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[考试辅导] GMAT考试语文辅导04年1月sc机井总结

发表于 2012-8-15 22:16:44 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
1. Not solely by virtue of……, but also in proportion to …..
- b6 D" w! _5 A3 Y8 k6 X
% ]7 |1 m' V( s( ]; U: g2. Sth capable of doing
/ S% L7 a+ m' }
8 t! ]5 |" N9 b+ @3 d3. As a result of A and B
( _  L* d! Y' U+ p' J4 ]
9 u( Z5 Z" u% z4.….in mathematics….of its …., 主句 $ V5 d! u5 L5 V; W. b+ m
选项:参考没有划线的部分知道mathematics当了单数对待,所以选项里边可以排除三个都含有them的,然后并列排除。$ a. W1 p, K; D9 g7 }4 b/ d' ?! z

# P" k0 _% |# y# l/ |5.主语could…..人名,修饰,probably esteemed…
$ r5 `9 J# t9 O选项:1)2)3)都含有probably esteemed….; e% g& O' `) F6 b( g
4) 5) esteemed…..
1 Z) r6 K5 F. C; x8 x0 S3 l( R我在4,5里边选了一个,因为觉得could已经表达出了probably的意思。8 ^  W* o0 u; U8 V7 e+ l& j
4 j6 _; n# i4 u" g
6.would have …. to outstrip and to…, and would to rave
8 s$ v* H4 b( I2 j选项有outstriping and v+ing.: p, i8 X/ w3 a' U3 J

& P' O' ^" y9 v& t: {7. A.the fact of doing sth and doing sth enlights ...' E4 z, g0 P0 F; V/ ^2 U
B. that doing sth and doing sth enlights...e
( ~) [: O# d9 ]: Q; L7 W1 \C. because..., this fact...* Y: g# F7 X% |( I: f

7 H. o6 z3 O6 H0 h5 x4 b  f' X8.turns to somebody as his subject.
9 A6 a( a# X# d  H. ?0 [1 mfor suject
5 {2 t, F% e% m8 m+ Nfor his subject
3 I: C, J4 p$ x; oto be subject, F, ]! {, u/ @# N

1 o' J% z% f* w2 \3 T: E; O9. such as and such like ( of course such as)1 n$ |) S  S: ?! Q$ |

& _$ H: H$ |4 s  f* d1 `10. both...and...
* y* t2 \0 Q& I/ ^/ X% f$ @4 G8 r* |' Z
11.parallelism... ing...ing
" F) f' {) w7 T' q; F
1 J! j* U: U6 K6 D& ]* O" _12. ...., something has grown (three times) the industry's average rate.
6 U- u0 {( e0 ^9 t- B4 c) ^a)three times* R& {# G3 T2 n- B
b)three times of
+ ]+ m" J$ I% R$ ~c)at three times
% P: L6 f# k6 p! t% @% M- U5 ]d)at three times that of
- X6 Z0 s3 o$ u+ J# O5 }/ o0 Ce)5 m2 B) `- {8 J% b
I think the answer is a) or c)

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