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[职称英语真题] 2011年职称英语考试:综合类A级代码11试题答案

发表于 2012-8-15 23:23:33 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
  第一部分考题: 词汇选项
! z- p! t/ ^& ]  1. For some obscure reason, the simple game is becoming very popular.5 ]7 w0 w$ d1 W
  A. unclear B. obvious C. major D. minor9 }8 `" q$ B" w6 \
  答案:A unclear--- obscure.模糊不清晰的4 O7 m7 R7 ^  _' x
  2. The sea turtle’s natural habit at has been considerably reduced.- \+ w; b# D% \) V
  A greatly B suddenly C generally D slightly4 P3 W# S( D0 I
  答案选择A(greatly) – considerably, greatly 意思为adv. 相当地;非常地
* Q( V* m& s2 f: r  3.I got a note from Moira urging me to get in touch.
1 [8 g0 B1 A+ p1 T# X4 @8 N3 g, v  A instructing B notifying C pushing D inviting$ T# {8 g1 G$ n5 v" K: K
  答案:C (push)-- urge催促某人做某事 push推;促进;逼迫
+ j/ c1 \/ |" p- b, w  4.It is possible to approach the problem in a different way.
+ \! q6 D( }$ Z/ M  A raise B pose C experience D handle
- j" r. f3 B; }2 `( `4 |  答案:D handle—approach
. }! f/ V; r2 \! w0 C0 `6 D. {  Approach: start to deal with (a situation or problem) in a certain way解决问题。
) v$ I9 R$ r7 i1 Z: k  5.The decision to invade provoked storms of protest。9 b) `2 Q' ]3 A+ y  f
  A ignored B organized C caused D received
  w# _1 G. w- w/ \/ x  答案:C caused ----provoke: 激怒.惹起.驱使,造成7 _6 z% E! B7 c+ D! z
  6.Jane said that she couldn’t tolerate the long hours.
& p4 v( Z0 {) y* ]4 ^" K, U  A spend B take C last D stand
0 C( g& L0 [0 V  J) x6 U, l  答案:D stand= tolerate 忍受、 承受: ~! U& Y" H: g& K5 o. E; I
  7. At 80,Peck was still vigorous and living in Paris.
7 t2 I  l: w  ?) ~- v  A energetic Bhappy C alone D busy# L) u) D0 Q3 A+ n2 S, Z2 x) L
  答案:A energetic---vigorous 精力充沛的 有活力的- L4 V* \0 \, n8 {. X/ s
  8.Forester stared at his car,trembling with rage.# ]' }3 E% I$ q7 T( ^9 L- x3 y" K9 {
  A shaking B turning C jumping Dshouting2 t0 a2 R- p1 T0 O& M5 O$ f
  答案:A shake – tremble 颤抖 颤动% d7 {% y/ c# p& U* }) L
  9.A young man is being hailed a hero tonight after rescuing two children.
3 p+ P. E. B$ F8 E( f  A reported B proved Cpraised D caught8 P; b$ v0 }% B" M
  答案:Cpraised ---hail: 招呼.致敬.万岁.向...欢呼.
0 j' Z4 l  ~0 u2 O( [- S$ K  10.I wanted to ask her out but was scared that she might refuse.: r; X, e- M1 E* V$ i. ?
  A anxious B sure C sad D afraid
) A0 k% h, d9 p% j. M  答案: D afraid---- scared 害怕.恐惧3 G# q3 N- B# c# V( Z# ?1 g( ^. y
  11.At that time, we did not fully grasp the significance of what had happened.
; N' c; M$ Y. W; S* a  A give B attach C lose D understand
) c5 w( S- C; w+ Y, ~  答案: D understand--- grasp 理解,明白1 p0 F, W, M# \" Q7 L
  12.Anderson left the table,remarking that he had some work to do .6 r# N" o+ d' h7 `8 s+ T1 r: p
  A doubting B saying C thinking D knowing
  i% x: P% B( |) \# T1 g4 u  答案:B saying--- remarking 说话,说出
9 H" ]! `$ Z3 J/ E7 Y1 |3 d  13.He asserted that nuclear power was a safe and non-polluting energy source.0 L" `7 d. c3 {! s
  A maintained B recommended C considered D acknowledged
) x% v; |: P. m8 h; U  答案:D (maintain) – assert 主张、声称、断言
+ e$ j) T. N! s( ^# `' k, u# l2 J  其他选项分析:Maintain:维修;主张;供养Recommend:推荐Considere:考虑 Acknowledge:承认 致谢
0 |% N4 y# ?4 z9 f" [& D  14.The study also notes a steady decline in the number of college students taking science courses.
