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[职称英语真题] 2010年全国职称英语考试真题及答案理工类(C级)

发表于 2012-8-15 23:23:33 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
2 Q+ y% a8 P8 o, r& v4 A; U" t& L  下面每个句子中均有1个词或短语划有底横线,请为每处划线部分确定1个意义最为接近的选项。
1 [3 B% D$ L: P( N# m- L+ l  1.The company has the right to end his employment at any time.& Y+ q6 z4 O. G
  A.provide; k$ \( H* b! u4 I: S: W& H
  B.stop" p8 D/ A% @! w: Z+ u! B
  C.offer3 ~( L7 |9 v/ g" P& H2 r2 g
) U3 l& g1 v" D, ?/ _  O  2.In the process, the light energy converts to heat energy.
( G. E: L9 C% r; h  A.reduces
  T; p  _+ o" g4 s$ m  B.drops
# Z: T5 G  ]. S: g. U6 M; L  C.leaves
* q' {7 @1 h- s* H  D.changes+ @" `/ D6 N0 P0 x
  3. She gave up her job and started writing poetry.
0 o% u  s* f. f8 w' Y# R% J  A.abandoned% ^9 C; m4 t. U6 b3 s, {6 G
  B.lost6 u# Z" k' z9 C; s
  C.took1 [3 Z* o; }, @9 `0 P
  D.created9 ~# M% A* Z1 w6 H( a- X
  4. We are happy to report that business is booming this year.5 |. L" Y7 E3 P' p1 s7 ?
  A.risky$ b) Y0 U: b% k9 n+ x) U
  B.successful* w! P  p' X  r% X0 I
8 f) W! D) v4 c0 i" T  D.open
& t2 P* z( S+ m  5. We have been through some rough times together.  i: x3 _& Z, x
$ h) K5 s& W$ c  B.happy! Q9 l6 e; c6 R
  C.difficult) D8 _7 v+ V) g# C

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 楼主| 发表于 2012-8-15 23:23:34 | 显示全部楼层


</p>  6.The thief was finally captured two miles away from the village.8 J$ c* A0 x+ j, O& Q; J1 z5 @5 f
0 ^9 c. O5 G) j+ q6 d9 i8 ]; W  B.killed
/ h  ~) w+ }' _7 Q6 V  C.jailed* b1 R$ S1 S6 [$ x
  D.caught" y' W) _" [+ B" d
  7. What are my chances of promotion if I stay here?; K# Z' R; @4 Y$ S
  A.retirement: R; V% p3 W* o7 y; l
$ L  r# `) [5 D& Z4 a' v3 }  C.replacement
  a" n4 q$ z. m3 w8 Q" [  D.advancement
# c0 h8 ?) t/ _* O- L- O5 B: e  8. I propose that we discuss this at the next meeting.
1 A1 {$ M0 H+ ]6 `' k  A.suggest* q2 P: |# b9 l" a$ G
  B.demand0 H3 J8 d' B, O
  C.order& X( \+ Q" ~6 f; ?/ _
3 F+ b% T, Y. l" c4 H+ X6 A  9. Rodman met with Tony to try and settle the dispute over his contract.
" E3 _& S7 I4 ^# Q  A.solve' g+ z; J  P) E! F3 y" \/ D+ N
( G& I* b% Z* W3 ~  C.mark
9 g# {; T. E8 e: X! e' i/ d  D.involve
: s& N6 \/ j, `6 @, k  10.Can you give a concrete example to support your idea?
- y, r) Q! i6 ]  A.specific* Z2 B& Z# E. P5 V1 w
  B.real9 x8 x$ z: D7 ~' e
7 z: n' U7 Z; z  D.good
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 楼主| 发表于 2012-8-15 23:23:35 | 显示全部楼层


</p>  11.It was a fascinating pairing, with clever use of color and light.9 E: B5 ^5 k, w: x
$ h' J, x5 P" H+ m; S5 ?3 j8 J' m  B.wonderful
# m  p% ]9 R* r  C.new3 G0 w" Z" N6 a" z; e
  D.familiar4 W: B2 D, p, h( W" ^0 ^) {5 X3 o/ j
  12.We have seen a marked shift in our approach to the social issues.9 y% k" U5 ~& Q( t& q, {1 Y
  A.quick) p9 w7 f( L6 ^/ g8 B7 C7 ?
