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[职称英语真题] 2012年职称英语《综合类A级》答案网友版(试卷代码11)

发表于 2012-8-15 23:23:33 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
第一部分 词汇选项:(本题跟11的顺序不一样,但考察的内容一样。)9 s1 H# u  Q+ k# [
  1.induce – attract ) T3 j# d9 |; B8 W& f$ v" ~
  2.alleviate – ease
: k# a4 x( P$ z2 ?9 I  3.utterly – completely
0 }( o. r3 p, d4 ]" T& j$ A  4.crisp – fresh
# u& M2 l$ a& H) V; d% D% \  5.weary – tired
- w& G7 U" J% i% s  L: E  6.update – modernize+ i+ B, o0 E0 h$ L) Z, T# K; K; Q
  7.exotic – unusual
4 t3 y0 y" C& p3 m) ~, I3 l! X  8.profile – description: H+ h4 I' k& d* O
  9.discriminate – distinguish/ d8 u7 r+ Z0 R5 ~% k9 p
  10.asylum – protection
. [4 n0 v  {9 \. v: L  e! l$ F3 t  11.evoked  – refreshed $ ^. x2 p3 N  _" s  Y) S
  12.hollow – empty9 F/ o( F- k7 \6 k
  13.peep – look ; U$ r# q% T' e) E# a: k
  14.ran into – hit
2 }, |7 o+ x7 u  15.layout – arrangement
3 m- \8 ?' n! |. B! f- ?% G' C! ^  第二部分 阅读判断 In sports, Red is the winning color7 n" t) p2 i4 E: `! ^/ O' \9 X
  16.Both Hill and Barton wanted to find out if color affects the outcomes of sports matches.(right).& k! f& z4 q1 w' G' M9 t
  17、Hill and Barton are both interested in primates(灵长目).  (right).
1 m  g: f/ {' O; B+ T* }0 M  18、Male mandrills use yellow coloration to attract a mate.  (wrong)。
7 q. _1 C% R8 ]9 {  {6 W- E  19、Red is not an advantage for Zebra finches(斑胸草雀). (wrong). * ~+ R2 d; M! f/ I
  20、The red plastic rings were left on the finches permanently. (not mentioned)。% P7 Y* p  i' d3 h4 e$ ], K! B' `
  21、Hill and Barton believe athletes in red are more likely to win. (right).
! b$ j! V0 }5 M0 S  22、Many athletes oppose the new regulations on sport uniforms. (not mentioned)
- q9 V: W$ e: v( y- O  第三部分 概括大意和完成句子  How technology pushes down price 1 s1 @9 T$ L0 b) d+ }
  23、technology helps reduce food prices
' k5 m  B; S* X  24、bigger supermarkets offer lower prices
# D3 D5 h) R! J  25、Huge retailers force producers to cut costs/ \/ z/ {/ T& j8 f/ |" E
  26、food comes cheaper in larger portions
) J' @, M' @' t  i) q6 c  27、Big supermarkets can offer food at lower prices because they can buy  in large quantities.
& f2 `8 y8 W: `3 t7 g  28、Some forced producers have reduced  minor brands 。
/ T9 m& b% s+ Q1 ?- J1 C  29、Besides cutting its cost, Unilever also abandoned its work force。  (根据文章内容看,28和29的答案是否弄反了?)
- u/ t! A/ v7 b9 j9 S- N. B  30、Buyers like big portions because they think they have got a good bargain(试题中是barging,估计排版错误)
6 u, \* X/ y/ d; `  第四部分  阅读理解 0 B, I9 s( D$ Z2 E# U
  阅读1  Going her own way . c* |" S7 a7 i: m
  31. Maria wanted to attend a technical high school.
$ W0 q( O% m) i# A) l  32. In those days, most Italian girls didn’t go to high school.
' W! z6 @( e) U) X" p/ g  33. Maria’s father probably had a traditional view about women.
) w( ]  X* J; ]2 ?) V+ o. ~  34. High school teachers in Italy in those days were very strict。/ m0 p5 L% _( J
  35. We can infer from this passage that Maria was a girl of strong will。

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 楼主| 发表于 2012-8-15 23:23:34 | 显示全部楼层


  阅读2  Gross national happiness   T% U  `. ~2 C% p: t
  1、Who was Wangchuck?   A  king。
. C/ G% G+ _" R! s4 |; m! X- M9 n  2、Apart from modernization modernizing Bhuta, what else did Wangchuck want to do for Bhuta?  keep its traditions and customs.
* O* c1 u5 \- v0 |% `& H5 w9 u  3、A country shows its progress with GNP by selling more products。
$ c4 Q" ~7 C# ?9 r& A: Y  4、 According to GNH, people are happier if they have a good stable government。
1 r& V- e& j5 r: }# s( g  5、 Today many countries are trying to find their own ways to measure happiness.
! T0 ~% p* U: V0 _/ ^; c- p- x  阅读3 DNA testing
7 {; ^# m" o. b9 Y" @4 \  36、 What’s is the main idea of this passage? DNA testing has played a key role in criminal investigation.: L# R1 W- [$ z! a4 U
  37、DNA testing was first used in a criminal case by police in great Britain。
( U0 X6 S# D. D  38、The Innocence Project uses DNA testing to set free innocent prisoners。
( Z6 x( ~3 r: B; ]2 g6 e  39、 Some students in Northwestern University proved some prisoners were not guilty.
9 [5 B4 }! G( ^- g5 n4 N6 A  40、What is the author’s attitude towards DNA testing? Positive。$ k7 z3 d) t) \& F% x
  第五部分  补全短文 The mysteries of Nazca
! @1 n2 _* G4 s& t1 z, b  41、seen from the ground, it looks like lines scratched into the earth.
/ k; Y4 W! d1 ?; d8 M/ K  42、A Swiss(瑞士) writer named Erich wrote that Nazca lines were designed as a landing place for UFOs.* N' Y: d4 Y/ l. b9 _3 p
  43、He called Nazca “the largest astronomy book in the world”. , \) w* D9 ~. s( G/ h, ^
  44、The largest pictures may have been the sites for special ceremonies.
% R4 M: }- N4 g; u+ I! o/ N) j1 t  45、Other scientists are now searching for evidence to prove this.
0 S( s9 ]$ d7 b  第六部分 完型填空 The old gate
  q6 v# a7 O" p8 z1 W- `0 k  46、defensive : G1 G9 E$ P. C3 Q/ w
! }4 L) e$ o5 M. ^  48、demolished; R! r& f+ q# m( c: ]
  49、but# P# m1 Y: J! n/ }
  50、actual. i; V/ `/ h. {1 A
; V* u6 _( a1 b& s- E) ^3 Y- a( o  52、down# ?- p1 u, x: p8 o' m9 o* A
& W; x# ~% g7 s$ M+ p( d" i  54、maintain/ w/ }- M9 P' w& |0 W
  55、intension- T8 d- q( g8 T( e4 E/ m! R
  56、preservation! F1 d' w+ M1 d$ l  p' }
  57、mean: N9 Q4 m9 E3 C, G2 L7 a! ~
+ D4 {( x; N/ }" t& e* K  59、chance& n1 \8 G5 q0 s8 b2 h0 I9 w
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