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[考试辅导] GMAT考试写作指导:Issue写作范文八

发表于 2012-8-15 21:50:16 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
8.  The prospect of converting the world's monetary system of metal coins and 4 i5 E  x% L6 {; J! V- ]9 a
printed paper into a computerized system of credits and debits is intriguing. Opponents
. b9 g& s, |; X9 Vof the idea regard a digital economy as a dangerous step toward a totalitarian society in . E3 \1 t8 Y8 w
which an elite class dominates an information-starved lower class. My view, however, is
7 d5 K8 I) d0 P9 rthat conversion to a digital economy has far-reaching economic and social virtues that
2 k. b- }  T8 i4 w+ r: Boutweigh the potential risk of misuse by a political elite.
- u# b, E- V- r- f0 C- F      Supporters of the idea of "digital cash" view the move to a digital economy as the / a: @# ]* [% @
next logical step toward a global system of free trade and competition. Herein lies the ( ?6 m1 O; ?: G, @+ H. y5 |" C+ w) a9 m
main virtue of a digital economy. In facilitating trade among nations, consumers
6 S8 K% s$ M+ Z+ D- c9 M" r7 |worldwide would enjoying a broader range of goods at more competitive prices.
/ y! E5 Y6 n8 w2 S# }      In addition, a digital economy would afford customers added convenience, while
3 U' l$ G( S  x" k" Y& h# v! ^" ~at the same time saving money for businesses. Making purchases with electronic ' C0 n( X3 e  X: O* V+ }
currency would be simple, fast, and secure. There would be no need to carry cash and
7 }& H& R8 [$ w8 x7 G7 ]no need for cashiers to collect it. A good example of the convenience and savings
! E/ H7 R( d+ Yafforded by such a system is the "pay and go" gasoline pump used at many service
: L! S. x1 `: D. \stations today, Using these pumps saves time for the customer and saves money for the
" @0 D1 Q( b' ibusiness.来源:www.examda.com
# A9 h* c1 M* z% H# K      A third benefit of such a system is its potential to eliminate illegal monetary
5 N1 _, `/ w& I* U3 l0 Gtransactions. Traffickers of illegal arms and drugs, dealers in black-market contraband,
% ~6 o7 C0 Z4 P9 {& ]3 R# v3 r% p  Tand counterfeiters all rely on tangible currency to conduct their activities. By   i( l6 P# X' Y9 Z
eliminating hard currency, illegal transactions such as these would be much easier to # g* v5 P: u( _& g5 N; W; V3 t
track and record. As a result, illegal monetary transactions could be virtually eliminated. 6 k1 p, \1 h2 b& R7 ?: v. g: q, f
A related benefit would be the ability to thwart tax evasion by collecting tax revenues 2 Z) V0 u" M3 z
on transactions that otherwise would not be recorded.
/ E5 e, L+ S1 m# f  ?5 u      To sum up, I think it would be a good idea to convert current monetary systems
, E1 Y9 `) B( U( Ainto a system of electronic accounts. The economic benefits, convenience and savings
6 z& A8 O& y1 h+ V& dafforded by such a system, along with the potential to reduce crime, far outweigh the
) Y7 Y! ^; V9 S' E/ K, P- Dremote boss ??? at a significant social or political shift toward totalitarianism.

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