" Z( ~* _$ Q4 R  C.clear, u( l5 t; I2 K
6 x" z4 b$ d4 J) o, p$ L+ D  13.1 was shocked when I saw the size of the telephone bill.- S- t2 W5 c3 e% n
  A.excited% p8 W; v9 E3 `1 \) y
3 ?& l4 k, o& w' Z5 h  C.lost: o" B$ w( ~  G1 u" Y/ f" x- D2 x" T
* M4 U' V' \" m6 e$ F' n  14.The police took fingerprints and identified the body.
+ }' R6 d1 w. `* h6 G9 }  A.recognized/ [2 L3 C  [; g& c2 l8 I, K
  B.missed9 G" p, M! C. H
  C.discovered" ~9 k! B6 B- J3 d: v
$ h3 A* q5 ^. ]4 V  15.If we lcave now, we should miss the traffic.' m2 |  a+ J  Y/ ?/ N  i7 R
4 c& M. ^; T. j  B.stop  `8 Q9 x1 @# m9 g6 ^) U6 @. N1 C
0 n- P, ^( X+ q9 D  D.direct
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 楼主| 发表于 2012-8-15 23:23:36 | 显示全部楼层


</p>  第2部分:阅读判断(第16~22题,每题1分,共7分)9 X: {4 [2 I3 P1 N5 Q
  下面的短文后列出了7个句子,请根据短文的内容对每个句子做出判断:如果该句提供的是正确信息,请选择A;如果该句提供的是错误信息,请选择B;如果该句的信息文中没有提及,请选择C。1 h+ T' e8 c1 g2 P6 @3 q1 r: ?( G
  A Great Quake Coming?
% C) A, ^/ H0 w  Everyone who lives in San Francisco knows that earthquakes are common in the bav area.Theyhad keen devastating in 1906,for example,a major quake destroyed about 28.000 buildings andkilled hundreds,perhaps thousands of people. Residents now wonder when the next"big one"willstrike.It's bound to happen someday.At least seven active fault(断层)lines run through the SanFrancisco area.Faults are places where pieces of earth's crust(地壳)slide past each other.Whenthese pieces slip,the ground shakes.
# K. }) G- P( S2 W  To prepare for that day。scientists are using new techniques to reanalyze the 1906 earthquake and predict how bad the damage might be when the next one happens. One new finding about the 1906 quake is that the San Andreas Fault split apart faster than scientists had assumed at the time.During small earthquakes,faults rupture at about 2.7 kilometersper second.During bigger quakes,however,ruptures can happen at rates faster than 3.5 kilometersper second.7 x3 z/ u' u- E9 \; I! e
  At such high speeds,massive amounts of pressure build up,generating underground waves that can cause more damage than the quake itself.Lucky for San Fancisco,these pressure pulses(脉冲) traveled alway from the city duffng the 1906 event.As bad as the damage was,it could have been farWorse.$ r8 x" R5 [+ P; `
  Looking ahead,scientists are trying to predict when the next major quake will occur.Records show that earthquakes were common before 1906 event. Since then,the area has been relatively quiet.Pattems in the data,however,suggest that the probability of a major earthquake striking the bay area before 2032 is at least 62 percent.( J9 u, w; w  @3 c  N5 s
  New buildings in san Francisco are quite safe in case of future quakes.Still,more than 84 percent of the city's buildings are old and weak.Analyses suggest that another massive earthquake would cause extensive damage.
3 b$ h9 r) n5 @- y  y  People who live there today tend to feel safe because San Francisco has remained pretty qmet for a while.Accoeding to the new research,however,it's not a matter of whether the big one will hit. It's just a matter of when.- u9 b- P. |8 H5 d! Z0 u
  16. The San Francisco area is located above several active fault lines.5 k$ x. A/ T# {- v" C
+ T/ m7 n- r5 Q+ b: k  B.wrong
) o" U$ Y# ~0 v5 E8 z  C.not mentiond
: O; w" g0 v5 l: z, D& R  17.The 1906 earthquake in San Francisco is the most severe one in American history.
