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[考试辅导] GMAT考试写作指导:Issue写作范文三三

发表于 2012-8-15 21:50:16 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
33.        People are more likely to accept the leadership of those who have shown they can " v3 }3 Y  \6 Q9 V
perform the same tasks they require of others. My reasons for this view involve the
$ a% `' c( C! I% {notions of respect and trust.% X0 E! D+ ~+ \! g1 z; ~# X9 e6 k# Q$ D4 U
      It is difficult for people to fully respect a leader who cannot, or will not, do what 8 @0 y8 p& K- N, j$ K- m
he or she asks of others. President Clinton's difficulty in his role as Commander-in-' j( s7 A& u) O+ t9 A( G5 A
Chief serves as a fitting and very public example. When Clinton assumed this
% |6 U: \/ k6 k! pleadership position, it was well known that he had evaded military service during the / a9 P0 N+ ]1 h5 d+ s" A
Vietnam conflict. Military leaders and lower-level personnel alike made it clear that , g# n4 Y; K8 k* Z+ i8 N' _2 U- ]
they did not respect his leadership as a result. Contrast the Clinton case with that of a
' Q5 K6 i2 @; E" X) Y% _/ _+ A. N, Zbusiness leader such as John Chambers, CEO of Cisco Systems, who by way of his
$ X5 L. }8 ?5 e: t! Xtraining and experience as a computer engineer earned the respect of his employees.
' m+ p/ [# ~5 B% B, s6 L' `  R! E4 B      It is likewise difficult to trust leaders who do not have experience in the areas
: \: w+ ^  a* t( Punder their leadership. The Clinton example illustrates this point as well. Because % R& I+ g) I. F9 n6 a( y- U
President Clinton Sacked military experience, people in the armed forces found it
8 J$ Z: u! b) E7 I0 g' Odifficult to trust that his policies would reflect any understanding of their interests or
3 y, W( M" T0 d3 {: dneeds. And when put to the test, he undermined their trust to an even greater extent with
1 v2 X  d  w) N8 q4 K2 a* c* this naive and largely bungled attempt to solve the problem of gays in the military. In
8 I9 s9 m/ @6 w$ n# ?stark contrast, President Dwight Eisenhower inspired nearly devotional trust as well as 7 U% [5 R' q) i/ c/ U, i
respect because of his role as a military hero in World War II.
) E# O) o! n: `# C) E      In conclusion, it will always be difficult for people to accept leaders who lack % Y& F# k6 L$ _8 W* P* q) Y
demonstrated ability in the areas under their leadership. Initially, such leaders will be * p; N* H: |& l/ S* L; K1 p
regarded as outsiders, and treated accordingly. Moreover, some may never achieve the ' v! F, d, Q: A; Q- }" V$ P
insider status that inspires respect and trust from those they hope to lead.

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