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[考试辅导] GMAT考试写作指导:Issue写作范文四二

发表于 2012-8-15 21:50:16 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
42.        The speaker argues that because scientists continually shift viewpoints about how
, r6 j, S( d( Qour actions affect the natural environment, companies should not change their products 4 Y1 B* Q1 s4 b. n
and processes according to scientific recommendations until the government requires ; ^2 m: k# L: b9 L( Y
them to do so. This argument raises complex issues about the duties of business and " x" y9 ~8 k% m4 i; }) v
about regulatory fairness and effectiveness. Although a wait-and-see policy may help
( u' r* L. @9 q8 F& L2 H( n' u/ scompanies avoid costly and unnecessary changes, three countervailing considerations
4 ~9 z: J2 ]0 U$ D: B! ucompel me to disagree overall with the argument.7 Q1 E7 W" }' E( b$ _7 q
      First, a regulatory system of environmental protection might not operate equitably.
; L( J2 y. H/ dAt first glance, a wait-and-see response might seem fair in that all companies would be & \& ~5 |0 h, f
subject to the same standards and same enforcement measures. However, enforcement 2 z+ {5 u# p" ?
requires detection, and while some violators may be caught, others might not. Moreover,
3 h1 j4 j0 o9 |4 P6 P0 g" ga broad regulatory system imposes general standards that may not apply equitably to $ }6 |& f: E3 M: F$ \) n4 w/ k6 Q' \
every company. Suppose, for example, that pollution from a company in a valley does
3 k3 r! u  C  P0 t, Smore damage to the environment than similar pollution from a company on the coast. It ' B$ M0 h& W8 R
would seem unfair to require the coastal company to invest as heavily in abatement or,
# }1 j+ e4 j  ^/ i+ O2 lin the extreme, to shut down the operation if the company cannot afford abatement . q  S* k' F5 B4 L' Z+ `+ L
measures.! B7 u: h/ ^( P" H0 z+ y! e
      Secondly, the argument assumes that the government regulations will properly 6 d  {8 W2 b! Z; j0 l+ z( }
reflect scientific recommendations. However, this claim is somewhat dubious.
- X4 o7 H1 X: o/ }! d: L1 |& DCompanies with the most money and political influence, not the scientists, might in ; P. G6 Q" C. i- b( [
some cases dictate regulatory standards. In other words, legislators may be more
$ s% ^' ?" a! G) [& oinfluenced by political expediency and campaign pork than by societal concerns.# `) u. S) H, l# [7 h: E
      Thirdly, waiting until government regulations are in place can have disastrous 0 v) n- s9 h/ ]( k# w% U; X
effects on the environment. A great deal of environmental damage can occur before $ j* g& ]0 P9 O; f7 C7 ?/ \) J' R
regulations are implemented. This problem is compounded whenever government - i$ B+ ]5 i7 R7 _) Y; q
reaction to scientific evidence is slow. Moreover, the EPA might be overburdened with 1 P, |1 o0 ~+ e) ~# Y8 e7 T* n
its detection and enforcement duties, thereby allowing continued environmental damage
1 t5 h+ Z- b$ o& y" Sby companies who have not yet been caught or who appeal penalties.
" C( j# g! H& x, H- ^' E      In conclusion, despite uncertainty within the scientific community about what
/ I. n3 a8 x1 {7 e! `environmental standards are best, companies should not wait for government regulation
1 R- R, ?5 B+ j  ^4 T4 \& ~before reacting to warnings about environmental problems. The speaker's recommended
0 A! y8 I1 o. a8 F2 t' `. Napproach would in many cases operate inequitably among companies: moreover, it , D' c# l  F) \. _* }4 y7 @
ignores the political-corruption factor as well as the potential environmental damage
! J& C8 d, W9 P& S3 Bresulting from bureaucratic delay.

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