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发表于 2012-8-15 13:24:23 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
Questions 13-17
7 W/ f/ p9 s% c5 s& J# p' ^  l' o1 ~! X6 g$ |
  On Tuesday Vladimir and Wendy each eat exactly four separate meals: breakfast. luch, dinner, and a snack. The following is all that is known about what they eat during that day.
7 L9 m7 ?* Y' j4 z$ P" ~5 ^8 g# a* g* t9 n5 z6 V9 \
  At no meal does Vladimir eat the same kind of food as Wendy
  P0 ~. G3 W/ }7 a
4 H; a& o( t5 Y+ s  |' h; Y  Neither of them eats the same kind of food more than once during the day
0 V# S7 @3 r; l. p. h5 y. z% I( V( V% [% L
  For breakfast, each eats exactly one of the following: hot cakes poached eggs, or omelet/ l5 k5 s, b2 n

$ S& v* H- L& r$ @% n  S  For lunch each eats exactly one of the following fish. hot cakes, macaroni, or omelet
7 ?9 e. e* Q2 Y9 E' d/ Q2 L9 G! v; n% v+ X; c) [3 U1 w
  For a snack each eats exactly one of the following fish or omelet.
, I) W$ `- O3 T& S! m% _
( I# }) e, v3 ]  Wendy eats an omelet for lunch' I) X0 J7 A/ L- u
& h5 ~; Q8 s1 ?0 X* Q1 O
13. Which one of the following statements musts be true?! S0 o* x! Q6 @' Q
6 q# m( p0 S5 U9 |& x
(A) Vladimir eats fish for lunch
# l  }, D5 u' P8 ?7 m- K9 P(B) Vladimir eats fish for dinner' i4 V5 y4 A: b+ ]' E; P
(C) Vladimir eats fish for his snack) Y! ?" E: Y; v4 G
(D) Wendy eats fish for dinner
; K/ H7 Z: ^# g- v, d4 ]7 }(E) Wendy eats fish for her snack
% x8 R" c) o1 E* H- _& G2 r( c) n9 ?  U; [  P% J  }- W0 h5 W
14. Vladimir must eat which one of the following foods?
8 L3 l4 D: B& ?) M8 T0 s1 |5 J9 d4 ?2 X' L. R( e2 W2 V& _
(A) fish( k% {7 [5 R3 P7 g, I9 i% r1 z
(B) hot cakes
, \) c; |: K; q; N1 U(C) macaroni* o! c- I. Y7 T) `- i
(D) omelet0 J  _: c  ?. K* N0 _
(E) poached eggs
" e- N) S1 u* I* l' {4 Z$ v
5 z# @; S6 D% B% a/ {5 u% J15. If both Vladimir and Wendy eat macaroni on Tuesday, then which one of the following statements could be true?, L% |0 \$ d) S! [

( m$ v' }5 e* V) W1 a(A) Vladimir eats fish for lunch
0 m- O) J% u: ]$ m- k5 }(B) Vladimir eats hot cakes for lunch& y8 i1 {3 y* C# \
(C) Vladimir eats macaroni for dinner& U: G; _3 i/ h; ]/ v; I& ^
(D) Wendy eats hot cakes for breakfast% J) Y8 \, n% p$ l, M
(E) Wendy eats hot cakes for dinner
/ |" f0 J  m- j3 {
1 }$ {8 L; A. Y' f, H16. If Wendy does not eat macaroni on Tuesday then which one of the following statements could be true?, |3 P& v* M# v
, q9 l  X; K' U
(A) Vladimir eats poached eggs for breakfast
+ ~( Z8 P6 O! D4 @4 S1 w$ y# V2 x(B) Vladimir eats fish for lunch
) k$ h' u' r, g1 s* c(C) Vladimir eats hot cakes for lunch
; m( t% l, N, i, j2 {! s8 k  p(D) Wendy eats hot cakes for breakfast) T% _1 ], F& D/ @) Y1 }7 c: t, m
(E) Wendy eats fish for dinner
( i% ~5 a2 _- |
: A7 m* G0 W- g6 J5 W' |+ T17. If Wendy eats poached eggs for breakfast, then which one of the following statements cannot be true?5 L$ g! i" q8 q" c8 \; d2 `* |: F
0 X, K: n! P+ t  E3 X0 n* T
(A) Vladimir eats fish for lunch" [8 x, a0 {" i+ e; E3 J9 q
(B) Vladimir eats hot cakes for lunch3 p4 j; S0 O7 z# D5 v
(C) Vladimir eats macaroni for lunch
$ x* x' f! m7 L" W# U& \/ m(D) Wendy eats hot cakes for dinner
4 I2 v/ k$ n6 m" T, [+ X(E) Wendy eats macaroni for dinner

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