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发表于 2012-8-15 13:24:23 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
22. Which one of the following statements best expresses the main idea of the passage?
0 L! Q* D. L& f) ]. G% m7 d, f
1 b$ n8 m5 u4 a- j* c(A) Tollefson s focus on the economic and cultural factors involved in adjusting   to a new country offers a significant departure from most studies of   Southeast Asian immigration.
; {$ {2 ]! U1 b3 T(B) In his analysis of educational programs for Southeast Asian immigrants.   Tollefson fails to acknowledge many of the positive effects the programs   have had on immigrants lives., a6 w) s4 S6 h3 S; _
(C) Tollefson convincingly blames the philosophy underlying immigrant   educational programs for some of the adjustment problems afflicting   Southeast Asian immigrants.2 L: x' d3 r& f. c/ P; V
(D) Tollefson s most significant contribution is his analysis of how Southeast   Asian immigrants overcome the obstacles they encounter in immigrant   educational programs.
" F8 N) D# o# ]9 T$ Z(E) Tollefson tractes a gradual yet significant change in the attitudes held by   processing center educators toward Southeast Asian immigrants.) ~3 W5 m$ \# ~# j& x

# l, x* _6 b$ k* \23. With which one of the following statements concerning the educational programs of the immigration centers would Tollefson most probably agree?7 u4 {% J0 G# T# j7 s0 u

% T# X' I+ r$ s/ ?! m9 g2 T8 w) b(A) Although the programs offer adequate job training, they offer inadequate   English training.
( m' d$ F" p2 s$ E+ G: K9 C6 G(B) Some of the programs attempts to improve the earning power of the   immigrants cut them off from potential sources of income.
- a( x+ w" p' i5 J% B; M. J(C) Inclusion of the history of immigration in the United States in the programs   currcula facilitates adjustment for the immigrants.: p9 L( t$ z% j- X  a/ p
(D) Immigrants would benefit if instructors in the programs were better prepared   to teach the curricula developed in the teacher-training courses.+ B0 j5 m+ |, M: N' _; ^' Q7 k
(E) The programs curricula should be redesigned to include greater emphasis   on the shared values. beliefs, and practices in the United States.
1 ?: b  p. E4 j" Q7 d: `" m2 H1 J" _( e6 N( ?; G7 b
24. Which one of the following best describes the opinion of the author of the passage with respect to Tollefson s work?
2 ~9 T6 F  \7 ~' C9 X4 o. w# g0 G4 T; B
(A) thorough but misguided
  I3 w0 S3 R' s4 e(B) innovative but incomplete
7 ^0 _4 E  _& H+ O(C) novel but contradictory, `% [" b) U' U1 V9 X) r; E
(D) illuminating but unappreciated
% n2 }( c( c. n/ L" K  F9 L6 U(E) well documented but unoriginal
4 ^% ~# f) t- P) o2 u  h! `& L
' j! Z  z( b& ~( V5 ~25. The passage suggests that which one of the following is an assumption underlying the educational approach in immigrant processing centers?
8 g* F  T# n% d) K+ J4 T9 e9 Y# s  F9 J) O0 Z- _" `
(A) There is a set of values and behaviors that if adopted by immigrants,   facilitate adjustment to United States society
: ]) `# C. d1 i! e0 I(B) When recent immigrants are self-supporting rather than supported by public   assistance, they tend to gain English proficiency more quickly
/ l) x! k3 E; w. y. H& X( R7 C(C) Immediate employment tends to undermine the immigrants sense of   community with each other# \/ a% u# u+ [  y' {2 ~
(D) Long-term success for immigrants is best achieved by encouraging the   immigrants to maintain a strong sense of community.
& M5 J4 h. z! Q& v6 N; l(E) The principles of self-sufficiency and individual success are central to   Southeast Asian culture and ethnicity.
0 w2 V; V3 F& P3 G$ e
: z+ k5 \- l% |# B( `* R9 S26. Which one of the following best describes the function of the first paragraph of the passage?
* f# [% W( b8 Y1 A
7 m0 R0 H5 ~/ n8 r5 s5 p! G! ^  R(A) It provides the scholarly context for Tollefson s study and a description of his   methodology9 a" v- _. N7 x0 ^0 v
(B) It compares Tollefson s study to other works and presents the main   argument of his study.
/ m$ M+ a- Q& n8 V3 }(C) It compares the types of documents Tollefson uses to those used in other   studies
/ W1 m! W, x# O9 T9 a. d(D) It presents the accepted meory on Tollefson s topic and the method by   which Tollefson challenges it, ~* H: ^8 [$ \$ R+ y2 _
(E) It argues for the analytical and technical superiority of Tollefson s study over   other works on the topic6 ?+ s! T8 ~+ v1 X) B0 _$ p

# Q. E) }% G, ^1 j+ I27. The author of the passage refers to Tollefson s descriptions of the bureaucratic nature of the immigrant educational programs in the fourth paragraph most probably in order to. ]) r; ]% u& w, S" c! u- c

! g9 e, u5 |# o3 ]; D+ r( V7 C3 W(A) criticize Tollefson s decision to combine a description of the bureaucracies   with suggestions for improvement.1 O/ U) p' z' ~# L& s5 n- @0 j
(B) emphasize the author s disappointment in Tollefson s overly general   recommendations for improvements to the programs.
  J$ i5 F% U) M" F(C) point out the mony of Tollefson concluding his study with suggestions for   drastic changes in the programs+ F& Q" ]3 L- q4 y' p  F- n  g
(D) support a contention that Tollefson s recommendations for improvements do   not focus on the real sources of the programs problems0 U5 ]4 v0 J, [6 M
(E) suggest a parallel between the complexity of the bureaucracies and the   complexity of Tollefson s arguments

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