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[考试辅导] GMAT考试写作指导:Issue写作范文五二

发表于 2012-8-15 21:50:16 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
52.        I agree generally that setting new goals in small increments above past 9 K  ~0 q% \( \, S/ L; M% d
accomplishments is a reliable path to achieving those goals. I think anyone would be , I: \+ ^' `6 b$ ^4 \; j
hard-pressed to find fault with this advice. Nevertheless, in some exceptional instances, ; R+ i/ \% D9 T: L
a more dramatic "leap-frog" approach may be more appropriate, or even necessary, to
: e- T% A5 J- l  z/ L5 Eachieve a significant goal.
& T8 ~4 `' h, w. n7 p( y, p; F      The virtues of setting goals in small, easily-attainable increments are undeniable.
: l: ^( W( K% ^Overwhelming challenges are reduced to readily attainable tasks. A psychological boost
; L) B4 }5 |3 e5 _5 M& c1 \is afforded by each intermediate success, helping to ensure that the achiever won't
4 B2 O3 @- A8 R9 _: |become discouraged and give up. Each step in this process can raise one's level of
! U. h4 t3 q, U) E: \aspiration, and in manageable proportions that make success more likely. Moreover, this
9 z: O% B/ [; A& h9 ?approach can be used by anyone—a sedentary office worker who decides to complete : o  p# I6 o3 k# r/ Z7 U- B
the New York Marathon; a paralegal who wishes to become a surgeon; or a small
$ n2 @+ g8 \) ]/ V0 g# u5 N( B: fbusiness owner who aspires to become CEO of a Fortune 500 Company.$ D* D9 @, j. K) H
      In some instances, however, the step-by-step approach is not adequate. For
7 q: ?4 D5 q8 w" f# \. Jexample, many great creative achievements—in art, music, and literature—are made not % ^* X$ n1 r% j) N" @! z  a8 O
by the achiever's disciplined setting of incremental goals, but rather by a spontaneous
8 v- y; ?# |# S/ K6 I) q2 Dflash of brilliance and intense creativity. Another exception to this approach is the case
+ Z9 X5 i9 n1 L0 B- lof the ultra-successful actor, model, or even socialite who might suddenly leap-frog to % J) ?( N  Z+ j" N
his or her goal through serendipity. Third, for those who have already achieved great ; G! l' X8 y" K6 X8 a: x
things, taking baby steps toward the next goal would only frustrate them and slow them 7 x1 i- @  J. j! ]/ D
down. Suppose, for example, a recent gold medalist in the Olympic Games' 100-meter * Z( z0 J  e* M& M( x
sprint wishes to become a member the football franchise that won last year's Super
3 C* M3 @! S% `" f% {8 r. ]/ WBowl. What small, incremental accomplishments are needed to achieve his goal? None, ; c: D8 a3 d( m1 I9 E2 ^
aside from a phone call by his agent to the front office of the team. Admittedly, these are ( v2 L  [5 i8 B) D- `
exceptional cases: yet they do exist.5 i5 C; g4 H* m6 E% s" }2 [
      In conclusion, setting modest but increasingly higher goals is generally good 5 r; f( X+ H& V8 R
advice. Yet this approach may be inappropriate or inadequate under certain exceptional
1 ~% m0 G; `- o. u9 c$ m, }circumstances.

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