' z# l/ q- W0 O- c6 V' s  A.fight
( c1 U6 K) h0 P  B.wrong
# Y$ h  [- \( d1 y7 ^  C.not mentioned* B* V9 u1 S5 i/ g
  18.The highest speed of fault ruptures in the 1906 quake was more than 3.5 kilometers per second
% c4 o6 O4 w2 {  r& U7 _) F6 F  A.fight
# V, V" @" ]; |" X! e$ b7 @  B.wrong
* ]1 T3 |0 t. a9 W' `# o  C.not mentioned
0 A0 u# H$ k1 M  G/ V% U  L  19.Earthquakes rarely happened in San Francisco before 1906.
) P" g- y+ j6 |  A.fight: t% Y$ V( h- U3 y% m
  B.wrong7 L( `  k4 [6 B4 M4 |: k
  C.not mentioned# j% {" \% M$ Z* T
  20.San Francisco is fully prepared for another big earthquake.6 T! a+ v, g+ B! \* T' J
  A.right1 H) A5 v) _9 t' ^4 B7 u
) b" {# e: G- |  C.not mentioned$ ^+ K4 ^6 E* c% H. Y* O2 z
  21.Scientists will be able to predict the exact time of an earthquake soon.
# |+ n; w0 Q4 d/ s& C% Z- {2 Q  A.right2 |' q2 X+ o! L% A# h5 ]
1 _: l3 |/ l& j- a! u  C.not mentioned3 W" P7 x! E; o% |$ P+ q& g
  22.A major earthquake striking San Francisco someday is inevitable.
7 s+ H: Y  ?7 f8 k& O  A.right7 @3 w  L0 p# k+ R
  B.wrong% H( C4 _3 N/ A( }6 F& r* n
  C.not mentiond
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 楼主| 发表于 2012-8-15 23:23:37 | 显示全部楼层


</p>  第3部分:概括大意与完成句子(第23~30题,每题1分,共8分)
1 d$ G5 Q3 E1 w$ L2 A1 i8 J  下面的短文后有2项测试任务:(1)第23~26题要求从所给的6个选项中为第1~4段每段选择1个最佳标题;(2)第27~30题要求从所给的6个选项中为每个句子确定1个最佳选项。& z+ N0 Z0 \7 s7 G2 \
  Cell Phones9 ?) M; e. y! l( E! J
  1. Believe it or not,cell phones have been around for over a quarter of a century.The first commercial cell phone system was developed by the Japanese in 1979.But cell phones have changeda lot since that time.The early cell phones were big and heavy but they have developed into smalland light palm-sized models.There have been huge developments in their functions,too.We havehad cell forwarding,text messaging,answering services and hands-free use for years,but now thereare countless new facilities,such as instant access to the internet and receiving and sending photos.
: _+ c5 O" b. {, s1 N- p; R( Q  2. Cell phones have become very common in our lives;recent statistics suggest as many as one in three people on the planet now have a cell phone,and most of them say they couldn't live without one.Cell phones are used in every area of our lives and have become a necessary tool,usedfor essential arrangements,social contact and business.They have made it easier to call for help onthe highway.They have made it possible to keep in touch with people"on the move"when peopleare traveling.) ^9 H8 _: i- E! E, K+ X; `! i
  3. Cell phones have made communication easier and have reduced the need for family argu ments.We can use cell phones to let our family know we'll be late or if there's a change of plan oran emergency.Cell phones have eased the worries of millions of parents when their teenagers are outlate,they can now contact their children at any time.
, r. n9 w! B4 I& m1 {7 T  4.This does not mean that cell phones are all good news.They have brought with them anumber of new headaches for their owners:it costs a lot to replace stolen phones,something that isbecoming a frequent occurrence,and have you ever seen such huge phone bills? More serious,however,is the potential health problem they bring:there are fears that radiation from the phones maycause brain tumor(肿瘤)。This may be a time bomb waiting to happen to younger people who havegrown up with cell phones that they simply can't live without.
