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发表于 2012-8-15 13:24:23 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
9. Which one of the following best states the main idea of the passage?1 S8 _/ W, G: C+ ~, T# h! u5 t
9 ~8 L( L6 l. e' x2 K+ {  m7 s& g0 o
(A) Within the last few decades, a number of novel approaches to jurisprudence  have defined the nature of the law in diverse ways.
2 G5 q& R% @! P3 Y& C! u8 L(B) Within the last few decades, changes in society and in the number and type  of cases brought to court have necessitated new methods of interpreting the  law.* X5 e9 U3 r$ h# c& p* w# H
(C) Of the many interdisciplinary approaches to jurisprudence that have  surfaced in the last tow decades, the Law and Literature movement is the  most intellectually coherent.
: ^) S: m* G% L# b) H* K(D) The Law and Literature movement, first articulated by James Boyd White in  the mid-1970s, represents a synthesis of the many theories of jurisprudence  inspired by the social sciences0 n# U2 t! D# P6 w
(E) Such traditional legal scholars as legal positivists and natural lawyers are  increasingly on the defensive against attacks from younger, more progressive  theorists.1 M& f6 T; S/ b- S/ ?0 b% T( d" d

( j% W5 e" \7 X5 i0 L, [/ F10. According to the passage, judicial opinions have been described as each of the following EXCEPT:
. s/ [4 G* J" r" U+ f& U- M! v$ J0 W& W/ S8 b! m7 u
(A) political statements
" b7 h% W& o" ]8 K2 P(B) arcane statements5 D/ A4 j0 S9 }8 {. v$ b$ s
(C) economic statements
  z& q* V1 |/ t* I& T  N  E* n(D) artistic performances
( \- }" f2 K% ^$ |. Z(E) acts of translation% v2 u8 A& p6 E& ^' M  u  X( @

$ B! J, b' M$ F- z11. Which one of the following statements is most compatible with the principles of the Critical Legal Studies movement as that movement is described in the passage?1 v7 y2 H3 G% F+ d, n

: R+ _( H# y1 R4 \  F7 s5 ~2 C2 E(A) Laws governing the succession of power at the death of a head of state   represent a synthesis of legal precedents, specific situations, and the   values of lawmakers
7 K3 M; e' Z# m" d3 e(B) Laws allowing income tax deductions for charitable contributions, though   ostensibly passed by lawmakers, were devised by and are perpetuated by   the rich
9 e& @! {% [$ A, F+ I9 q(C) Laws governing the tariffs placed on imported goods must favor the   continuation of mutually beneficial trade arrangements, even at the   expense of long-standing legal precedent.7 Z( W0 u% X. r7 d9 _$ |9 Q
(D) Laws governing the treatment of the disadvantaged and powerless members   of a given society are an accurate indication of that society s moral state." H+ [* E! R, d- Z. x+ P
(E) Laws controlling the electoral processes of a representative democracy have   been devised by lawmakers to ensure the continuation of that governmental   system.# j! u6 h( S" ?$ w

1 q7 l- k( [6 Z12. Which one of the following does the passage mention as a similarity between the Critical Legal Studies movement and the Law and Literature movement?; z  M7 a* I* ?

: M6 {4 C5 [1 n% z: n. U(A) Both offer explanations of how elites maintain their hold on power.
. L4 F. {, b4 q9 Y(B) Both are logical extensions of either natural law or legal positivism.
. A5 h2 |6 d( i7 K! [% Z& m- c' W(C) Both see economic and political primacy as the basis of all legitimate power5 V% ^( F5 W' K* g" W/ }9 s7 h
(D) Both rely on disciplines not traditionally connected with the study of law.+ ?/ f6 K' Y* o: v0 {% E5 m
(E) Both see the practice of opinion-writing as a mediating activity.
. T! f) Z. V' ?, A: s. z4 x; r$ j: y9 |* G
13. Which one of the following can be inferred from the passage about the academic study of jurisprudence before the 1970s?# T0 J# [( @1 y8 B9 N
- ]9 h% U8 ^2 {& k2 u8 S
(A) It was concerned primarily with codifying and maintaining the privileges of   elites.) ~; I& S% p0 i% ~9 ?$ I
(B) It rejected theories that interpreted law as an expression of a group s power.' T) T+ w# @$ O+ K& r" J1 F  A
(C) It seldom focused on how and by what authority judges arrived at opinions.$ Y! f, s+ Q  U7 T2 q
(D) It was concerned primarily with the study of law as an economic and moral   agent.
( s  y5 p+ d- Q1 r& \(E) It was not concerned with such disciplines as anthropology and sociology.* Q& G0 H- k5 u4 N- ~: [

# R# A$ H, v; D/ ?5 T4 @14. Proponents of the Law and Literature movement would most likely agree with which one of the following statements concerning the relationship between the law and judges written opinions?
5 |0 ^+ T: A& s/ W
2 s9 H; p! f* s4 i' A* p(A) The once-stable relationship between law and opinion-writing has been   undermined by new and radical theoretical developments
6 u( i2 [4 p% U. `: ]$ ~(B) Only the most politically conservative of judges continue to base their   opinions on natural law or on legal positivism.
- `, Z, |" o5 ?$ U1 R7 K4 B7 w  l8 v(C) The occurrence of different legal situations requires a judge to adopt diverse   theoretical approaches to opinion-writing.
& N: K% E$ U% _4 f% B(D) Different judges will not necessarily write the same sorts of opinions when   confronted with the same legal situation.8 K1 H4 D$ W5 a
(E) Judges who subseribe to divergent theories of jurisprudence will necessarily   render divergent opinions.
4 T% r2 f/ ~" b# q( f" v0 p0 t' h* u- ~& M" C$ Z
15. Which one of the following phrases best describes the meaning of "re-constitute" as that word is used in line 54 of the passage?
+ C' K7 o" c2 A8 I# I0 N& @# \  H' K, z* |/ o
(A) categorize and rephrase7 c! J" d: H- f' y& P0 e- T8 Z
(B) investigate and summarize
4 s; a( L3 a( }" ]% L2 v(C) interpret and refashion
) O* R3 c" K. m; ~6 m% M7 ?(D) paraphrase and announce
4 J  h8 C# `* x/ k$ }4 _(E) negotiate and synthesize

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