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发表于 2012-8-15 13:24:23 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
12. In a study of the relationship between aggression and television viewing in nursery school children, many interesting interactions among family styles, aggression, and television viewing were found. High aggression occurred in both high-viewing and low-viewing children and this seemed to be related to parental lifestyle. High-achieving. competitive, middle-class parents, whose children did not watch much television had more aggressive children than parents who planned their lives in an organized, child-centered way, which included larger amounts of television viewing.( V& C5 f+ _% b7 J. Z1 s9 n. E
; {* i- d2 d6 ]. I6 R* {4 Y# ?5 V
  Which one of the following conclusions is best supported by the passage?  \* l! Y, y9 F- Q; |6 l6 y
2 H+ c& C$ M+ }( H
(A) Low levels of television viewing often lead to high levels of aggression among   children.
# S+ k. I6 m; t" L) ](B) The level of aggression of a child cannot be predicted from levels of   television viewing alone.+ |: s" X  E- v+ h6 u6 R
(C) If high-achieving. competitive parents were more child-centered, their   children would be less aggressive! L  _1 f; Z* s( k5 d' D
(D) High levels of television viewing can explain high levels of aggression among   children only when the parents are not child-centered.
0 e) i! B7 E! r' }(E) Parental lifestyle is less important than the amount of television viewing in   determining the aggressiveness of children." u4 r" c& G3 s
! q- y/ I. U' u& k# Z8 `/ t
13. One of the effects of lead poisoning is an inflammation of the optic nerve, which causes those who have it to see bright haloes around light sources. In order to produce the striking yellow effects in his "Sunflowers" paintings, Van Gogh used Naples yellow, a pigment containing lead. Since in his later paintings, Van Gogh painted bright haloes around the stars and sun, it is likely that he was suffering from lead poisoning caused by ingesting the pigments he used.
+ ]; p! D2 V# W; S" C$ \& [% r
# R  S4 u2 o% N  Which one of the following is an assumption on which the argument relies?
+ d" C* R! Y1 K5 [4 T6 {7 f- T+ [! O0 O2 W$ f- U+ Q& M
(A) In Van Gogh s later paintings he painted some things as he saw them.
. i6 z9 r1 p" X(B) Van Gogh continued to use paints containing lead after having painted the   "Sunflowers" paintings,.0 T4 K6 f  x- Z9 X, `
(C) Van Gogh did not have symptoms of lead poisoning aside from seeing bright   haloes around light sources.
$ r7 n- q0 a. w1 l(D) The paints Van Gogh used in the "Sunflowers" paintings had no toxic   ingredients other than lead.% o3 I  \' K: {
(E) The effects of Naples yellow could not have been achieved using other   pigments.
& c" y1 @( G) k+ t( n# p  e
+ o9 M& o5 Q1 T. J1 R7 u. Q, bQuestions 14-15- h+ C( v5 @& r
, j- p* m! T5 u& B% l* V! ^
Politician: The mandatory jail sentences that became law two years ago for certain crimes have enhanced the integrity of our system of justice, for no longer are there two kinds of justice, the kind dispensed by lenient judges and the kind dispensed by severe ones.
. @2 J) O$ o! z6 u# Z7 J, n5 ?! m
2 X3 k" `) p, K$ uPulic advocate: But with judges stripped of discretionary powers, there can be no leniency even where it would be appropriate. So juries now sometimes acquit a given defendant solely beacuse the jurors feel that the mandatory sentence would be too harsh. Those juries, then, do not return an accurate verdict on the defendant s guilt. This is why it is imperative that the legislation instituting mandatory jail sentences be repealed.
% L/ O% c0 S) }4 ?
4 |; c( P+ M& x14. The public advocate responds to the politician s argument by doing which one of the following?
5 d/ C; H2 L: u: c
9 {( n; N9 ]4 o& q$ q/ J9 w" @9 B(A) trying to show that the politician s conclusion merely paraphrases the   politician s evidence" z: o) u  N' r0 x
(B) claiming that the politician s evidence, properly analyzed, has no bearing on   the conclusion the politician derives from it.
8 t- D# L% O! A8 e$ F: d0 D5 g(C) arguing that leniency is not a trait of individuals but that, rather, it is a   property of certain kinds of decisions.
. i, R9 ^" M. U& t! F( N(D) arguing that an analysis of the consequences of certain legislation   undermines the politician s conclusion
. Y( M. p# q# Q' I5 \' L4 k(E) charging that the politician exaggerated the severity of a problem in order to   justify a sweeping solution
; `% X9 g$ W2 f& d! U5 O; c
0 B+ F6 w4 h! Y1 r6 L! t15. Which one of the following principles, if valid, provides the politician with the strongest basis for countering the public advocate s argument?
* N% _% l1 l$ ]' _- O6 Q1 g4 J+ p2 P" `- Y+ X8 ?8 W3 l  ^
(A) Juries should always consider whether the sum of the evidence leaves any   reasonable doube concerning the defendant s guilt, and in all cases in   which it does, they should acquit the defendant
* X, n7 H; y9 D! }/ ~(B) A system of justice should clearly define what the specific actions are that   judges are to perform within the system.' T! x0 p; w: ~3 A) n
(C) Asystem of justice should not require any legal expertise on the part of the   people selected to serve on juries.' U1 M! x$ D' o2 R
(D) Changes in a system of justice in response to some undesirable feature of   the system should be made as soon as possible once that feature has   been recognized as undesirable.
2 `3 y. ^2 x4 X3 H$ g8 r(E) Changes in a system of justice that produce undesirable consequences   should be reversed only if it is not feasible to ameliorate those undesirable   consequences through furhter modification.
0 L3 p1 l. w+ e" u- E. h) n: p: ~
2 T; D' ~) f9 _$ t" U  }16. Researchers studying artificial sweeteners have long claimed that the perception of sweetness is determined by the activation of a single type of receptor on the tongue, called a sweetness receptor. They have also claimed that any given individual molecule of substance can activate at most one sweetness receptor and that the fewer molecules that are required to activate a receptor, the sweeter that substance will be perceived to be, Now the researchers claim to have discovered a substance of which only one molectule is needed to activate any sweetness receptor.
0 B2 H' A& p  i
8 V3 ^* O2 N8 L. n- @  Which one of the following conclusions is most strongly supported by the researchers claims, if all of those claims are true?0 N4 _* N7 C8 }* d6 F