- F$ a  Y, T* j7 e  23.Paragraph 1_________________4 J$ |7 X5 I3 K; g9 I
  24.Paragraph 2_________________3 |$ {/ `" H, K" z& `5 k" A
  25.Paragraph 3________________& B, Y5 O7 o# m  L" p7 S
  26.Paragraph 4_________________
( Z; a. \- m7 N3 ]  A.Cell phones and the family+ ~( @6 E7 [. F% F  @' j
  B.Commercial cell phone systems
" T  F6 p: H0 u  e  C.Cell phones in everyday life0 Z0 r1 `7 C% `5 P
  D.Cell phones for teenagers4 g4 A; V* @, n- \
  E.History of cell phones. C8 U6 a6 p* r0 y; k9 g
  F.Problems with cell phones
- f1 Y% s' j! E' _, r  d, n  27.Nowadays cell phones are equipped with_______________$ H5 d+ B+ ~# h
  28.Cell phones are common in our lives and have become________________7 u% s1 c) K5 U5 k' X
  29.We can use cell phones to communicate with others when we encounter_________________( ^, ~0 j- X1 f* M6 H  W
  30.In spite of many benefits,cell phones have brought for their owners_________________
+ \: s5 Q6 c7 V+ M1 a  A.a necessity.
  g8 C" Q- e" H/ [: o, U  B.an emergency./ J6 ]) y5 |) e; I/ L
  C.a number of new headaches.
" s0 w0 v' p% O2 a  D.family arguments.. m* Y% s+ Y& `1 n% {2 g
  E.big and light palm-sized models.
  R3 ~/ d' y, t# s* {5 |! a  F.countless new facilities
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 楼主| 发表于 2012-8-15 23:23:38 | 显示全部楼层


</p>  第4部分:阅读理解(第3l一45题,每题3分,共45分)( M! L3 N( c3 U; E7 n+ V0 ?* t
8 y! h6 P* v/ O9 [& B  第一篇
& J9 d2 z! i1 A% D; \  Arctic Melt
% v5 i5 Q: N1 x6 V/ s7 O1 f  Earth's North and South Poles ale famous for being cold and icy.Last year,however,theamount of ice in the Arctic Ocean feU t0 a record low.# Q! U8 w$ p/ m" `4 ^# b9 n
  Normally,ice builds in Arctic waters around the North Pole each winter and shrinks during thesummer.But for many years,the amount of ice left by the end of summer has been declining.
; Z/ Z1 `9 H8 [4 m! K  Since 1979,each decade has seen an 11.4 percent drop in end of summer ice cover.Between1981 and 2000,ice in the Arctic lost 22 percent of its thickness,becoming 1.13 meters thinner.% a4 ]/ c* X) Z* G! K$ x3 \( U
  Last summer,Arctic sea ice reached its skimpiest levels yet.By the end of summer 2007,theice had shrunk to cover iust 4.2 million square kilometers.That's 38 percent less area than the average cover at that time of year.And it's a very large 23 percent below the previous record low,whichwas set just 2 years ago.This continuing trend has scientists concerned.8 Z: r+ v" q2 L$ K3 ^4 q4 g9 l
  There may be several reasons for the ice melt,says Jinlun Zhang,an oceanographer at the University of Washington at Seattle.Unusually strong winds blew through the Arctic last summer.Thewinds pushed much of the ice out of the central Arctic.leaving a large area of thin ice and open water.
. A6 g6 m1 b8 i. V; G  Scientists also suspect that fewer clouds cover the Arctic now than in the past.Clearer skies allow more sunlight to reach the ocean.The extra heat warnls both the water and the atmosphere.Inparts of the Arctic Ocean last year,surface temperatures were 3.5℃ warmer than average and 1.5℃warmer than the previous record high.
) Z: f+ F; H8 f2 D( j/ C3 @' y  With both air and water getting warmer,the ice is melting from both above and below.In someDarts 0f the Beaufort Sea,north of Alaska and western Canada,ice that measured 3.3 meters thickat the beginning of the summer measured just 50 centimeters by season's end.
