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[考试辅导] GMAT考试写作指导:Issue写作范文二三

发表于 2012-8-15 21:50:16 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
23.        The speaker asserts that schools should teach only academic skills, and not ethical ) u. N: |7 Z& b  Z% W
or social values. I agree with the speaker insofar as instruction on certain moral issues is
' x3 Z8 e! v% f; A; v6 ^# u6 ^best left to parents and churches. However, in my view it is in the best interests of a 3 k0 v, g: J9 X% I6 ~' t% ~
democratic society for schools to teach at least the values necessary to preserve freedom & G2 Z' Y- M5 h1 x
and a democratic way of life, and perhaps ever) additional values that enrich and nurture
9 Y6 Z% c- i$ G, sa society and its members.
: V# w8 L/ O6 T& a      We all have in interest in preserving our freedom and democratic way of life- At
7 L; l$ [( b/ L) g* i, h9 [the very least, then, schools should provide instruction in the ethical and social values
0 X6 X; O; m) W6 x9 L) Crequired for our democracy to survive—particularly the values of respect and tolerance.
3 q$ X2 K. u8 H' yRespect for individual persons is a basic ethical value that requires us to acknowledge
5 e2 A6 \. ]0 T: o" |the fundamental equality of all people, a tenet of a democratic society. Tolerance of ( b5 v9 A  `- O
differences among individuals and their viewpoints is required to actualize many of our
$ _3 L5 ~" U; |/ Vbasic constitutional rights—including life, liberty, pursuit of happiness, and freedom of 1 n8 ?' g% k* P: J8 H
speech and religion.( [, D* F4 ?6 I2 S, ?0 p4 L( s
      While respect and tolerance are the minimal values that schools should teach, the
# y7 f' @- |+ c, jlist should ideally go further—to include caring, compassion, and willingness to help
0 S* n* j  _$ ]8 d: {) [one another. A democracy might survive without these values, but it would not thrive.
9 u+ u" i6 \% j" A4 `% Z- MRespect and tolerance without compassion, it seems to me, breed a cool aloofness that
# u) b3 r3 u' `: }undermines our humanity, and leaves those in the worst position to suffer more and + p6 h: \, _; V& ~
suffer alone—an unhealthy state for any society.3 _4 \1 g0 K" P  Q5 b1 E" B
      Admittedly, schools should avoid advocating particular viewpoints on
- v+ O6 p' _9 i5 Zcontroversial moral issues such as abortion or capital punishment. Instruction on issues % c& \! I- W7 @4 J
with clear spiritual or religious implications is best left to parents and churches. Even so,
# ?  s. O! W- I7 N" M0 J3 Tschools should teach students how to approach these kinds of issues—by helping
3 g- x* M" s/ f, ], ]/ lstudents to recognize their complexity and to clarify competing points of view. In doing - J+ p. \- C2 G
so, schools can help breed citizens who approach controversy in the rational and
( o9 C$ j7 D/ P+ t9 A2 aresponsible ways characteristic of a healthy democracy.
( z0 R$ s& P* g( L5 e      In sum, schools should by all means refrain from indoctrinating our young people
$ ~( X6 s# K: V) I1 P  hwith particular viewpoint on controversial questions of morality. However, it is in a : ^6 B" ^9 C$ S1 _
democratic society's interest for schools to inculcate the democratic values of respect + J% o# }4 o5 }2 `! W
and tolerance, and perhaps even additional values that humanize and enrich a society.

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