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[考试辅导] GMAT考试写作指导:Issue写作范文十

发表于 2012-8-15 21:50:16 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
10.        The question at hand is whether the process of making or doing something is
) y% V+ V, a  @1 J+ C) B  Xultimately more important than the final product. Process may not always be more
% ]; E0 M, p: U1 @% L7 n) Rimportant than product, but it often is. A process may provide an opportunity for new
0 m: x. V5 A  _) h- ~$ L/ hand important discoveries with ramifications far beyond the current product; moreover,
7 i& H8 O6 [: d! va process can often be an important end in and of itself for those engaged in it.- L, k- g3 a* W  V
      New discoveries are often unexpectedly made during routine processes. Such was * V" p; ]7 \. Q( G! x
the case with Alexander Fleming in 1928, who while conducting an unremarkable study
$ K) z  x) F. o& t( qof bacteria, discovered inadvertently that mold growing on one of his cultures was
0 z* d6 P+ @( U7 K6 _, v- }$ Ckilling the bacteria. His ordinary process led to an unexpected and remarkable end: the
; m' a8 n9 `2 R( f1 n3 {4 hdevelopment of penicillin.
. q' n& n! p* j  ]( ?; a( t      Process also offers opportunities for refining old methods and inventing new ones. : q- R' h5 Q' [4 @8 `
For example, as the defense industry slowed down after the cold war, many methods
) Y% ]" r) d, u1 Rand technologies for weapons production proved useful in other areas from commercial
1 a1 _2 l1 ~. [5 I" l3 Qaviation to medical technology. The same has been true of technologies developed for
# L3 h7 V$ r# Z; u6 F7 Mthe space program, which now find broad application in many other fields.
) S6 ^$ u6 w( L, ?      Finally, in my observation and experience, people become caught up in processes
2 T; C: N  m$ g/ H/ T1 A2 o! b0 Eprimarily for the challenge and enjoyment of the activity, not merely to produce some   d9 h  f$ T! s* @. o
product. Once the process has culminated in a final, product, the participants , k% ]0 p8 M1 H8 ?! S$ n8 G& [
immediately search for a new process to involve them with. From a psychological # K4 U9 A" K! u3 o9 _
standpoint, then, people have a need to busy themselves with meaningful activities—i.e., , y2 Y& Q1 ~' b( H' l/ P6 V
processes. So most processes can fittingly be characterized as ends in themselves 来源:www.examda.com
5 `+ U( n: w/ S" y# Finsofar as they fulfill this psychological need.7 g& Y0 K) ^4 x. U: A
      In sum, the process of making or doing something frequently has implications far 8 |; }0 Y1 D1 S7 Z3 Y
beyond the immediate product. For this reason, and because process fills a basic human
% t! `: N; @1 f4 y4 D8 Wneed, I strongly agree with the speaker's assertion the process is ultimately more
4 P* r9 f6 w/ g: z) f6 m! Eimportant than product.

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