3 \' U- b) m4 E: E! }5 ^  The new measurements suggest that melting is far more severe than scientists have seen by justlooking at ice cover from above,says Donald K.Perovich,a geophysicist at the U.S.Army ColdRegions Research and Engineering Laboratory in Hanover,N.H.. P7 V+ B  F6 I. _
  Some scientists fear that the Arctic is stuck in a warming trend from which it may never recover.% f; S8 p' M! S$ c* O
  31.Which of the following is closest in meaning to the word"build"in the first sentence of the second paragraph?
5 K9 U7 T2 }% `, h9 ^# B& R- K  A.construct
' p8 e! H; T! S3 z! Z, B! b  B.extend' d1 z1 @/ Z( \
2 T- G* r/ I' K& r& `  D.expand0 I4 c# n% `. S* I
  32.What is the ice cover in the Arctic by the end of 2007 summer?. v/ s9 g8 F, s8 h( P( V4 k7 l' y8 x
  A.4.2 million square kilometers
: ]9 I9 ^& F- K, N$ ]$ X+ q  B.11.4 million square kilometers
; {1 C  o* [2 v; {% k" z( c# c  C.1.13 million square kilometers! r- f$ T6 W2 B- N- n" g
  D.38 million square kilometers
! x$ F; m/ U4 Y. U4 r  h- k  33.What are the reasons for the ice melting according to the scientists?
% N- \  u' q# b) {% [  A.strong winds and clear skies, ~$ f2 z/ N5 W4 d$ }$ P
  B.long summer and short winter
* m2 |, e8 W6 a* y6 \! @  C.open water and thin ice
" ~8 f2 I& z/ I8 C; v8 k* N8 a  D.light clouds and light winds
4 A8 U- {6 b: }4 g- m  34.Why is the ice melting from both above and below?
* l; m' X! Q% t- t- T/ g. p& }. M" s  A.Because extra heat warms the air.3 I4 w. P/ U; s' s2 q
  B.Because extra heat warms the water.. R, k- L1 V  k8 \& u3 ~
  C.Because the temperature above the water is higher.$ ^" N7 ^/ h6 u# ~3 z
  D. Rnth A and B.
7 L8 ]" g8 t) i6 _# }' r  35.What can be a possible title for the passage?
, }1 ~  S% K  s  A.What are scientists looking for in the Arctic Ocean?  r- Z9 _! X  v5 j! Z/ i! u; k
  B.What are scientists doing in the Arctic Ocean?( E# \: t  ]8 z
  C.Why are scientists worrying about the Arctic Ocean?3 S  B; d: F- \
  D.Why are scientists interested in the Arctic Ocean?
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 楼主| 发表于 2012-8-15 23:23:39 | 显示全部楼层


</p>  第二篇7 g( _: h, E5 M; n
  Citizen Scientists9 _6 S0 k6 C2 U* T* @# R+ k) {
  Understanding how nature responds to climate change will require monitoring key life cycleevent-flowering,the appearance of leaves,the first frog calls of the spring all around the world.! i2 A6 v: Q3 u8 m
  But ecologists can't be everywhere so they're turning to non-scientists,sometimes called citizen scientists,for help.- _2 R9 I# Z3 B2 g
  CIimate scientists are not present everywhere.Because there are so many places in the worldand not enough scientists to observe all of them,they're asking for your help in observing signs ofclimate change across the world.The citizen scientist movement encourages ordinary people too bserve a very specific research interest-birds,trees,flowers budding,etc.and send their observationsto a giant database to be observed by professional scientists.This helps a small number of scientiststrack a large amount of data that they would never be able to gather on their own.Much like citizenjournalists helping large publications cover a hyper-local beat,citizen scientists are ready for theconditions where thev live. All that's needed to become one is a few minutes each day or each weekto gather data and send it in.
% R9 P/ F/ V' ]2 V3 P  r4 i- m  E  A group of scientists and educators launched an organization last year called the National Phenology Network."Phenology"is what scientists call the study of the timing of events in nature.6 u; a: y6 n/ Q4 K* b/ R4 P6 T
  One of the group's first efforts relies on scientists and non-scientists alike to collect data about plant flowering and leafing every year.The program,called Projeet BudBurst,collects life cycle da. ta on a variety of common plants from across the United States.People participating in the projectwhich is open to everyone record their observations on the Project BudBurst website.
