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[考试辅导] GMAT考试写作指导:Issue写作范文五三

发表于 2012-8-15 21:50:16 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
53. If one focuses on systems such as financial services and telecommunications, where
) h1 o. o  T6 O* y) N8 cemerging technologies have the greatest impact, one sees increasing user-friendliness.
. o; V  F# A* D; \. n; {However, in other systems—public and private alike—inefficiencies, roadblocks, and
+ g. P  F% P$ oother "unfriendly" features still abound. One such example is the U.S. health-care - e2 ~' J) ^  w! B
delivery system.
3 n& X6 S2 H4 K' g  @      To a large extent, the user-unfriendly nature of health-care delivery stems from its , r. u. F7 a3 w6 R
close tie to the insurance industry. Service providers and suppliers inflate prices, $ e  X7 T4 ~/ X5 _
knowing that insurance companies can well afford to pay by passing on inflated costs to
* x! h$ ~3 h# N5 V2 `+ lthe insured. Hospital patients are often discharged prematurely merely because / q% H& w- ~# n( C4 w
insurance fails to cover in-patient care beyond a certain amount or duration. In the
1 O/ @. X- l; x) dextreme, patients are sometimes falsely informed that they are well or cured, just so that ! I) ]7 l& G+ K. i2 N; W+ _4 K. n
the facility can make room for insured patients. Insurance providers reject claims and
3 s# V9 `8 {% a' M3 z9 fcoverage intentionally and in bad faith when the insured has suffered or is statistically
3 `0 J" @; |. i7 L8 V' `likely to suffer from a terminal or other long-term and costly—illness. Insurance
3 ~2 P- c- k2 y5 O4 o# l2 Wcompanies also impose extreme coverage exceptions for pre-existing conditions. Both
9 O. S) ?( t# F) ^( S; ktactics are designed, of course, to maximize insurance company profits at the expense of 8 {8 Q5 r9 m' V3 T! ^) b
the system's user. Finally, new medical technologies that provide more effective
' t$ L# I# [2 q' u3 L1 vdiagnosis and treatment are often accessible only to the select few who can afford the
% M& s" x4 ~7 n1 k# mmost comprehensive insurance coverage.6 P$ h: Q! a- m3 x/ X2 n/ p
      The consequences of these user-unfriendly features can be grave indeed for the + j+ N; e3 R7 G* d
individual, since this system relates directly to a person's physical well-being and very ( s/ b( y# W, q
life. For example, when a claim or coverage is wrongfully denied, lacking financial
9 S, t8 |+ d  y6 P" Jresources to enforce their rights, an individual customer has little practical recourse. The ! ~* x, ]( B, ~2 w7 Z3 R
end result is to render health care inaccessible to the very individuals who need it most.
8 R2 k0 V. W* aThese user-unfriendly features can be deleterious on a societal scale as well. An
: K+ F) A  I* `; r: {unhealthy populace is an unproductive one. Also, increased health-care costs place an $ c4 h8 N9 k4 m: X  V2 ~% n8 P' H
undue burden on bread-winning adults who feel the squeeze of caring for aging parents
$ L1 f" d! s4 G4 _! ~and for children. Finally, these features foster a pervasive distrust of government, big
+ @+ Q/ e# j5 sbusiness, and bureaucracy.& u' d1 `9 Q: y$ |
      In sum, today's "point-and-click" paradigm inaccurately portrays the actual
" L  L2 |( i" S, [* W9 F# Cfunctionality of many systems, including our health-care delivery system, which is well-) N: b4 d4 c; }' ]4 d, B
entrenched in self-interest and insensitivity to the needs of its users.

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