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[考试辅导] GMAT考试写作指导:Issue写作范文二八

发表于 2012-8-15 21:50:16 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
28.        This argument is untenable for two reasons. First, the claim that high-quality ads
8 T' O3 y/ t& f9 [7 j" Rare used to promote tow-quality products is unsupported empirically and by common 1 p, o+ n5 [$ d; P$ M
sense. Second, undue attention by schools to consumerism is unnecessary and
* {; w: y. Z* @& binappropriate, especially for younger students.; T# ?% Z' z# Z. J, I& y! {  h
      Regarding the first reason, empirical evidence does not suggest that high-quality
. z$ I" I2 a- w/ q7 l9 `! madvertising is used to promote low-quality products. To the contrary, companies that 9 s7 |- I5 W9 w) @8 D; _
produce low-quality products seem to resort to low-budget, poor-quality ads, especially
4 l$ t5 F& o9 H% M! k' Z. Din broadcast media. Firms that take pride in the quality of their products are far more
6 R; k' I( h2 ]5 m. Q8 ^likely also to produce ads they can be proud of. Furthermore, high-quality products are ) Z. G/ ~6 y. ~: b
more likely to succeed in the marketplace and thereby generate the revenues needed to + u8 e4 C0 f" e2 Y" L
ensure high production value in advertising.1 q; |5 _2 {; F8 Z) v
      As for the second reason, it is not the job of our schools to breed legions of smart / k9 K$ e8 q) M& w% j
shoppers. Teachers should devote class time to examining the market place of ideas, no
1 M; r$ y1 B. p7 S" B; Y6 z- dthat of consumer goods and services, which students spend sufficient time examining
1 q; E* Z0 S% ^& P$ Foutside the classroom. Admittedly consumerism and advertising may be appropriate
2 b) E/ c1 U6 c" Z# M# Ftopics for college-level marketing and psychology courses. However, "undue focus on # T+ E$ c: c3 m: V: g2 k
media and materialism may give younger students a distortedly harrow view of the 3 @/ ^- x8 R5 C
world as little more than a flea market. Additionally, revealing the deceptive side of the
! G+ z4 ?+ m2 f/ a7 `- Zadvertising business may breed unhealthy cynicism among youngsters, who need : s  |; A8 _( G( a
positive messages, not negative ones, during their formative years.
' J! H* r7 U6 l- {( Z5 |( u4 z$ H      In sum, the premise that high-quality ads tout low-quality products is specious at : V) a/ e( j. ?6 v8 K: ?3 i( O. B
best; in any event, for schools to provide extensive training in consumerism would be to 5 ?! ^& U+ `2 N6 s! j' l
assign them an inappropriate role and to foster in impressionable minds a distortedly - b' f6 B# u( S+ F
narrow and unhealthy view of the world.

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