$ F+ h5 @1 q5 d0 U2 l' M6 F) i( e  "People don't have to be plant experts,they just have to look around and see what's in their neighborhood,"says Jennifer Schwartz,an education consultant with the project."As we collectthis data.we'll be able to make an estimate of how plants and communities of plants and animals will respond as the climate changes."0 ^  ^6 q+ B0 Q5 l+ }7 X
  36.Ecologists turn to non-scientist citizens for help because they need them__________________.- e& R* u& G. y+ S/ s9 F1 H
  A.to provide their personal life cycles
$ s. ~/ D6 v5 d  B.to observe the life cycle of plants
3 Y5 @/ X% V; C. D  C.to collect data of the life cycle of living things
1 G  d( ?3 X: B+ F) y  D.to teach children knowledge about climate change) Y2 b6 v: k% w3 i+ v6 f7 R
  37.What are citizen scientists asked to do?' r# @2 \3 r1 |( t) ]" u% o
  A.To develop a specific research interest and become professional scientists.
' V# t5 B% w8 S1 y5 @- T$ i  B.To send their research observations to a professional database.
  U; ?1 `6 L9 n+ w& Y. c  C.To increase their knowledge about climate change.3 c( ^1 t$ G7 }2 w5 Q
  D.To keep a record of their research observations.: P" I2 ?2 O/ _# ^6 T
  38.In"All that,s needed to become one…(paragraph2)",what does the word"one"stands for?% s( D1 U( O- I$ X0 ]7 L
  A.a citizen journalist
6 b/ Z4 R) P7 b& d; V: D  B.a citizen scientist
( e1 u1 H. _- W2 X* P  C.a scientist# d3 R4 S3 J8 J
  D.a citizen) {1 p  Y1 D9 `
  39.What is NOT true of Project BudBurst?# Y: x' H% @: p' [
  A.Only experts can participate in it.5 `$ G# v% i+ T/ N
  B.Everybody can participate in it.9 `  ]$ P/ s) ~: c
  C.It collects life cycle data on a variety of common plants.3 ]2 }0 Y3 W9 H  x; ?
  D.It has its own website.
; [2 z: u0 c5 m# M6 H8 Z  h9 B  40.What is the final purpose of Project BudBurst?3 w/ W2 R9 m% a% }) f
  A.To study when plants will have their first buds.
7 h% V* T8 k; U1 N5 ]  B.To find out the types of plants in the neighborhood.* H; x$ E1 n0 d. a+ V9 p/ x
  C.To collect life cycle data on a variety of common plants from across the United States.) N) o' J% ~8 a
  D.To investigate how plants and animals will respond as the climate changes.
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 楼主| 发表于 2012-8-15 23:23:40 | 显示全部楼层


</p>  第三篇% q" p" v& _. o, _% s3 j( a# z& D0 G
  Rockets in the Sky( |( ]0 _8 Y( c3 Y2 u. g/ R3 \
  If someone asked you."What color is the sky?"I expect that you would answer,"Blue."I amafraid that you would be wrong.The sky has no color.When we see blue,we are looking at bluesunlight.The sunlight is shining on little bits of dust in the air.- y8 w: z2 ^* \$ w# F1 O
  We know that there is air all around the world.We could not breathe without air.Airplanescoutd not fly without air.They need air to lift their wings.Airplanes cannot fly very high because asthey go higher the air gets thinner.If we go far enough away from the earth,we find there is no air. What is the sky?The sky is space.In this space there is nothing except the sun,the moon andall the stars., u+ p% i2 k8 J
  Scientists have always wanted to know more about the other worlds in the space.They havelooked at them through telescopes and in this way they have found out a great deal.* k( i$ E, t  _2 k9 u! r
  The moon is about 384.000 kilometers away from the earth.An airplane cannot fly to the moonbut there is a thing that can fly even when there is no air.This is rocket.