+ A& }5 w0 X7 w2 i) [+ x' \3 x(A) The more sweetness receptors a person has on his or her tongue, the more   likely it is that that person will find sweet sensations pleasurable
7 L6 j9 @7 L% p* L0 @(B) In sufficient quantity. the molecules of any substance can activate a   sweetness receptor
5 {3 C% j0 U4 P  N' H(C) No substance will be found that is perceived to be sweeter than the   substance the researchers have discovered.- U! Q* P) B3 Q9 K' F1 D2 ?
(D) A substance that does not activate a sweetness receptor will activate a   taste receptor of another type.. m' k' x# |* v- ~
(E) The more molecules of a substance that are required to activate a single   sweetness receptor. the more bitter that substance will be perceived to be.8 q4 e, g: j6 Z! S/ x4 r  f
- T& V8 R8 i" o
17. An editorial in the Grandbury Daily Herald claims that Grandburg s voters would generally welcome the defeat of the political party now in control of the Grandburg City Council. The editorial bases its claim on a recent survey that found that 59 percent of Grandburg s registered voters think that the party will definitely be out of power after next year s city council elections.% b' n1 v- Y+ t  h

2 R' |5 W5 Q: ~" v: t4 k  Which one of the following is a principle that, if established, would provide the strongest justification for the editorial s conclusion?
/ t; i3 w9 S4 Z) V- }, i1 E, k( _
$ E6 e( f8 ~# [3 G(A) The way voters feel about a political party at a given time can reasonably be   considered a reliable indicator of the way they will continue to feel about   that party, barring unforeseeable political developments.' E; I2 T7 ~7 U( E% V
(B) The results of surveys that gauge current voter sentiment toward a given   political party can legitimately be used as the basis for making claims   about the likely future prospects of that political party.
& ~1 X9 O: L* A, R8 \" V4 S) _(C) An increase in ill-feeling toward a political party that is in power can   reasonably be expected to result in a corresponding increase in support for   rival political parties.
- X" H4 ^) ]( T5 r; N, ~(D) The proportion of voters who expect a given political possibility to be   realized can legitimately be assumed to approximate the proportion of   voters who are in favor of that possibility being realized.4 s5 Q. F/ G6 U$ W/ r, Z. P5 N
(E) It can reasonably be assumed that registered voters who respond to a   survey regarding the outcome of a future election will exercise their right to   vote in that election

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