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发表于 2012-8-15 13:24:23 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
Questions 11-17
& j# H) q: a6 z% Z: M" N' p7 y: D+ y
  At a small press, six texbooks, three introductory—F. G. and H—and three advanced—X, Y, and Z—will each be evaluated once by the editor, Juarez, and once by the publisher. Rosenberg, during six consecutive wees—week 1 through week 6 Each evaluator evatuates exactly one textbook per week. No textbook will be evaluated by Juarez and Rosenberg during the same week. The following additional constraints apply.# A) }+ F5 V3 ?( Z$ Q

1 s5 z4 L0 v+ P. b  Rosenbery cannot evaluate any introductory textbook until Juarez has evaluated that textbook.' l2 F0 f& t3 A5 p. P- p
  U$ L: m  y. p4 B- V2 S4 U& b
  Juarez cannot evaluate any advanced textbook until
( m, k# M$ h6 n5 S3 Y0 P! f# z/ Y8 L* ~9 ]
  Rosenberg has evaluated that textbook; ]0 Y7 U' b- C7 @: _+ b: n' U
1 [. D' Y; O8 ?1 S! R
  Rosenberg cannot evaluate any two introductory textbooks consecutively" U' t: T/ J4 d0 O7 C; \  Z  h9 ^# c

" g; R7 q# T1 B* U' z0 V  Juarez must evaluate X during week 4.
* Z) O7 {4 x; |: V' N; ?
: s  K$ n  B- J! v$ ]3 p- t11. Which one of the following is an acceptable evaluation schedule with the textbooks listed in order of evaluation from week 1 through week 6?
- Y4 k4 @; o# v$ r& p% V) q- s( x
, x' H0 J; F9 P9 ~( m' j4 `, X(A) Juarez F. G. X. Z. H. Y$ Q7 h/ [7 m6 ]- R, p! W! }$ e
  Rosenberg X. F. Z. G. Y. H7 h+ N! g) a3 ^6 D2 N) c
(B) Juarez: F, Y, G, X, H, Z/ c* U0 B9 L+ E' Z2 e# O
  Rosenberg, Y, F, X, G, Z, H. k+ H5 D: R5 |/ |- d/ x
(C) Juarez G, H, F, X, Y, Z
; K  s' `/ h2 D0 b* t  Rosenberg X, G, H, Y, Z, F3 ]& p& Z* H. g+ H" i
(D) Juarez G, Z, F, Z, H, Y,3 Q; V7 P5 y3 A$ X4 e
  Rosenberg Z, F, X, G, Y, H
. f$ }! t3 _% r5 Y+ F, n. M(E) Juarez H, Y, F, X, G, Z9 V7 ]) f) Q' J0 \" V3 O
  Rosenberg X, H, Z, F, Y, G2 Y* ]* u) L/ b' A) Q2 h. L
  H- T# i! U; U- B) r& K0 C2 z9 U
12. If Juarez evaluates H during week 3 and Rosenberg evaluates G during week 6, which one fo the following must be true?  E7 X4 `: p; f. A3 w
. a/ u' H  A6 L# G# ]5 f
(A) Juarez evaluates F during week 18 w6 V0 [8 k! M, o; c
(B) Juarez evaluates G during week 2.  r' G! ]% C: j2 L. y# S
(C) Juarez evaluates Z during week 6.7 Q) g  D! D9 I% d- O" g
(D) Rosenberg evaluates X during week 1
) w+ o' O7 `; ~0 B(E) Rosenberg evaluates Y during week 5.6 K- Q' b7 K; @! y

' M+ ^  T7 X% c7 F/ ?13. If Juarez evaluates Z during week 2, then Rosenberg must evaluate which one of the following textbooks during week 5?
; s% O0 f7 [: C6 u3 g
* i' I2 E9 V; @6 x+ U(A) F: I+ @5 r% ?" o
(B) H
, l$ V+ @3 p4 r(C) X& ~6 y' D- [( C) F
(D) Y' D) X9 W% T/ F9 w( {9 e  a
(E) Z* \. G. P( c4 R6 x5 E) b3 I

9 A  x: Q: o% a) x; g4 F2 s14. Which one of the following must be true?' ?9 }% N9 f* U" |

5 K0 E* C' C( q7 M(A) Rosenberg evaluates H during week 6
2 ~0 S+ z4 E; F1 C( Z' q(B) Rosenberg evaluates an advanced textbook during week 3
& A% G* N! T, ]$ _(C) Juarez evaluates an advanced textbook during week 2.
$ v1 ^' t3 i4 Z# D2 z. l3 M7 p1 z# X(D) Juarez evaluates Y before evaluating G.' A; h" F* E* r  k5 D
(E) Juarez does not evaluate any two introductroy textbooks consecutively- t! b) t/ T  P8 j
/ X1 z, h3 W& Z& k
15. If Rosenberg evaluates X during week 1 and F during week 2, which one of the following could be true?
) Q# x, R$ v+ v, J/ v1 _4 G6 |3 }: u5 Q1 [/ }+ ^( b
(A) X is the third of the advanced textbooks to be evaluated by Juarez.! V/ J& b, n/ J! H8 n1 p
(B) Y is the first of the advanced textbooks to be evaluated by Juarez./ z+ ?' Z* ^* w" e8 g/ {1 l% F
(C) Juarez does not evaluate any two introductory texbooks in a row.4 q  k4 `6 d+ H/ W) I# X- k
(D) Juarez evaluates G during week 5.
6 J: l, e& g0 X8 k(E) Juarez evaluates Z during week 6.
5 ?. _+ ^3 A& |6 U: I* V1 R" H, l2 L$ r
16. Which one of the following is a complete and accurate list of the those weeks during which Juarez must evaluate an introductory textbook?  e6 f5 w" n- c* Y. Z
, b9 `6 A+ Y8 i* ]/ U9 m
(A) week 1' B1 \+ M8 V8 }- m- L: x8 n
(B) week 68 L0 t1 D) x7 _$ C
(C) week 1, week 58 `! M1 l9 Z+ V; M4 ]/ K
(D) week 1, week 2, week 3
9 U# s4 T* o3 I0 u' \$ V' b(E) week 1, week 3, week 5.) i9 O1 N4 y; `$ }1 ^( t
! S) [6 I* J% [# }- b" n" r+ e) [0 `
17. Which one of the following could be true?* w( G2 ]2 l$ h1 ]5 t

# m% B3 h" f" `9 ^& L+ r(A) Juarez evaluates F during week 6
* V5 i4 y. n. B) l8 x- V+ v(B) Juarez evaluates Z during week 1* o+ s9 w/ }3 [
(C) Rosenberg evaluates F during week 3.5 O. {* o, U6 v# q, y# I! p+ K5 c5 v
(D) Rosenberg evaluates H during week 2.
# [9 b* o- f/ c(E) Rosenberg evaluates X during week 5

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