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[考试辅导] GMAT考试写作指导:Issue写作范文五八

发表于 2012-8-15 21:50:16 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
58. This quotation suggests that the ultimate purpose of business is to streamline and ; V/ c" ?% X% G& K5 ]$ \1 @! u
mechanize work, thereby minimizing it, so that people can make a living but still have
/ n. _2 A. Y: U. A: D% ktime for other things in life. The assumptions behind this view of business are that the - j! T; W% ~3 W4 ^. {8 ]0 I9 k
value of work is entirely instrumental, and that our work lives are distinct from the rest
  n5 n% A& P9 K0 c4 f$ aof our lives. I disagree with both assumptions.
4 @- Z% W' _, l* G9 c' c. s) g      Admittedly, work is to a large extent instrumental in that we engage in it to 2 g& S+ s+ ]; d4 q  a& @1 D" n# L
provide for our needs while leaving time and resources for other activities—raising 4 G2 P# e4 a, I7 q. Y( ]
families, participating in civic life, traveling, pursuing hobbies, and so forth. And these ! W3 }* H2 T3 n" i- U+ u# w' R
activities normally take place away from the workplace and are distinct from our work. 5 y2 a) d7 l2 p2 A$ s& j3 i
However, for most people, work is far more than a means to these ends. It can also be
1 T" F8 P/ U9 Q, {5 uengaging, enjoyable and fulfilling in itself. And it can provide a context for expressing
6 _4 N# U3 n! w2 Q5 Lan important pan of one's self. However, work will be less of all these to the extent that 0 {+ F) r* @+ u8 d% R$ K; N8 @  l
it is streamlined and mechanized for quick disposal, as the quotation recommends. 8 E8 ]; c1 W- [( \/ p* q7 }
Instead, our jobs will become monotonous and tedious, the work of drones. And we
/ P! `( x$ J6 P3 K. K* D' r( Jmight become drone-like in the process.
% u. T' [; r  L- R' D      In addition, work can to some extent be integrated with the rest of our lives. More % g2 N! }* |! w
and more companies are installing on-site daycare facilities and workout rooms. They , n( _. b: {$ [8 Z% N, |" z
are giving greater attention to the ambiance of the break room, and they are sponsoring
+ @& d8 r, u9 \: O: P& s4 Hfamily events, excursions and athletic activities for employees as never before. The
. q9 O1 f) P: D, V3 U' Wnotion behind this trend is that when a company provides employees with ways to fulfill % c, Q: H5 g) a, f  i
outside needs and desires, employees will do better work. I think this idea has merit.& A; G4 {+ J% Q: W
      In conclusion, I admit that there is more to life than work, and that work is to % \' }1 M5 j4 m  D* b* b7 b3 K) D
some extent a means to provide a livelihood. But to suggest that this is the sole purpose
4 q  J7 N# Y+ i2 T( S2 v1 K3 A; [of business is an oversimplification that ignores the self-actualizing significance of / ~# n7 _8 ^5 L/ {
work, as well as the ways it can be integrated with other aspects of our lives

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