9 @$ S+ |! G- T' y: V  A relative B general C continuous D sharp
0 \# `! Z5 }# w3 Z9 K  答案:D (continuous) – steady . 稳定的;其他选项:A relative相当的、相关的B general一般的D sharp 尖锐的
0 S, r  |$ f$ f: A# r  15.She always finds fault with everything,www.ExamW.CoM
( {. l  Z( S0 [; n. W3 T, h# |  A criticizes B simplifies C evaluates D examines# V% }( ?9 U) }5 Y" P
  答案:A criticizes--- finds fault with 挑错,批评
  a  t; P; F/ {! A2 p7 x3 S  第二部分考题: 阅读判断
- V* T/ z7 ]6 E& Z; G' O  16. Some activities have recently become illegal in New York.
8 j7 ?' B, }/ ?0 f1 e. a5 [* G8 w  答案为A。
6 E& |+ l* b6 m! e5 }  u  F  文章相关句: These days it is the city that never smokes, drinks or does anything naughty (at least in public).
" V& C, H6 z* E. V/ B  l2 q9 p  17. It’s now illegal to smoke or drink alcohol anywhere in New York." M5 O2 l- s* G! w# i( B0 B
% i) N; i" ^# `7 A0 F0 r& F  文章相关句: These days it is the city that never smokes, drinks or does anything naughty (at least in public).
: _1 M6 s$ I' f6 A. d  18. Eating apples in the park is illegal.
* I1 d4 p8 L: @2 T: z! Q( R# n& o  答案为B。 该题属于推断题。
8 X% p9 }& n: j) x6 y$ j4 q  文章相关句: These days it is the city that never smokes, drinks or does anything naughty (at least in public).: @$ r( F0 }" k$ V$ T3 E8 @
  19. The businessman like the new laws.
2 n( ~2 m9 j8 M, k  答案为C。
5 r3 m" p% g, z$ S  文章中根本没有提到商人的情况。
& k  k2 Q0 L5 H! e) Y2 M% ]3 I; O  20. Elle and Serge Schroitman parked their car on the public driveway./ x% U; |: z+ e& K* g- Y2 o3 p
2 G9 H5 d" R) w3 w. N  文章相关句: … It was their own driveway.
7 `4 F5 J2 R% @+ z9 `& z7 p. Q  21. The editor of vanity fair magazine thinks some of the new laws are stupid.
! D- |: e* r! h) C  答案为A, 该题属于推断题。# t  H5 j. |6 S3 ^0 s0 H; g
  文章相关句:Under New York city law it is acceptable to keep a gun in your place of work, but not a empty ashtray.6 q' h7 T6 _2 Z9 q. ]& W
  22. New York is cleaner and safer than before.% I. M) h8 o# ~: A% C
& j( P8 {8 \1 g  文章相关句: it is true – it is safer, cleaner and more healthy than before.9 v' i/ \1 [' b$ d
  第三部分考题:概括大意与完成句子4 C0 i8 b$ Z( m7 b, k1 Q
  23. paragraph 12 W/ n% [! Y- c3 `& E, i9 ^* Y8 @/ R$ }
  答案为F: People are in groups.: i- N2 L( u. U% Y8 S: o
  提示: groups是第一段段落主题词。 该段第一句是段落主题句。
  s% K' Y6 {6 T0 _  24. paragraph 2& D  s2 I" C" E( J7 Y$ Y, Q
  答案为E。 It is important to have a good leader.8 Q; A9 B/ J/ ^+ W
  提示: 段首句就是段落主题句,
# a8 [! W( |5 i# Y7 A( F/ Z  25. paragraph 3% s: Z8 l0 f' k" j+ T
  答案为C: Training can make a good leader
6 S5 |9 ]+ A3 [3 ?  提示: training在该段中出现了, a good leader在文章中有呼应的词语: a successful leader
1 g. j# x8 y, V5 l" v/ z6 p  26. paragraph 47 `' C. v" E. M+ e
  答案为A: A good leader needs a variety of qualities
) I. Z/ s1 q) @8 U  提示: a variety of qualities出现在段落中
. F# V1 h. I# N: d  27. One of the major keys to success is ___.
0 I( w! S- T, S, B2 l$ E" Y) |  答案为A。 the ability to work with others./ q6 c. p( X1 B6 r5 Z
  文章相关句: it is now recognized that being able to work successfully with other people is one of the major keys to success.0 r- d4 ?% i4 N3 t% ^
  28. Groups often break down because of ___.
+ v" X% @* h- O  L3 W  答案为C: lack of good leaders.; K) O+ D+ C9 O
  文章相关句: groups without leaders or with weak leaders almost always break down.
, W. _0 m9 @/ e' ?  29. Good leaders always avoid ___
2 Q! a# W$ E5 S- F6 [/ o  答案为D: bossing people around (把人指挥得团团转)) q0 H  K/ R. e) o7 e6 o$ p  h
  文章相关句: Good leaders don’t make people do things in a bossy, controlling way.
. i! V; \; x" A3 \  30. Self-confidence is the key to ___.
. e: s3 o4 k* S6 G: M1 ]  答案为F: overcoming fears about being a leader.
& n8 s( O% P% x7 ~# B( a* D  文章相关句: Self-confidence is vital and being able to overcome your own fears about being a leader.

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