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[考试辅导] GMAT考试写作指导:Issue写作范文二二

发表于 2012-8-15 21:50:16 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
22.        The speaker here argues that government must support the arts but at the same ! ~: R6 U% P! a  `4 m) t4 f5 z
time impose no control over what art is produced. The implicit rationale for government / D% Q  d! ~4 S8 y, l! i; u
intervention in the arts is that, without it, cultural decline and erosion of our social $ G. l9 d; z6 r$ M4 e/ w$ T
fabric will result. However, I find no empirical evidence to support this argument, which 6 R! L2 k4 x7 e
in any event is unconvincing in light of more persuasive arguments that government
/ e6 ?0 x: ?8 ?* Hshould play no part in either supporting or restricting the arts.
' S  w$ A$ w! M5 h& O9 j; j: u" ^      First, subsidizing the arts is neither a proper nor a necessary job for government. 8 P5 `, Z6 y$ Z1 H6 F: C4 j
Although public health is generally viewed as critical to a society's very survival and 9 O! p4 v' c& ~- A) @
therefore an appropriate concern of government, this concern should not extend
, k5 q$ x# j6 Q  ltenuously to our cultural "health" or well being. A lack of private funding might justify , n0 {' n0 D* d' ~/ k
an exception; in my observation, however, philanthropy is alive and well today,
2 D5 p7 D5 z* H+ Fespecially among the new technology and media moguls.' P3 E: ]* Q3 g  h8 T5 H4 N" R: X6 I
      Second, government cannot possibly play an evenhanded role as arts patron. + e; U1 x7 P0 D, E
Inadequate resources call for restrictions, priorities, and choices. It is unconscionable to ; b$ m: ~& p# }. o3 @
relegate normative decisions as to which art has "value" to a few legislators and jurists,
% Y" }/ k9 H$ x) Swho may be unenlightened in their notions about art. Also, legislators are all too likely " R: }% L+ Y, S5 ~- m
to make choices in favor of the cultural agendas of those lobbyists with the most money
" h5 _, i, I0 J) |, U- vand influence.8 i  Z/ L* @  \8 O/ x
      Third, restricting artistic expression may in some cases encroach upon the
. U; C, T% |7 ?% l6 g4 ]6 econstitutional right of free expression. In any case, governmental restriction may chill
+ t& a. U$ H! z& S2 c; A; {" L$ Qcreativity, thereby defeating the very purpose of subsidizing the arts.7 X* D$ r' Q" }0 ~' Y
      In the final analysis, government cannot philosophically or economically justify
+ a2 i! t  [, Kits involvement in the arts, either by subsidy or sanction. Responsibility lies with : ]2 b) B" t$ F9 O+ a
individuals to determine what art has value and to support that art.

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