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[考试辅导] GMAT考试语文辅导11月sc机井总结

发表于 2012-8-15 22:16:44 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
1. Being able to predict the strength and the direction of an earthquake could save lives and million of property damage.
9 j* i, E, j. U6 \7 A* b9 vB The capability for predicting the strength and the direction of an earthquake would mean that lives are saved # U- V0 {* G( b! B' ^# f" E
C The ability to predict the strength and the direction of an earthquake would mean that lives are saved - {' i1 Q  G$ l
D The ability of predicting the strength and the direction of an earthquake would mean that lives are saved(此选项前面不敢确定,但would后确定) * i4 n4 F3 {) N! N  L
E The ability for predicting the strength and the direction of an earthquake could save lives 4 d) Z# X) @  f) ^3 v. Q2 d: K! Z# Q1 i
大家选什么A感觉不对,B,C,D意思不对,但E ability for 也感觉不对 1 d/ I* E, ^: K7 A

8 S4 E' x2 W. R0 N" ]6 d' k& K+ b2. Unlike the dancing of xxx(一种蜜蜂名字),which communicate to other honeybees of the location of food, XXX(另外一种蜜蜂名字)   b' x. P0 G. W- v0 j0 \
A,B,C肯定错,D:xxx,whose dances communicate to other honeybees of the location of food * k$ N  O% P- Z$ r8 x
E: xxx,using their dances in communicating to other honeybees of the location of food. ' q, d$ {, {& I0 L4 B/ I* z
- D: z8 J! q' T) d
3.NOT ONLY。。。BUT ALSO。。。(根本不用看懂,结构足以选出)
  ~# S, k" z% ]1 B, i5 {3 E" T4 D0 j5 b2 t+ b
4. 男女生对于自由选座位的反映,我选GIRLS。。。,WHEREAS BOYS。。。 % `1 j- ^% [9 y$ e

. f% b4 p9 }8 j, {9 s7 ~7 J* F5.the work of 某人of 什么机构 is tireless,doing...做状语(my key) ( E8 `0 R8 T9 j5 T
sb 很tireless的做什么工作,然后后面是doing , j7 O  A7 I2 w. e8 ]9 z4 {
# o; h6 x% i7 T/ ]% [
6.38,9题的样子 ...help produce the work (that is better than that of)...划线部分是什么我忘了,我选的是括号中的,这可能是我遇到的最简单的语法,十分怀疑其为测试题
  w6 D; B* x! O4 ~# v: O5 ?! j
+ |1 V2 i# G* ~% ?7. ... 好像是什么委员会admonish the Senator,saying he were... in that 这个senator干了什么不该干的事(my key,很不爽,五个选项say后都没that)还有一选项admonish the Senator by saying he were...by doing 什么不该干的事

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