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[考试辅导] GMAT考试:Argument写作范文二十三

发表于 2012-8-15 21:50:16 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
45.        * Z" ?5 n- P! Z7 Y6 c
  In this argument the author concludes that paying Robin Good several million dollars to star in the movie "3003" is the most likely way for the movie's producers to maximize their profits. The author's line of reasoning is that because Robin has been paid similar amounts of money to work in other films that were financially successful, it is likely that "3003" will also be financially successful if Robin stars in it. This argument is unconvincing in two important respects.来源:考试大, j/ P; X9 o, Y( M, G
' L6 w9 Q3 L  o# F  r' U  U: }   The main problem with this argument involves the author's assumption that the financial success of the other films was due entirely to Robin Good's participation. If this were the case, it would certainly make good sense to pay Robinhandsomely to star in "3003." However, the author offers no evidence to support this contention.来源:考试大
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. F9 P& p2 Y4 U      Moreover, there are many factors that could account for the financial success of the movies in which Robin previously appeared, other than the mere fact that Robin appeared in them. For example, their financial success might have been due to the photography, the plot of the story, the director, or any combination of these. Lacking a more detailed analysis of thereasons for the success of these other movies, it is folly to presume that their financial success was entirely due to Robin's participation.来源:考试大
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      In conclusion, this is a weak argument. To strengthen the conclusion that hiring Robin is the best way for the producers of "3003" to maximize their profits, the author would have to provide evidence that the financial success of the movies Robin previously worked in resulted solely from the fact that Robin starred in them.

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