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[考试辅导] GMAT考试写作指导:Issue写作范文三十

发表于 2012-8-15 21:50:16 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
30.         According to this statement, companies would be well advised to discourage
, j( e5 W0 h9 J8 J7 Demployees from working overtime or from taking projects home, since employees are 1 E3 o2 x! u. D! I
more productive when they return to the job after a break from their work. While I agree
* H, m: @) {* `  ^! M1 j8 b0 Dwith this policy in general, on some occasions the company stands to benefit more from
  }# s# [& T3 ?3 B  Masking employees to forego leisure time than from insisting they be rested and refreshed
- j% V2 Y) `  o& R, L* V5 Awhen they come to work.5 r9 x1 J! u; K& `; o+ H3 p
      In the normal course of business operations, companies benefit when they 5 l& w3 A3 e, a+ [
discourage employees from putting in long hours or from taking work home. Breaks
) c' O9 O, A) v. jfrom work provide opportunities to enjoy outside interests and activities, and to spend
# ~  B* \2 H9 O- ~important time with friends and family. Employees who make time for relationships and - b* D& w3 \6 f0 T
leisure activities will find that they return to the job refreshed and with new perspectives
4 S+ }$ }, v6 y- `on the challenges they face at work. Both of these factors contribute to clearer focus on
+ o' u/ s( f6 {. [the task at hand and greater efficiency.
6 m  F$ g2 k, J" ~; b7 X7 ~      At the same time, every organization is familiar with the press of crucial deadlines ; M% ~$ R% N  L' Q2 t
and other crisis situations. At such times a company should call upon employees to 4 D3 V1 I( E) |- A) O% G, _1 |& h
work overtime, and even to take projects home, especially when doing so might make 2 Z0 Z: w4 k5 K' d. r
the difference between the business' success or failure. Moreover, it is in the company's ; ?) B. Q) q& O* U, u. y- R" h$ T
best interest to reward the devoted worker accordingly—not in order to encourage , Q- J( ]. Z' n+ N; o5 c
workaholic habits but rather to foster good will and loyalty.
/ ~! H1 J- g3 C2 }      In sum, I agree that encouraging employees to make a habit of working after hours : r, N0 F- n. A& b) ], n6 g
or taking work home is generally counterproductive for an enterprise. Nevertheless, in
: V/ v9 H% B# z9 ^7 y5 @5 {exceptional situations, especially where the company is at great risk, calling on 7 b8 a/ a6 U$ a8 D) x
employees to forego their ordinary schedules and to work overtime is well justified.

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