# @. _" F3 I8 j, Q& E  I am sure that you are asking."How does a rocket fly?"If you want to know,get a balloon andthen blow it up until it is quite big.Do not tie up the neck of the balloon.Let go!The balloon willfly off through the air very quickly.The air inside the balloon tries to get out.It rushes out through neck 0f the ballOOfl and this pushes the balloon through the air.It does not need wings like an air. plane.; s* E' N) B. U$ h
  This is how a rocket works.It is not made of rubber like a balloon,of course.It is made ofmetal.The metal must not be heavy but it must be very strong.There is gas inside the rocket whichis made very hot.When it rushes out of the end of the rocket,the rocket is pushed up into the air.
9 F& L. R: O  ?. t- F  Rockets can fly far out into space.Rockets with men inside them have already reached themoon.Several rockets,without men inside them,have been sent to other worlds much farther away.8 F' `6 j: i  x) j" r* d
  One day rockets may be able to go anywhere in the space.
: _8 V) u" \. N* O! z/ e  41.What color is the sky?
" r1 K( {' k5 p, R, m  e% t4 y  A.It iS blue. B.It iS white.
; e( n  X! h* n2 c  C.It is grey.D.It has no color.( ~; P! A& c  |2 ], x' g4 m6 n
  42.When an airplane flies too high,___________.
: j8 U, f) j0 b, Y$ _0 }4 \1 k  A.the air will be too thin to support its wings.
. B# [" `& k, o  B.the air will become thicker.: _5 Y6 L/ k$ b& k2 [
  C.the air will exert pressure on it.% U+ N6 C" |- X% c8 k$ {7 Q
  D.the air will disappear in no time.$ d7 m" R  N0 W% T
  4 3.A rocket can fly to the moon because__________- @! [+ s4 a$ O% a
  A.it looks like a balloon.
  p" W# b: x! @4 ~0 f0 [  B.it is much lighter than an airplane.$ a- K- \- Y( H' k' T
  C.it doesn't have wings.
( f5 K1 y; o+ @( d2 Q- m* ?1 U  D.it works like an untied balloon.
' M: e- f& Q1 c# O  k" D# `- H  44.Which of the following statements about a rocket is NOT true?' s* \" `6 F' `+ b
  A.It can fly when there is no air." q+ o  I. Z7 P% @( U8 k4 m2 U
  B.It can fly without wings.
! b( |. `1 e8 ^1 F; K  A  C.It is made of strong metal.
/ _' B! d0 @. M; Q4 W2 S" R/ T  D.It is propelled by burning gas inside it.
$ l1 S0 I  ?+ P; V  T  45.A rocket is pushed up into the air when__________# |5 H7 q( X* c: Z' v
  A.hot gas rushes out of its head./ ^6 k3 M  e; s0 M3 A) `& R
  B.it is powered by gas.
) o8 q/ \5 l* a5 T  p8 I$ U* s+ E  C.hot gas rushes out of its bottom.
2 V# L/ ], V3 I* q  D.hot gas rushes out of its neck.
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 楼主| 发表于 2012-8-15 23:23:41 | 显示全部楼层


</p>  第5部分:补全短文(第46~50题,每题2分。共lO分). ]5 f8 f' f0 m: o& h
* ?  @. v: O  k. s0 N  Houses of Future3 T" K4 g+ }3 q! {- n2 |" I. C7 }
  What will houses be like in thirty years'time?No one really knows,but architects are trying topredict.________(46).
