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[考试辅导] GMAT考试写作指导:Issue写作范文十一

发表于 2012-8-15 21:50:16 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
11.         Perhaps in some instances the personal failings of great achievers are unimportant $ i  `. |( X5 [, M
relative to the achievements. In many cases, however, the relative significance of
6 \5 F8 L: F" F6 J* V$ y4 R" Ypersonal failings can be very great, depending on two factors: (1) the extent to which the + g4 o% g7 P2 F+ z5 `& f) }
failing is part of the achievement process itself, and (2) the societal impact of the 0 I" r" m6 _9 C4 Q; v7 {4 O. K. v  K
achiever's failing apart from his or her own success.
+ T/ I( |! t6 E      Personal failings and achievement are often symbiotically related. The former test ) P# w- E1 b5 y' v( b4 _% O4 B3 i
the would-be achiever's mettle; they pose challenges—necessary resistance that drives & s; T3 J- X) q
one to achieve despite the shortcoming. Personal failings may also compel one to focus
& X: ]8 m7 m4 l9 B: p7 e$ `* N3 uon one's strengths, thereby spawning achievement. For example, poor academic or job ! }' j' _9 j! h2 ^8 w
performance may propel a gifted entrepreneur to start his or her own business. In the
4 y/ r$ n2 F( @, n3 D, B+ Farts, a personal failing may be a necessary ingredient or integral part of the process of
. D7 _& A% b0 A: h: Dachieving. Artists and musicians often produce their most creative works during periods 来源:www.examda.com * y0 J& L4 g9 E( ]
of depression, addiction, or other distress. In business, insensitivity to the "human"
4 g, u  W$ j$ k/ o) s1 pcosts of success has bred grand achievements, as with the questionable labor practices
' U" R& Q3 V# U+ E+ uof the great philanthropist Andrew Carnegie.& K' X: Q# x! {- Y% B
      A second type of personal failing is one that is unrelated to the achievement. ; c& f1 A( c. m9 H' Y
Modern politics is replete with examples: the marital indiscretions of the great leader + j( G, @: G4 f5 h7 K4 a  c
John F. Kennedy and the paranoia of the great statesman Richard Nixon, to name just
3 c( x/ |9 Y- ?; f* @two. Were the personal failings of these two presidents less "important" than their
6 C3 `. N; R& |$ K4 rachievements? In the former example, probably so. in the latter example, probably not
6 R2 I1 k+ P3 i3 ksince it resulted in the Watergate scandal—a watershed event in American politics. In
/ c4 v! Y: i! Mcases such as these, therefore, the societal impact of shortcoming and achievement must ( Y: u/ M% {' [( h# L. b1 F- r
be weighed on a case-by-case basis.
2 H: V# a  Y) Z( O% p. ?      In sum, history informs us that personal failings are often part-and-parcel of great
, Q) r6 L/ N7 n0 e7 Uachievements; even where they are not, personal shortcomings of great achievers often
2 H, f% H# B& I" V: pmake an important societal impact of their own.

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