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[考试辅导] GMAT考试写作指导:Issue写作范文十七

发表于 2012-8-15 21:50:16 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
17.        The speaker claims that a detailed time-management plan fails to afford adequate " W5 H' H0 v0 t) Z% d+ }
flexibility to deal with the unexpected at the workplace. He seems to offer an either/or
4 V2 L. S# d( U! Kchoice between planning one's time rigidly, by detailing important daily as well as long-
( R7 @$ Y. k  E/ ~' [. e" ?- C, M! Qterm plans, and not planning at all; and he prefers the second choice. The speaker's 7 w" G8 \5 a; I/ u1 O
claim is overly simplistic, since it is possible for a detailed time-management plan to ! f, N9 Z: G5 [3 l2 k) S
also provide flexibility.; l) Z3 |7 b/ L( x# i
      Working at any job-without a detailed road map for the immediate and longer-
! }: x- c$ C4 u% j* w/ S) wterm can trivialize the efforts of both employees and organizational units so that all their
, V) L3 G6 G/ y, O  p2 w" q& zefforts become aimless. The only sensible way proceed is to consider first one's most
* a: f+ h0 G5 J2 }" ^, Cimportant long-term objectives; then an organizational unit and its employees can order
$ d' O- b) E( H" f0 `daily and weekly tasks according to how much each adds to the achievement of those % t+ S8 |" H. f. Z
objectives. With a broader perspective, workers can eliminate from the list those daily ' Z3 [7 p. Y+ O! k9 u, s: K7 P( M( w9 g
activities that may seem urgent or may be most enjoyable but don't really contribute to ! y% w+ Z/ x( E- S, @8 K6 I9 R  M( v
long-term job goals or to organizational objectives.
1 K4 [- M6 z, U( U5 j9 e      A detailed time-management system need not be inflexible. Knowing which items
7 B- p$ ?% W9 D4 Pto eliminate from a "to-do" list gives a time-management plan its flexibility. When the * j) j* ]* [. a3 _
unexpected arises, it can be judged according to its role in fulfilling long-term goals. If 8 _' D" [1 Q8 U2 E& g; b
what at first seemed urgent turns out not to be important, it can be deferred to another
, J& B. |) a1 n. l. L/ ztime or ignored altogether. But if something unexpected needs handling in order to 8 `' @6 j2 p' n2 k9 n6 J" ~
fulfill an important business or life plan, it will take priority over lesser activities in the 2 C9 X, ]' J( v7 \( l  A
daily or weekly schedule. For instance, I might have a meeting planned for one o'clock 0 G; ?  C# k5 _; [% X4 x
with coworkers to decide the location of an awards banquet, and find out at noon that an   O1 W$ _1 ?2 O5 E8 v& V
important client is thinking of switching to our competitor but wants to talk with me 8 Q" T# c) o& f! s/ A4 {
first. I can easily discern that the banquet meeting is less important than a critical $ v- [! S4 B( y* j: d7 r4 n9 E# A
meeting with a valuable client.  Y' q+ Y6 g' ?  V6 `8 {: h
      In conclusion, effective time management must involve a detailed scheduling of % S/ X" U3 f+ c; O% ~, O2 a6 y
tasks. But it also requires determining which tasks are more central than others to the
: l& T  z/ J* {" ?9 N# wsatisfaction of long-term objectives. This way, the daily or weekly schedule becomes
. I6 x7 r0 M" Nnot just a list of tasks to check off, but a flexible plan that can accommodate important - Q9 l+ b# Y  |' ]* M( M
urgencies while allowing us to bypass less significant scheduled tasks and ignore
4 z8 t( m+ g/ Z& Q( punimportant interruptions.

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