s9 a0 N7 i1 V- t(B) focuses more directly on issues of concern to litigants
. u4 q8 _" Y/ c% `9 ?(C) analyzes information that is more recent and therefore reflects current   trends
: d: `  t: U  j4 ]/ L. T$ V1 G(D) allows assessment of aspects of a case that are not specifically mentioned   in a judge s opinion6 X4 f' I4 ^$ r6 ~6 \5 L
(E) eliminates any distortion due to personal bias on the part of the researcher" C5 G7 c+ X& U5 W  G# H: w% G8 y6 S
% W1 t5 f/ b& q
20. Which one of the following best describes the organizatin of the passage?
3 [& M, P1 U8 c* e9 ?  }
; G, n. p' Q% H9 P3 R9 n8 N(A) A technique is introduced, its shortcomings are summarized, and   alternatives are described
1 @' o$ h/ x% r& ^* V3 o(B) A debate is introduced, evidence is presented, and a compromise is   reached5 w7 v$ s  R5 {; V: b8 y0 \% z. l
(C) A theory is presented, clarification is provided, and a plan of further   evaluation is suggested# l' b! x9 V/ O# Q, X
(D) Standards are established, hypothetical examples are analyzed, and the   criteria are amended
/ |* H$ L( ]- X6 H9 E$ `(E) A position is challenged, its shortcomings are categorized, and the   challenge is revised.! M1 `% Y; T( G+ t  a4 M
! ~7 x) r! Q7 D9 A& I1 ~
   A fake can be defined as an artwork intended to deceive. The motives of  its creator are decisive, and the merit of the object itself is a separate issue.  The question mark in the title of Mark Jones s Fake? The
0 G+ [6 w" A( \4 R/ W; w% T. `6 T
(5) Arl of Deception reveals the study s broader concerns Indeed, it might  equally be entitled Original? and the text begins by noting a variety of  possibilities somewhere between the two extremes. These include works by  an artist s followers in the style of the master.
* l6 i; L" O$ M% j" H: K
5 p0 B0 i6 r, e4 x+ o(10) deliberate archaism, copying for pedagogical purposes, and the production  of commercial facsimiles4 B6 W" i. Q1 o2 ?# y
2 Q5 l7 l2 T& R
   The greater part of Fake? is devoted to a Chronological survey  suggesting that faking feeds on the many different motives people have for  collecting2 u+ y" @. w1 _4 K. M
4 t/ [! ^% L6 k1 I  b. i4 U
(15) art, and that, on the whole, the faking of art flourishes whenever art  collecting flourishes. In imperial Rome there was a widespread interest in  collecting earlier Greek art, and therefore in faking it. No doubt many of the  seulptures now exhibited as "Roman copies" were

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