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[考试辅导] GMAT考试写作指导:Issue写作范文三二

发表于 2012-8-15 21:50:16 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
32.        In order to determine whether advertisements reflect a nation's ideas, it is
0 C# j* ~/ k  G2 a+ o) Bnecessary to determine whether advertisements present real ideas at all, and, if so, " l4 N8 @( ?* |4 s7 j- x8 |: l
whose ideas they actually reflect. On both counts, it appears that advertisements fail to
9 g% Y; f1 m9 v& O6 k; r: }$ }: yaccurately mirror a nation's ideas.+ j) d" e: u$ @1 F. T
     Indisputably, advertisements inform us as to a nation's values, attitudes, and
# }1 F3 v4 ^# A. ]- C1 h# v+ Bpriorities—what activities are worthwhile, what the future holds, and what is
0 z1 T$ S, N8 S7 ofashionable and attractive. For instance, a proliferation of ads for sport-utility vehicles
$ @- x2 `8 A. e( u# G' K/ ireflects a societal concern more for safety and machismo than for energy conservation   v. ]" z. B9 Z$ p( K8 K
and frugality, while a plethora of ads for inexpensive on-line brokerage services reflects
; u! X+ J& p# s6 W: a$ M: I; xan optimistic and perhaps irrationally exuberant economic outlook. However, a mere
" _% P" r1 I- s: q5 Fpicture of a social more, outlook, or fashion is not an "idea"—it does not answer
4 \+ @6 Y/ }0 p# Q9 x. v' l7 Rquestions such as "why" and "how"?
) Q6 w$ L1 D) b. K8 i      Admittedly, public-interest advertisements do present ideas held by particular
8 p- K7 ]/ z$ K) T1 _' p$ g+ I5 nsegments of society—for example, those of environmental and other public-health   d) ?- l8 c+ C$ r' B$ i* `
interest groups. However, these ads constitute a negligible percentage of all
( ]$ m. y; T* yadvertisements, and they do not necessarily reflect the majority's view. Consequently, to
: [: Q% d3 r+ ?9 n4 G/ U: Z& tassert that advertisements reflect a nation's ideas distorts reality. In truth, they mirror ) w8 d2 p3 U; P8 o2 s& H( q
only the business and product ideas of companies whose goods and services are
1 r; d4 w' P0 f  M) sadvertised and the creative ideas of advertising firms. Moreover, advertisements look , i5 \. i. {! y; S6 }. r4 H7 G
very much the same in all countries. Western and Eastern alike. Does this suggest that
  m8 x0 r7 U3 ]8 _( w7 Mall nations have essentially identical ideas? Certainly not.
. H4 ]! O# U. r" f      In sum, the few true ideas we might see in advertisements are those of only a few
* m$ l* \+ p" V& rbusiness concerns and interest groups; they tell us little about the ideas of a nation as a 7 @& B( |! q$ h8 l3 t, ~, t/ n8 Q& s

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