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发表于 2012-8-15 13:24:23 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
4 w- k% x% t1 X) h
/ ?# e; ]) S  q2 U- BTime—35 minutes
# ^: o# X- w# `6 }9 |
8 ^  M2 I' Y) c2 @24 Questions0 |5 T, @, A2 ^: ~" X, z* I' {4 R

( i3 [) V0 \* LDirections: Each group of questions in this section is based on a set of conditions. In answering some of the questions, it may be useful to draw a rough diagram. Choose the response that most accurately and completely answers each question and blacken the corresponding space on your answer sheet.
- ^0 R. T( l5 A7 R# N
& [9 O+ d. m0 q5 ~' F7 f9 I; nQuestions 1-5
4 X) y! b5 o: c* W" q6 c6 H
6 q4 W- p9 X4 Z% [; \% l2 O! ^  On Wednesday a physician will have exactly one appointment with seven patients—P, Q, R, S, T, U, W—one patient per appointment. The schedule of appointments chronologically numbered 1 through 7, must meet the following conditions:
5 N2 H/ p9 \& c% s/ V
- C2 l( {2 u: y3 O  Q s appointment is at some time before P s appointment
% y7 M$ O5 i! H' d2 A/ w
5 c) ^4 Z* @" r  L) |  U s appointment is at some time before P s appointment9 H. Z+ `3 _0 {
3 `2 _  c$ k* z& ~0 D$ R2 V
  Either R or T has appointment 3
- `3 u6 b; y3 v0 Z$ ]
, A* l# @9 l7 N, C/ z  S s appointment is either the appointment immediately before or the appointment immediately after R s appointment.- i2 z: t4 }+ o+ P; x4 O
5 U: C) ]; I( Q! j; A, `
1. Which one of the following is an acceptable schedule of appointments in order from 1 to 7?2 b: r& A  R! d" O5 @

( ~, ~; L9 s3 X! _4 S+ X(A) Q, S, R, P, W, U, T
! Z# l7 y, ?  [- t1 _1 m7 o(B) Q, U, W, S, R, T, P. G; n6 z  Z9 f2 N2 |6 L$ r! u
(C) S, Q, R, T, W, U, P
5 t3 l. j; `+ }2 v; z% e2 h(D) T, U, R, S, W, P, Q
3 x% L: W; Q: N0 H3 m(E) U, Q, T, P, R, S, W6 f5 v6 q* C  E

- L7 ?6 C6 ?0 q' L2. If W has appoinment 2 and P has appointment 5. then which one of the following must be true?
* ^7 M: W1 Q3 b7 O& E; z8 E
& K( Y) b# P  p! \4 H8 x& d9 x. [(A) R has appointment 6) D) F( i2 b5 ]6 ^2 M
(B) S has appointment 4( n. U* b( ^+ @, L  y4 r
(C) S has appointment 7) f1 K: a6 y! {/ e7 w; [, _7 k4 V
(D) U has appointment 1
; |+ m! L% {1 ^" I, C9 S8 c(E) U has appointment 4% `" P) r8 ]  n+ H8 ~$ Y
! z+ h+ x+ C! H& c: f
3. If U s appointment is immediately after T s appointment and immediately before R s appointment, then which one of the following must be true?
' j3 `5 n( w% M: ?" t2 L# N
' g; v$ W. r9 o* n(A) Q s appointment is at some time before P s appointment.
4 T, X  @7 R9 H0 S1 o+ O(B) S s appointment is at some time before P s appointment.
  V% x* C4 r2 T* m(C) S s appointment is immediately before Q s appointment
9 j% U" {3 k( J(D) W s appointment is immediately before P s appointment
& f# [! N) j  r(E) W s appointment is at some time before S s appointment
+ W: V( q4 L' ^, Q) ?  J& Z
6 O3 ^  k8 ~8 N$ F& o' w6 n! c6 ^9 i4. If P s appointment is immediately before S s appointment, then each of the following could be true EXCEPT:! |1 _' g6 q( t; A: M
  @: X2 L' k( Z1 _  W
(A) R s appointment is immediately before W s appointment
6 G1 P  Z3 j! ?4 F: i1 E0 B0 f(B) T s appointment is immediately before Q s appointment
4 G( V8 ~; Z" `# h% h& I' r(C) U s appointment is immediately before P s appointment
" o8 d8 J( h+ L6 }9 X(D) U s appointment is immediately before Q s appointment
2 y, ?2 `" u- A8 F' _* M! j. B(E) W s appointment is immediately before T s appointment+ O, M( |* O: f) O# }- K: U  {

# Q4 G6 R  x6 @! z5. If T s appoinemtne is immediately after P s appointment and immediately before W s appointment, then which one of the following must be true?4 b" b" o, u9 Z/ D, A) V
. r2 ^2 ~% ]& U/ c. f2 b- c
(A) W s appointment is at some time before R s appointment.7 K/ G+ {% M  z& E% c4 {: Z) r
(B) U s appointment is at some time before R s appointment.
# K4 Y$ }# L: t( K( m: H(C) S s appointment is at some time before U s appointment.
! y9 i3 y0 A" B7 b' f6 A(D) R s appointment is at some time before P s appointment.
7 c4 F# @, j( X4 A8 o- g(E) Q s appointment is at some time before S s appointment

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