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[考试辅导] GMAT考试写作指导:Issue写作范文二五

发表于 2012-8-15 21:50:16 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
25.        Is the most effective management approach to hire the best people, then to give 8 ?$ w$ J* Z- J' y
them as much autonomy as possible to serve the firm's goals? This strategy would 7 L2 h7 H. `) z4 `/ K% H
certainly enhance an employee's sense of involvement, purpose and personal worth. It ; q0 |4 j2 Z' T+ U1 q2 F* F  `2 |
would also benefit the firm by encouraging employees to work creatively and : E# m( h0 f8 G# f! b% }1 F! }
productively. But the strategy requires two constraints to operative effectively.
# c7 ~+ c4 K) e) x( |      First, the strategy must be constrained .by strong leadership that provides clear 9 v$ C# {+ J+ ]5 Z5 d# w
vision and direction. Simply putting the most capable people together, and letting them
4 V; T, Q+ N. eloose on projects will provide neither. Thinking so involves the mistaken assumption 8 t/ Z0 }9 n& ?2 L$ E8 k
that just because the parts of a whole are good, the collection of the parts into a whole
7 t6 q) O) d6 c6 }* t0 w4 _will be equally good. Business organizations are more than just the sums of their $ o( v1 x: G" C: M! t' r
excellent parts; to be similarly excellent, the organization must also be unified and
$ |" \6 u: }( Q  l! _) xcohesive. And it is strong and visionary leadership that provides these two ingredients.
2 @, Q; A* l7 n6 O: r      Second, the strategy must be constrained by an organizational structure that brings
: @7 a8 V& V4 O4 E0 jall individual efforts together as a coherent whole. Of course, structure can be crippling
! H2 `; E! g) M( p5 ]0 S& h8 `heavily layered, overly bureaucratic organizations probably stifle more creative
5 H* {2 N! c: o# X/ ^# ^! iproductivity than they inspire. Still, individuals will be capable at some things and not 2 k' @6 b( v, Z, N4 }
others, so some organization of efforts is always called for. The moderate—and perhaps ) M( O  n" n9 ]( L
optimal—approach would be to create a structure that gives individuals some authority
5 k' h6 A( L( J6 g' Aacross areas relating to their field of expertise, while reserving final authority for higher-
$ w; {/ j4 M9 clevel managers. For example, no individual in a finance department should have much
0 B0 f) Q( ?3 z' [authority over a design department. However, within the design department, individual * l+ h7 D& p$ v) W" h" _7 x
researchers, artists, drafters, and engineers can all contribute meaningfully to one
+ x2 \3 Z& [1 s# \( o# V" Oanother's projects, and a flexible organizational structure would allow them to do so.4 l3 e/ u) P# U- U1 ]
      In sum, the advice to hire the best people and give them wide authority requires
  n7 d1 w. p7 c2 x* ^1 tmodification. Hiring capable people and granting them some concurrent authority
% L7 r& e, g+ ~2 [9 d1 e  w! C+ sacross areas related to their expertise is better advice. Moreover, solid leadership and a 7 r% p& g7 ?3 ~( O: C$ F
cohesive organizational structure are prerequisites—both are needed to coordinate
/ n, u3 C: Z+ @individual efforts toward the accomplishment of common goals.

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