/ [, b! M) F" \  Future houses will have to be flexible.In thirty years'time even more of us will be working fromhome.So we will have to be able to use areas of the house for work for part of the day and for livingfor the rest.Families grow and change with children arriving,growing up and leaving home. _________(47),nothing will be as fixed as it is now.The house will always be changing to meetchanging needs.+ N9 l3 m1 u% ~4 }$ a, x
  Everyone agrees that in thirty yeasr's time we will be living in"intelligent"houses.We will beable to talk to our kitchen machines and discuss with them what to do.Like this,"we'll be haying aparty this weekend.What food shall we cook?"_________(48).We will be able to leave most ofthe cooking to the machines,just tasting things from time to time to check.! I: i  f* Q: m( R$ O2 Z
  The house of the future will be personal-each house,__________(49),you won't haye to paintthem-you'll be able to tell the wall to change the color!And if you don't like the color the next day. You will be able to have a new one.______(50).) j% r% ~+ V  c, L
  A.you will be able to change the color of the wall easily3 S# O; W% G# n  f9 V$ t
  B.the only thing you won't be able to do is moving the house soreewhere else: W% o1 x& P' Z% g
  C.and the machine will tell us what food we will have to buy and how t0 cook it
$ [4 L/ f6 k; B  D.what will our home be like8 N4 g: d& j3 o" B# m
  E.the house of the future will have to grow and change with the family# {& E% E3 H7 r6 t# W# j! W) u1 B/ p6 O
  F.the kids might take their bedrooms with them as thev have
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 楼主| 发表于 2012-8-15 23:23:42 | 显示全部楼层


</p>  第6部分:完形填空(第51~65题,每题1分,共15分): K/ p6 R' v- M/ \* U, n
  下面的短文有15处空白,请根据短文内容为每处空白确定1个最佳选项。' q" W" b8 k9 l$ ~( [3 C% [
  Seeing Red Means Danger Ahead
3 G# c: J. o& V( s  z/ E7 a( C  The color red often means danger and by paying attention,accidents can be prevented. In thefuture,the color red also may help__________(51)danger at construction sites.Thanks to new workby engineers,bridge supports or_________(52)kinds of materials could one dav contain a colorswitching material.It will turn red__________(53)a structure collapses or falls apart.! u, M" F. T" G& x3 @, R! X
  The secret_________(54)the color switching material is a particular type of molecule(分子). A molecule is a group of atoms(原子)held together by chemical bonds.Molecules come (55)all shapes and sizes,and make up___________(56).You can see,touch or feel.How a mole. cule behaves depends on___________(57)kinds of atoms it contains,and how thev're held together.- V5 G6 G8 U6 m3 j
  When a polymer(聚合物)containing a color switching molecule called a mechanophore(机械响应性聚合物)which is about to break,it produce a__________(58).When a polymer withmechanophore molecules becomes"injured"or_______________(59),one of the mechanophore bonds__________(60)and the material turns red."It's a really simple detection method."says NancySottos,one of the scientists who worked on the project. Sottos and her team tested the color switc. hing polymers in their lab.The test__________(61)proved encouraging.4 G/ h- K4 @# R& K2 @" t* g6 R
  There is a way to get rid of the color.light.When a bright light is shone on the mechanophore.
3 Z2 i) w$ t* a2 m, c2 f( \  The broken bond is fixed and the red color____________(62).This"self-healing"may be a Problemfor engineers.They need to use the color changer in big construction projects that will be+ V( t! U8 g2 E6 [4 m
  (63)in sunlight.And sunlight will make the mechanophore's warming system_________(64). Sottos and her fellow scientists still have______________(65)work to do before.The color switc. hing molecules can be used outside the lab.$ }; ]3 q) \8 c! U% @
  51.A.throw B.prevent C.create D.keep' w7 b& ~- Y5 ^6 m- O2 z
  52.A.other B.another C.the other D.others. _# `+ t% r: D4 v' q7 F! d
  53.A.until B.although C.after D.before: g0 o4 s7 }0 W# F) J5 V9 C
  54.A.on B.behind C.under D.down" _  Q8 o% Y+ @
  55.A.for B.in C.from D.at( e. f& R# m% A2 N
  56.A.nothing B.anyone C.someone D.everything
9 d$ W: ^' b; P  b6 v$ w( y  57.A.why B.how C.what D.where
, E: D$ z8 d7 Z4 V4 m  58.A.color B.trouble C.what D.where: a" b, ?0 w% ~! h
  59.A.strong B.soff C.weak D.time
* d* }, P9 h& {* j7 ?% U  60.A.closes B.breaks C.increases D.bums$ G: I' s" o* b1 R- J+ p
  61.A.results B.rules C.tools D.methods
! j3 e/ ?/ ]" v, a$ x) d: O. f! k  62.A.repairs B.controls C.finishes D.disappears
4 O" l$ E' m' U+ Z( {' b  63.A.inside B.beside C.outside D.above" W- k4 Q2 @+ H- b5 L3 J
  64.A.dangerous B.useless C.helpful D.important
& ?. ^; l! D& I- s6 x  65.A.a part of B.a type of C.a lot of D.a part of
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