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[考试辅导] GMAT考试写作指导:Issue写作范文八八

发表于 2012-8-15 21:50:16 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
88.        The issue at hand is whether each generation is blameworthy for the hateful words
0 W3 r" J/ U3 `' aand actions o' some of its members, and for the failure of others to denounce those 5 E7 ]* b# D! L0 P: ~
hateful words and actions, in my view, it does not make clear sense to hold a vague
1 }/ t5 q0 m  o% fabstraction like a generation responsible for anything. Nevertheless, each person has a ; j8 O( `, h  ^% @" N
duty to resist hateful words and actions, and to speak out against them.
& o& k( l( E: j      Admittedly, up to a point we have no legal obligation to resist hateful words. & G1 M% h$ c$ c8 X  w4 \: ]0 C1 Z
Given our First Amendament right of free speech, we are entitled to say whatever
; }. _! d" _  Chateful things we wish, as long as our words do not harass, slander, libel, incite to riot, ! ^. C5 V& n6 r
or otherwise cause significant harm. Even so, this legal entitlement does not absolve us
# F+ z. t3 H% Vof deeper moral duties. For example, all persons are morally bound not to harm others, 0 ^7 R0 B( y5 z% v$ n
and to se helpful where it is important and within our capacity. The rhetoric of hate ) @# p5 l1 E9 A1 V) M& n, X: }# }$ I
violates both these duties by promoting attitudes and social climates in which those who
% T( @- E: E6 W' o; O) L9 g1 oare hated are refused help and often harmed.0 k7 K* K2 x* r2 v. G4 H
      Not so clear is the issue of whether we also have a moral duty to denounce the ! g$ S8 v* O: m: ]8 o* P0 a
hateful rhetoric and conduct of others. I believe we do, for silence is perceived as tacit , d# k4 r3 P9 h: V/ z
approval or at least indifference. Seen this way, silence helps foster hateful attitudes and
0 N: m: S) Q2 |7 T5 Z2 mrelated harm. In other words, not speaking out is just another way to fail in our
& a- K  V8 A4 t4 b: Y; f- t3 P: aobligations to be helpful and not harmful. Moreover, as individuals we are able to speak 6 u( a: o0 U* D. O* I7 @
cut against hateful words and actions, in a variety of ways. By teaching tolerance to our
4 Q& O$ F* f+ M+ `children, for example, we can help them understand and appreciate differences among
- z9 m- h, A% R0 ]people, and therefore understand that hate-based responses to difference are simply : C# Y0 m$ G  T4 N) \
wrong.( u, O; z) O' w3 I$ Q5 [
      In sum, while it makes no sense to hold a generation responsible for anything as a 8 z+ r$ {1 Z. H) k' S
group, I agree that every individual bears responsibility for speaking out against hateful
0 G4 V) y/ [& H; z" {9 Ywords and behavior, as well as for resisting them.'

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