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[考试辅导] GMAT考试写作指导:Issue写作范文四一

发表于 2012-8-15 21:50:16 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
41.         Imposing heavy penalties on those who pollute or destroy the environment is one ) I6 K# ]1 _$ E; H( W! b. H9 E
way to preserve our environment. But it is not the only way; nor is it the best way.   M) R( \4 c. g) X0 l0 j4 d# T& C
Penalties may elicit grudging compliance, but other approaches—those that instill a
* v6 x& H8 M, f% z+ J% g- vsense of genuine commitment—are likely to be more effective in the long term.
1 j% N# h# R% _1 D5 R& i6 g      Admittedly, motivating compliance with environmental regulations by way of
9 N3 m9 z- o- K) P( ?, npenalties will serve environmental goals up to a point. The deterrent effect of these
0 @( x) C; [+ C! Z4 q! P* Q8 P; Eremedies cannot be denied. Yet it should not be overstated. Some businesses may ' A4 p. c1 ^7 ~1 `- b, K5 e# A
attempt to avoid punishment by concealing their activities, bribing (lobbying) legislators
3 j1 s. H3 E9 r! Q- F) B" lto modify regulations, or moving operations to jurisdictions that allow their
* D- A! V; R9 n+ e& Lenvironmentally harmful activities. Others might calculate the trade-off between - M9 j5 H3 G; r9 x
accepting punishment and polluting, budget in advance for anticipated penalties, then & y9 J. B: o6 z9 K% N1 e
openly violate the law. My intuition is that this practice is a standard operating mode
  g5 [8 C, n7 F" G. y* H0 h, A9 ~among some of our largest manufacturers.
2 h( m- b7 O& Y0 m( n6 s% F9 E% S      A better way to ensure environmental protection is to inculcate a sense of genuine
0 L: x) B3 a1 v; D; ]commitment into our corporate culture—through education and through shareholder " @+ z2 @" t' W. k5 k
involvement. When key corporate executives become committed to values, the
& u! Y5 l6 C# c( w0 X1 vregulations associated with those values become a codification of conscience rather than 7 D1 x" w# Q- f, m# B8 F0 K! Q
obstacles to circumvent. The machinations and maneuverings described earlier will % [: C' t) t; g4 F5 i, _- O( I( \
thereby be supplanted by thoughtful concern about all the implications of one's actions. 0 r/ f9 j; D9 @7 O
Moreover, commitment-driven actions are likely to benefit the environment over and
. ]& @7 |5 g7 `+ z: w- Z, Eabove what the law requires. For example, while a particular regulation might permit a
+ d2 M) ~. C, ]; y; ^& Wcertain amount of toxic effluents, businesses committed to environmental protection
9 C9 z& v- J5 L& I/ t+ Q! }6 gmay avoid harmful emissions altogether.
" p5 Q; z0 l& F( j      Instilling a genuine sense of commitment through education and shareholder 7 q, |+ p2 g2 N9 X) P
action is not just a better approach in theory, it is also less costly overall than a 3 W0 y2 ^4 Q% e1 R3 C4 M* ]: C
compliance-driven approach. Regulatory systems inherently call for legislative 9 e! n, v9 P3 }( R! Z4 m. X
committees, investigations and enforcement agencies, all of which adds to the tax
9 f, h( E9 G# y% \burden of the citizens whom these regulations are designed to protect. Also, delays . y" ^" C0 g6 q6 C4 [/ R4 Y. d
typically associated with bureaucratic regulation may thwart the purpose of the
/ q3 C4 W% ^/ C! Uregulations, since environmental problems can quickly become very grave.( ]/ X/ O% `; k
      In sum, penalties for violating environmental-protection laws are essentially 6 m0 s; s5 W' v9 d  h1 q
expensive band-aids. A commitment-based approach, involving education and
  ]" ?- X. ]* `* }* lshareholder activism, can instill in corporate culture a sense an environmental 1 E& _9 D  s0 v$ W
conscience, resulting in far more effective environmental protection.

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